Public Domain
A Synopsis of the British MossesA Synopsis of the British Mosses - Containing Descriptions of All the Genera and Species, (With Localities of the Rarer Ones) Found in Great Britain and Ireland, Based Upon Wilson's "Bryologia Britannica," Schimper's "Synopsis," Etc.It is not my desire that this little volume should...
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The House of the Secret (La maison des hommes vivants)The House of the Secret (La maison des hommes vivants)This day, January 20, 1909, I have decided to set my story down in writing. Dangerous and terrifying the task! But I must perform it. For day after tomorrow I shall be dead. Day after...
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The Gaekwad studies in religion and philosophy, XIThe Philosophy and Theology of AverroesIt was as a Fellow of the Seminar for the Comparative Study of Religions at the College, Baroda, that the present work was begun. The subject was taken up in the first place as a parallel study to that...
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The Crime of Caste in Our CountryThe Crime of Caste in Our CountryHad a Johnstown flood, a Charleston earthquake, a war with Chili, or a Homestead strike occurred on November 8, 1892, instead of an election, those Napoleons of journalism, James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, Joseph Pulitzer,...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Home and garden bulletin no. 43Money-Saving Main DishesThe main dish is especially important in meal planning. It is the hub around which the rest of the meal is built, and often it carries a large proportion of the cost of the meal. Usually the main dish is the main...
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Forest Trees of Illinois (Third Edition)Forest Trees of Illinois (Third Edition)The initial edition of Forest Trees of Illinois was written in 1927 by W. R. Mattoon and R. B. Miller, two prominent foresters in the state at that time. This was revised in 1955 by Dr. George Damon Fuller,...
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Illinois State Geological Survey. Educational series, 7Guide to the Geologic Map of IllinoisDuring the Ice Age, most of Illinois was repeatedly invaded by huge glaciers, sometimes towering a mile or more high, that carried embedded in them ground up rock materials they had gouged out of the bedrock to the...
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Follas Novas: Versos en GallegoFollas Novas: Versos en GallegoEsta obra es propiedad de La Propaganda Literaria, casa editorial de la Habana, quien ha cumplido con las condiciones que marca la ley para los derechos de propiedad literaria. Un sentimento de gratitude faime oxe dedicarlles este meu libro. O...
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A sajtóA sajtóMindig nevetsgesnek talltam, ha a sajtt felkszntttk. A sajtnak nem jr felksznt sehol, a sajtnak nem jr ksznet semmirt. Ha a sajt segtett megteremteni: lelenchzat, rabseglyz-egyletet, tulipn-szvetsget, az nem rdem, amelyrt ksznet fizetsge jr. A sajt segtett, mert ez a termszete. Segtett, mert...
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Why Not? A Book for Every WomanWhy Not? A Book for Every WomanResolved, That the Committee on Publication be requested to adopt such appropriate measures as will insure a speedy and general circulation of the Prize Essay written for women; provided this can be done without expense to the Association....
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Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1884. Sixth ReportReport on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1884. Sixth Report - (Vol. II No. 1)The following Report contains a summary of investigations of the Committee re-appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Montreal, Canada, in...
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Life and deathLife and deathThe educated and inquiring public of the present day addresses to the experts who have specialized in every imaginable subject the question that was asked in olden times of Euclid by King Ptolemy Philadelphus, Protector of Letters. Recoiling in dismay from the...
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Maleisch-Nederlandsche GesprekkenMaleisch-Nederlandsche GesprekkenDe Maleisch-Nederlandsche Gesprekken hier verzameld zijn voor t grootste gedeelte ontleend aan de Vocabulary van F. Swettenham; een zevental zijn door ons zelf opgesteld. In de eerste is echter doorloopend verbetering in t Maleisch aangebracht, zooals bij vergelijking met het origineel dadelijk kan...
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De pelsjagers van de Arkansas: Tafereelen uit de wouden en prairien van AmerikaDe pelsjagers van de Arkansas: Tafereelen uit de wouden en prairien van AmerikaEr is in de laatste jaren veel over Amerika en de roodhuiden geschreven. Tal van schrijvers, onder wie enkele met onbetwistbaar talent, hebben zich tot taak gesteld, ons in de tot nog...
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 366, January 1, 1887The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 366, January 1, 1887was afraid Mrs. Markham did not understand children. Nothing would induce Reggie to let her kiss him; he beat her off in his usual fashion, with a sulky go, go, and hid his face...
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The Triumph of the Scarlet PimpernelThe Triumph of the Scarlet PimpernelCHAPTER I. "The Everlasting Stars Look Down" II. Feet of Clay III. The Fellowship of Grief IV. One Dram of Joy Must Have a Pound of Care V. Rascality Rejoices VI. One Crowded Hour of Glorious Life VII. Two...
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Egy év történelem: Jegyzetek 1914 tavaszától 1915 nyaráigEgy év történelem: Jegyzetek 1914 tavaszától 1915 nyaráigAz itt kvetkez jegyzetek szerzje, mint elmlked cikkir, vgigkrnikzta a hborut a Vilgban, a Nyugatban s a Magyar Hirlapban, s e cikkeibl vlogatta ssze e knyvben egyelre az els hadi esztend termsbl a sorokat, melyeket vagy jellemzeknek...
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The Forgotten Man, and Other EssaysThe Forgotten Man, and Other EssaysWith the present collection the publication of Sumners Essays comes to an end. The original project of publishers and editor contemplated but a single volumeWar and Other Essaysand they accordingly equipped that volume with a bibliography which was as...
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Progress and Achievements of the Colored PeopleProgress and Achievements of the Colored People - Containing the Story of the Wonderful Advancement of the Colored Americans—the Most Marvelous in the History of Nations—Their Past Accomplishments, Together With Their Present-day Opportunities and a Glimpse Into the Future for Further Developments—the Dawn of...
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The Alien Dies at DawnThe Alien Dies at DawnThere was a scream of tortured air over the Mojave Spaceport as a two-man starship dropped on its hot jets toward the wide cementalloy landing field. It slowed and settled gently to the ground. Before the faint wisps of smoke...
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