Public Domain
The Bobbsey Twins in the CountryThe Bobbsey Twins in the Country Meanwhile both children, Freddie and Flossie, were making all possible efforts to reach the front door, which Freddie finally did by jumping over the little divan that stood in the way, it being sweeping day. "Well, Dinah had...
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Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions — Volume 2Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions — Volume 2 They heard, and up they sprung upon the wing Innumerable. As when the potent rod Of Amram's son, in Egypt's evil day, Waved round the coast, up call'd a pitchy cloud Of locusts, warping on the...
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Thomas Jefferson, a Character SketchThomas Jefferson, a Character Sketch No golden eagle, warm from the stamping press of the mint, is more sharply impressed with its image and superscription than was the formative period of our government by the genius and personality of Thomas Jefferson. Standing on the...
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Allan QuatermainAllan Quatermain December 23 I have just buried my boy, my poor handsome boy of whom I was so proud, and my heart is broken. It is very hard having only one son to lose him thus, but Gods will be done. Who am...
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Love of Life, and Other StoriesLove of Life, and Other StoriesThey limped painfully down the bank, and once the foremost of the two men staggered among the rough-strewn rocks. They were tired and weak, and their faces had the drawn expression of patience which comes of hardship long endured....
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The Princess and CurdieThe Princess and Curdie A mountain is a strange and awful thing. In old times, without knowing so much of their strangeness and awfulness as we do, people were yet more afraid of mountains. But then somehow they had not come to see how...
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The Princess and the GoblinThe Princess and the Goblin There was once a little princess whose father was king over a great country full of mountains and valleys. His palace was built upon one of the mountains, and was very grand and beautiful. The princess, whose name was...
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Raffles: Further Adventures of the Amateur CracksmanRaffles: Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman I am still uncertain which surprised me more, the telegram calling my attention to the advertisement, or the advertisement itself. The telegram is before me as I write. It would appear to have been handed in at...
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The Amateur CracksmanThe Amateur Cracksman It was half-past twelve when I returned to the Albany as a last desperate resort. The scene of my disaster was much as I had left it. The baccarat-counters still strewed the table, with the empty glasses and the loaded ash-trays....
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The RoadmenderThe RoadmenderI have attained my ideal: I am a roadmender, some say stonebreaker. Both titles are correct, but the one is more pregnant than the other. All day I sit by the roadside on a stretch of grass under a high hedge of saplings...
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The MansionThe MansionThere was an air of calm and reserved opulence about the Weightman mansion that spoke not of money squandered, but of wealth prudently applied. Standing on a corner of the Avenue no longer fashionable for residence, it looked upon the swelling tide of...
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LucastaLucastaPAGE Dedication 3 Verses addressed to the Author 5 Song. To Lucasta. Going beyond the Seas 25 Song. To Lucasta. Going to the Warres 26 A Paradox 27 Song. To Amarantha, that she would Dishevell her Haire 29 Sonnet 31 Ode. To Lucasta. The...
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Somebody's Little GirlSomebody's Little Girl If I were just to tell the things that Bessie Bell remembered I should tell you some very strange things. Bessie Bell did not know whether she remembered them, or just knew them, or whether they just grew, those strange things...
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The King of the Golden RiverThe King of the Golden River "The King of the Golden River" is a delightful fairy tale told with all Ruskin's charm of style, his appreciation of mountain scenery, and with his usual insistence upon drawing a moral. None the less, it is quite...
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The Old Curiosity ShopThe Old Curiosity ShopA lthough I am an old man, night is generally my time for walking. In the summer I often leave home early in the morning, and roam about fields and lanes all day, or even escape for days or weeks together;...
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A Child's History of EnglandA Child's History of England If you look at a Map of the World, you will see, in the left-hand upper corner of the Eastern Hemisphere, two Islands lying in the sea. They are England and Scotland, and Ireland. England and Scotland form the...
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Memoir of Fleeming JenkinMemoir of Fleeming JenkinOn the death of Fleeming Jenkin, his family and friends determined to publish a selection of his various papers; by way of introduction, the following pages were drawn up; and the whole, forming two considerable volumes, has been issued in England....
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The Light PrincessThe Light Princess And the king said to himself, "All the queens of my acquaintance have children, some three, some seven, and some as many as twelve; and my queen has not one. I feel ill-used." So he made up his mind to be...
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The Castle of OtrantoThe Castle of Otranto The following work was found in the library of an ancient Catholic family in the north of England. It was printed at Naples, in the black letter, in the year 1529. How much sooner it was written does not appear....
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Glaucus Or, The Wonders of the ShoreGlaucus; Or, The Wonders of the ShoreI cannot forego the pleasure of dedicating this little book to you; excepting of course the opening exhortation (needless enough in your case) to those who have not yet discovered the value of Natural History. Accept it as...
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