Public Domain
Reise ins heilige Land: Im Jahr 1829Reise ins heilige Land: Im Jahr 1829Die Oberflche der Erde ist ein aufgeschlagenes Buch. Viele Bltter sind noch wei gelassen, viele beschrieben, bald mit mehr, bald mit weniger ansprechender Geschichte, bald mit Hymnen und Klagen, bald mit Wissen und Kunst. Manche aus diesen wurden...
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Welcome, Martians!Welcome, Martians!The only sound was the swish of the jets against the sand as the big ship came down. Slowly, nose pointed skyward, a yellow tail streaming out behind the tubes, it settled to the ground like a cat nuzzling its haunches against a...
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Rogues' HavenRogues' HavenBut for the coach and pair carrying Mr. Bradbury to Chelton, Tony Vining and I would not have been haled before the Squire, but would have got off scot-free as any time before. Tony and I had made the round of our snares....
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Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 3/3Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 3/3 - LoppuviikotLapset leikkivt vimmatusti punakaartilaisia kadulla ikkunani alla. Heill on punaiset nauhat lakissa ja punainen rieputyht keppikivrin pss. Marssitaan, juostaan, komentosanat ovat venliset. Joskus on heill potkukelkka automobiilina. Yksi vet, toinen tynt, kolmas istuu kivri ojona ja neljs on pitklln, niin...
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Board-Work; or the Art of Wig-making, EtcBoard-Work; or the Art of Wig-making, Etc. - Designed For the Use of Hairdressers and Especially of Young Men in the Trade. To Which Is Added Remarks Upon Razors, Razor-sharpening, Razor Strops, & Miscellaneous Recipes, Specially Selected.The following work, which is the result of...
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CavalryCavalry - A Popular Edition of "Cavalry in War and Peace"General von Bernhardi is best known in England as a writer of the "Jingo" School which has done so much to produce the war, but this is only one side of his literary activity....
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An Irish Cousin vol. 2/2An Irish Cousin; vol. 2/2We were at supper. The chaperons had at length completed their well-earned repast, and had returned, flushed and loquacious, to the dancing-room, yielding{2} their places to the hungry throng who had been waiting outside the door. The last waltz had...
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An Irish Cousin vol. 1/2An Irish Cousin; vol. 1/2There had been several days of thick, murky weatherdull, uncomplaining days that bore their burden of fog and rain in monotonous endurance. Six of such I had lived through; a passive existence, parcelled out to me by the uncomprehended clanging...
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The Maryland Line in the Confederate States ArmyThe Maryland Line in the Confederate States Army. Almost four years have elapsed since the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Court House, and as yet nothing has been presented to the world to show the prominent part taken in the Great Rebellion by...
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Nuoren tytön elämäntarinaNuoren tytön elämäntarinaKorkealla ullakkohuoneessa, jonka akkuna oli pimen takapihaan pin, Adelgaden varrella, nin min ensi kerran pivn valon. itini kuoli seuraavana vuonna. Isni meni uusiin naimisiin, mutta pian hnkin kuoli. En tied heist mitn, ei kukaan ole minulle kertonut idistni, ja itipuoleltani olen vain...
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Pyhä sontiainen: Kuvaus porttola-elämästäPyhä sontiainen: Kuvaus porttola-elämästä isin jos kotoinen vaimo kyllyyden tyydyttmn, iloinen olisin, uskollisena miestni suudellen, niin lauloi keskell renkutuksiaan portto Veneziassa. Koskaan en kuullut hurskaampaa rukousta. (Goethe.) Aivan sen loistavan kadun takana, joka muodostaa suurkaupungin yhteiskuntaelmn keskustan, jonka leveill, puhtailla asfalttikytvill liikkuu pivittin monia...
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The Magic Makers and the Bramble Bush ManThe Magic Makers and the Bramble Bush ManMadeline Moffet stood on the corner beside the big sign that said USE DRAGON MOTOR OIL. She liked to think of the sign as a warning, BEWARE OF DRAGONS and the dragons as Mr. and Mrs. Lippett...
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Watermelon Mystery at Sugar CreekWatermelon Mystery at Sugar CreekAll rights in this book are reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without the permission in writing from the author, except brief quotations used in connection with a review in a magazine or newspaper. IF I hadnt...
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Bob Steele in Strange Waters or, Aboard a Strange CraftBob Steele in Strange Waters; or, Aboard a Strange CraftWe are in St. Georges Bay, ten miles from the port of Belize, British Honduras. Two days ago, while we were well out in the gulf, I opened the letter containing the first part of...
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North Woods Manhunt (A Sugar Creek Gang Story)North Woods Manhunt (A Sugar Creek Gang Story)All rights in this book are reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without the permission in writing from the author, except brief quotations used in connection with a review in a magazine or newspaper....
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Hours in a Library, Volume 3Hours in a Library, Volume 3 - New Edition, with Additions Mr. Swinburne, in his recent essay upon Miss Bront, has, as usual, bestowed the most enthusiastic and generous praise with a lavish hand, and bestowed it upon worthy objects. And, as usual, he...
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Sailor and beachcomberSailor and beachcomber - Confessions of a life at sea, in Australia, and amid the islands of the PacificIn the following chapters, wherein I have endeavoured to write down my experiences at sea, in Australia and on the South Sea Islands, I have not...
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Open Letter to President McKinley by Colored People of MassachusettsOpen Letter to President McKinley by Colored People of MassachusettsThe reading of the letter by Mr. Archibald H. Grimk, Chairman of the Committee, was listened to with marked attention and interest, and at the conclusion of its reading the letter was adopted by the...
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The Briary Bush: A NovelThe Briary Bush: A NovelFelix Fay saw with his minds eye the map on the wall of the railway stationthe map with a picture of iron roads from all over the middle west centering in a dark blotch in the corner. After all, Joyce...
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War-Time Breads and CakesWar-Time Breads and CakesFor the last twenty years the housewives of our country have been more and more depending upon the bakers for the bread used in the homes. In some of our cities the home-baked loaf is hardly known. I had fallen into...
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