Public Domain
Albertine disparue Vol 1 (of 2)Albertine disparue Vol 1 (of 2) - À la recherche du temps perdu, Tome 7Mademoiselle Albertine est partie! Comme la souffrance va plus loin en psychologie que la psychologie! Il y a un instant, en train de m'analyser, j'avais cru que cette sparation sans...
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Lynch Law in GeorgiaLynch Law in GeorgiaThe Chicago Detective Sent to Investigate the Burning of Samuel Hose, the Torture and Hanging of Elijah Strickland, the Colored Preacher, and the Lynching of Nine Men for Alleged Arson. This Pamphlet is Circulated by Chicago Colored Citizens. 2939 Princeton Avenue,...
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GiannellaGiannellaCarl stooped down to disentangle some very small fingers which had been busy with his bootlaces, and as the baby crawled away to find fresh mischief he straightened himself and watched her with a ruefully puzzled expression. "Upon my word, Hans," he said at...
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Tarzan ja Oparin aarteet: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistäTarzan ja Oparin aarteet: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistäI. Belgialainen ja arabialainen II. Matkalla Opariin III. Viidakon kutsu IV. Ennustus ja sen tyttyminen V. Liekehtivn jumalan alttari VI. Arabialaisten rosvoretki VII. Oparin aarrekammio VIII. Pako Oparista IX. Jalokivet varastetaan X. Ahmet Zek nki jalokivet XI. Tarzanista...
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L'école des vieilles femmesL'école des vieilles femmesA toutes celles qu'treignent et tenaillent encore le vain dsir de plaire et le besoin d'tre possdes, aux condamnes de l'amour qui ne veulent pas vieillir, je ddie ces cruauts, ces tristesses et ma piti. L't dernier, je passais une quinzaine...
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Shining HoursShining HoursI love you bushels. You are the beautifulest dolly in all the world. And I dont care if you havent dot two arms, and fine clothes, and a parasol. Youve dot me, and Ive dot you, and well just do on loving each...
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Il mio cadavereIl mio cadavere Se un viandante qualunque, trattovi per casualit o per vaghezza di solitarie meditazioni, in sull'imbrunire d'una bella sera di est dell'anno 1826 si fosse trovato a scendere pei greppi posti a ridosso del Real Albergo de' Poveri e di S. Maria...
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Jonah of the Jove-RunJonah of the Jove-RunNibley stood in the changing shadows and sounds of Marsport, watching the great supply ship TERRA being entered and left by a number of officials and mechanics. Something had happened. Something was wrong. There were a lot of hard faces and...
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Tales of an Old Sea PortTales of an Old Sea Port - A General Sketch of the History of Bristol, Rhode Island, Including, Incidentally, an Account of the Voyages of the Norsemen, So Far as They May Have Been Connected with Narragansett Bay: and Personal Narratives of Some Notable...
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Paisajes ArgentinosPaisajes ArgentinosEste libro, que la amistad del editor don Gustavo Gili me ha instigado a publicar, est formado de partes variadas en las que alternan recuerdos de viajes por los sitios ms pintorescos y grandiosos de la Argentina, y sensaciones e ideas de aquel...
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Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und StreicheTom Sawyers Abenteuer und StreicheDer amerikanische Humor ist eine eigenartige Pflanze, von der viele glauben, da sie nicht in fremden Boden versetzt werden kann. Dennoch giebt es unter den Humoristen des Westens einen Namen, der weltbekannt ist: Mark Twain. Mark Twain ist durch die...
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Der Uebel größtes ..Der Uebel grösstes ...Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1919 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht...
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Mind WormsMind WormsHis screen in his suite on the space ship Ceres finally went blank and the voice of the ship's operator cut in nervously, "I'll j-jibe with the Center Room beam in a moment, sir." The operator, a capable man, was frightened. The Ambassador...
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Der Jäger von Fall: HochlandsromanDer Jäger von Fall: Hochlandsroman Eine stille, kalte Dezembernacht lag ber dem Bergdorfe Lenggries. Die beschneiten Berge schnitten scharf in das tiefe Nachtblau des Himmels, aus dem die Sterne mit ruhigem Glanz herunterblickten in das lange, schmale Tal. Dick lag der Schnee auf Flur...
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Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural PhenomenaMagic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural PhenomenaNote.The American Sunday-school Union have made an arrangement with the London Religious Tract Society, to publish, concurrently with them, such of their valuable works as are best suited to our circulation. In making the selection, reference will be...
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How to Make MoneyHow to Make MoneyThis plan offers an opportunity to enter the grocery business on $25 capital. The first step is to install shelves in a closet or pantry, covering them with plain white paper. Next, go to a wholesale grocery store and purchase It...
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Diana degli Embriaci: Storia del XII secoloDiana degli Embriaci: Storia del XII secolo Era il 20 di ottobre dell'anno 1101 dopo il parto della Vergine, giusta la frase notarile dei tempi, ed era una giornata bellissima, rallegrata da un cielo senza nuvole e dai tiepidi raggi di un sole che...
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Pyhän Halvardin elämä ja ihmetyöt Viga-Ljot ja VigdisPyhän Halvardin elämä ja ihmetyöt; Viga-Ljot ja VigdisOrja hoiti nyt airoja, mutta Halvard oli itse soutanut viimeiset viilet tiimat ennen aamun koittoa. Siksi hn oli laskenut ruskean viittansa tuhdolle. Veneen pohjalla oleva vesi loiskui viitan liepeiss ja yritti kastella miesten jalkoja. Nill oli kummallakin...
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Hours of childhood, and other poemsHours of childhood, and other poemsIT is a fact universally allowed, that few authors are so totally indifferent to the stamp which their writings may bear in the minds of the public, as to feel no anxiety concerning their success; and to contemplate with...
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