Public Domain
The Beast-Jewel of MarsThe Beast-Jewel of MarsHe lay on his stomach, a lean man in faded one piece dungarees, and an odd metallic hat, peering over the side of the canal. Behind him the little winds sifted red dust into his collar, but he could not move;...
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Battlefield in BlackBattlefield in BlackA lovely image shimmered on the visa-phone screen in Captain Jon McPartland's cabin. He stood before the instrument, drinking in the vision with his eyes, and feeling it race through his blood like a rocket wash. But his square jaw was set...
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Andrée and His BalloonAndrée and His BalloonOn the afternoon of Sunday, the 11th of July, 1897, the balloon Ornen left the port of Virgo, Spitzbergen, carrying in its car Messrs. Andre, Strindberg, and Fraenkel, the bold explorers, starting for the conquest of the North Pole. All the...
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Kulturgeschichte der NutztiereKulturgeschichte der NutztiereDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1912 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht, sofern die Verstndlichkeit des Textes dadurch nicht berhrt wird. Fremdwrter und Transliterationen (vorwiegend aus dem Griechischen) wurden weder...
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Im Morgenlicht. Kriegs-, Jagd- und Reise-Erlebnisse in OstafrikaIm Morgenlicht. Kriegs-, Jagd- und Reise-Erlebnisse in OstafrikaDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1907 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn...
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Una Excursión a los Indios Ranqueles - Tomo 1Una Excursión a los Indios Ranqueles - Tomo 1Ciertas reglas de acentuacin ortogrfica del castellano cuando la presente edicin de esta obra fue publicada, en 1909, eran diferentes a las existentes cuando se realiz la transcripcin. Palabras como vi, fu, di, lo mismo que...
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When Thoughts Will Soar: A romance of the immediate futureWhen Thoughts Will Soar: A romance of the immediate futureMr. John A. Toker, the American multimillionaire, flung down his newspaper in some excitement and became lost in thought. The paragraph that had so agitated him read: The sovereign expressed to Count Zeppelin his regret...
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The Essentials of Logic, Being Ten Lectures on Judgment and InferenceThe Essentials of Logic, Being Ten Lectures on Judgment and InferenceTranscriber's Note: Footnotes have been placed under the paragraphs to which they relate. A few added footnotes and additions to Bosanquet's footnotes, giving the equivalents of Greek words in the text, are in square...
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The Aeroplane in WarThe Aeroplane in WarAlthough it is still a crude machinein view of the perfected apparatus which is the aim of thoughtful designersthe aeroplane has demonstrated, in a conclusive way, its value as an instrument of war. In peace manuvres in France and Germany, and...
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Our Navy at warOur Navy at warTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. Driving...
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Syntymä, lapsuus ja kuolema: Vienan Karjalan tapoja ja uskomuksiaSyntymä, lapsuus ja kuolema: Vienan Karjalan tapoja ja uskomuksiaSeuraavan esityksen ainekset on, prof. U.T. Sireliuksen kysymyssarjaa "Syntymn, lapsuuteen ja kuolemaan liittyvt tavat ja uskomukset" ohjeena kytten, kirjoitettu muistiin osittain v. 1915 Vienan-Karjalaan tehdyll matkalla, etupss kuitenkin Suomessa vienankarjalaiselta vaimolta Anni Lehtosella. Tm n. 50-vuotias,...
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Kristiina Lauritsantytär 3 (of 3): RistiKristiina Lauritsantytär 3 (of 3): RistiHn oli tuuminut sit talvesta lhtien. Skjenness oli ollut vanhoista ajoista asti sellainen tapa, ett emnt itse hoiti karjatalouden, sill ers sen talon tyttrist oli kerran lumottu vuoren peittoon, ja sen jlkeen oli tytn iti aina tahtonut olla kest...
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Outing; Vol. XIII.; October, 1888 to March, 1889Outing; Vol. XIII.; October, 1888 to March, 1889 - An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Recreation.This e-text is based on Vol. XIII of the Outing Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Recreation; October, 1888March, 1889. Advertisements have been relocated to the end of the text. A few...
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Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 3 (of 6)Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 3 (of 6)RuminantiaChewing the CudMetaphorical ExpressionThe Complicated Stomach: Paunch, Honey-comb Bag, Manyplies, ReedOrder of Events in RuminationFeet and Dentition of RuminantsBrainClassificationHORNED RUMINANTSDivided into two GroupsDifference between themBOVIDHornsAberrant MembersSHEEP AND GOATSGeneral CharacteristicsSheep of South-Western AsiaMerino SheepBreeds of Great BritainDishley, or Improved...
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Chapters in the history of science, no. 1Greek Biology & Greek MedicineThis little book is an attempt to compress into a few pages an account of the general evolution of Greek biological and medical knowledge. The section on Aristotle appears here for the first time. The remaining sections are reprinted from...
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Midshipman MerrillMidshipman MerrillMe, too; and all of a group of five lads joined in with their leader to set upon a youth who was just running for the shore in a trim little surf-skiff with a leg-of-mutton sail. The scene was at a small seaport...
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Fräulein Doctor im Irrenhause: Eine Begebenheit aus unserer ZeitFräulein Doctor im Irrenhause: Eine Begebenheit aus unserer Zeit An einem trben, regnerischen Herbstmorgen schritt eine Frau die breite, mit feinem Kiessande bestreute Allee entlang, die zur Irrenanstalt fhrte. Die Frau war gro und schlank und entwickelte in jeder Bewegung eine unnachahmliche Grazie, eine...
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Within the Pale: The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecution in RussiaWithin the Pale: The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecution in RussiaBY M I C H A E L D A V I T T AUTHOR OF LEAVES FROM A PRISON DIARY, LIFE AND PROGRESS IN AUSTRALASIA, THE BOER FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, ETC. SPECIAL EDITION...
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Estampas de viaje: España en los días de la guerraEstampas de viaje: España en los días de la guerraAs, tan de pronto, no era posible que penetrase yo en el alma de este pueblo, a pesar de las afinidades que tiene con el mo, y que en m mismo percib al entrar en...
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Solus erisSolus eris Szval: a mi megjn magtl; a mit csak ki kell vrni. De ilyen bolond az ember! A mig fiatal, mindent akar, a mi nincs; szre se veszi a gazdagsgt s kesereg, hogy ez meg az hinyzik. Mikor aztn megregszik, mr nem akarna...
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