Public Domain
Pago ChicoPago ChicoCiertas reglas de acentuacin ortogrfica del castellano cuando la presente edicin de esta obra fue publicada, en 1908, eran diferentes a las existentes cuando se realiz la transcripcin. Palabras como vi, fu, di, lo mismo que la preposicin "", y las conjunciones "",...
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Oration: The American MindOration: The American MindIn the evolution of any life, whether it be that of an individual or of that corporate moral union we know as society, there are times when it seems fitting and proper to pause from the whirl of incessant activities, turn...
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Lob Lie-By-The-Fire, The Brownies and Other TalesLob Lie-By-The-Fire, The Brownies and Other TalesLob Lie-by-the-firethe Lubber-fiend, as Milton calls himis a rough kind of Brownie or House Elf, supposed to haunt some north-country homesteads, where he does the work of the farm laborers, for no grander wages than It was said...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 820Sweet Clover: UtilizationSWEET CLOVER may be utilized for feeding purposes, as pasturage, hay, or ensilage. With the possible exception of alfalfa on fertile soil, sweet clover, when properly handled, will furnish as much nutritious pasturage from early spring until late fall as any other...
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Viimeisellä hetkellä: Seikkailuromaani tulevaisilta ajoiltaViimeisellä hetkellä: Seikkailuromaani tulevaisilta ajoiltaKuvittelin olevani ahtaassa tynnyriss, joka uhkasi tukehduttaa minut tiiviydelln ja puristaa jseneni kokoon kireill vanteillaan. Tuon tuostakin olin nkevinni valoa jostakin vhisest raosta ja saavinani lyhyen henkisyn ilmaa keuhkoihini. Mutta koko ajan korvissani shisi ja suhisi, rtisi ja ruski vallan...
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Haaksihylky y.m. kertomuksiaHaaksihylky y.m. kertomuksia - Kokoelmasta "De fyra elementerna"Per Hallstrm (synt. 1866) on nykyisen Ruotsin huomatuimpia kirjailijoita. Kyhst kodista lhteneen hn antautui teknillisiin opinnoihin, suoritti insinrintutkinnon ja lhti Amerikkaan, miss toimi kemistin kaksi vuotta. Siell, kytnnllisyyden maassa, hn sai kokea suuria pettymyksi; etenkin sivistvn henkisen...
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The Moon HoaxThe Moon Hoax - Or, A Discovery that the Moon has a Vast Population of Human Beings"The clouds still rested on one half of it, insomuch that I could discover nothing in it; but the other appeared to me a vast ocean planted with...
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Buds and blossoms of childish lifeBuds and flowers of childish life Title: Buds and flowers of childish life Author: Anonymous Release Date: July 28, 2020 [EBook #62778] Language: English Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from...
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Kings in AdversityKings in AdversityAlmost within a stones throw of the antique structure that for a full century has been known to New Yorkers as St. Marks Church stands a mansion that has had, like Eden, its glory and its fall. Once it was the home...
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Utazás a Balaton körül (2. kötet)Utazás a Balaton körül (2. kötet)(A Ketts vangylista. Kiteszik a zsllrsgbl. Mg egyszer megnzi hzt, szljt s aztn beadja a kulcsot. A remete-barlangban. A Ferk gyerek s kutyja. A holt asszony fejktje s gyszje. A zsllr s a kirly egytt porlanak.) Ketts vangylistnak neveztk...
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Utazás a Balaton körül (1. kötet)Utazás a Balaton körül (1. kötet)Volt mg tdik s hatodik is. Szentirmay Jzsef volt az tdik s n magam voltam a hatodik. Mindenkirl el fogok mondani mindent, a mi vele az utazs -2- alatt trtnt, csak magamrl hallgatok. Nekem elg dolgom lesz az irssal....
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The Renaissance of Girls' Education in England: A Record of Fifty Years' ProgressThe Renaissance of Girls' Education in England: A Record of Fifty Years' ProgressTo all whom it may interest I dedicate this brief summary of the events which have wrought a peaceful revolution among us during the last fifty years. Among the many changes of...
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Lucrezia Borgia secondo documenti e carteggi del tempoLucrezia Borgia secondo documenti e carteggi del tempo In questo libro Ella vedr comparire antenati dell'antica e celebre casa sua, ma non in prospera luce. I Borgia sono stati nemici capitali dei Gaetani. E gran merc per costoro, se schivarono quella rovina, che Alessandro...
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Berlins Drittes GeschlechtBerlins Drittes GeschlechtAls ich von Hans Ostwald aufgefordert wurde, fr die von ihm herausgegebenen Grostadtdokumente den Band zu bearbeiten, welcher das Leben der Homosexuellen in Berlin behandeln sollte, glaubte ich mich diesem Wunsche nicht entziehen zu drfen. Wenn ich auch das Ergebnis meiner Untersuchungen...
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Horse TalesHorse TalesIf you take a short-horned cow, a limping calf, a few sheep, a swarm of fowls, a pig with a litter of eight, and an everyday lazy kind of horse, you have John Dobbins well-stocked farm. Now, Sally, old girl, he said, making...
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A jubilee offeringA "booklet of verse" ....A.... BY Ottawa: C. J. A. Birkett, Publisher, 73 Florence Street. 1897. {2} Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year 1897, by Rozelle V. Funnell, M.D., at the Department of Agriculture. {3} TO Her Majestys...
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The Radio Boys with the Forest Rangers Or, The great fire on Spruce MountainThe Radio Boys with the Forest Rangers; Or, The great fire on Spruce MountainThere are two aspects of radio as a vital factor in saving life and property which are very vividly brought out in this interesting volume of the Radio Boys Seriesnamely its...
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The Red Pirogue: A Tale of Adventure in the Canadian WildsThe Red Pirogue: A Tale of Adventure in the Canadian WildsYoung Ben ODell emerged from the woodshed into the dew and the dawning day with a paddle in his hand, crossed a strip of orchard, passed through a thicket of alders and choke cherries...
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The Miller and His Golden DreamThe Miller and His Golden DreamIn the construction of the following little Poem, the Author has declined the aids of Genii, &c.the powerful auxiliaries of her two former works,on the belief that a moral truth requires little of artificial embellishment to render it attractive....
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As donatarias d'AlemquerAs donatarias d'Alemquer - Historia das Rainhas de Portugal e da sua casa e estadoA sua muito obsequiosa deferencia reclama de mim umas palavras para acompanhar perante o publico o livrinho com que V. Ex. vem sentar praa neste batalho das letras patrias, desmantelado...
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