Public Domain
Carl the TrailerCarl the TrailerYes, sir. These Pawnee scouts cant eat like white men. When they have any fresh meat on hand they eat all they can, and when it is gone they look to us for more. Well, I suppose I shall have to send...
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Richard SteeleRichard Steele - Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by G. A. AitkenIt is as an essayist rather than a dramatist that men now think of Steele; and this is rightly so, for his best work is to be found in the periodical papers...
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Lancashire SongsLancashire SongsThe cover image was created by the transcriber using elements from the original publication, and is in the public domain. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 55921 Author: Waugh, Edwin Release Date: Nov 9, 2017 Format: eBook Language: English
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Journal of a Tour in the Years 1828-1829, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst Accompanying the Late Sir Humphry DavyJournal of a Tour in the Years 1828-1829, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst Accompanying the Late Sir Humphry Davy The following pages were originally intended for the perusal only of my own family and immediate friends. Some of these now persuade me to...
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William CaxtonWilliam CaxtonA life of Caxton must of necessity be little more than an account of his work. As in the case of the great inventor Gutenberg, nothing but a few documents are connected with his name. In those days of tedious communication and imperfect...
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OxfordOxfordMost of these chapters have been filled by a brief search into my recollections of Oxford. They aim, therefore, at recording my own impressions as faithfully as the resultant stir of fancy would allow. But I am also deeply and obviously indebted to several...
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Teatro selecto, tomo 2 de 4Teatro selecto, tomo 2 de 4EL MDICO DE SU HONRA. SECRETO AGRAVIO SECRETA VENGANZA. EL ALCALDE DE ZALAMEA. EL MAYOR MONSTRUO LOS CELOS. AMAR DESPUES DE LA MUERTE. (Lee.) El amor te adora, el honor te aborrece; y as el uno te mata y...
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Tres novelas ejemplares y un prólogoTres novelas ejemplares y un prólogoTres novelas ejemplares y un prlogo! Lo mismo pude haber puesto en la portada de este libro Cuatro novelas ejemplares. Cuatro? Por qu? Porque este prlogo es tambin una novela. Una novela, entendmonos, y no una nvola; una novela....
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Torquemada y San PedroTorquemada y San PedroLas primeras claridades de un amanecer lento y pitaoso, como de Enero, colndose por claraboyas y tragaluces en el interior del que fu palacio de Gravelinas, iban despertando todas las cosas del sueo de la obscuridad, sacndolas, como quien dice, de...
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Deutsche Humoristen, 8. Band (von 8)Deutsche Humoristen, 8. Band (von 8)Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1917 erstmalig erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; mundartliche Passagen knnen in ihrer Schreibweise stark variieren, daher...
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Seitsemän: Titanic-novellejaSeitsemän: Titanic-novellejaHeit oli pelastusveneess yksinomaan naisia ja lapsia, lukuunottamatta kahta miest, joista he toisen olivat valinneet veneens pllikksi, luvaten yhteisesti totella hnen johtoaan. Tm mies oli kokki, ja hnen valkea nuttunsa hohti, kun hn seisoi veneen perss, antaen kskyns tyynesti ja tsmllisesti. He luottivat...
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A jövő század regénye, 2. részA jövő század regénye, 2. részA ki folyammentben utazik a tenger fel, midn Tulcst elhagyja s a Szulina folyamgon vgighalad a villany gphajval, ktoldalt egy szakadatlan kertvilgot lt maga eltt. A buja nvnyzet csoportosulsa meglep. t vilgrszbl lettek flkeresve a haszonhajt s dsznvnyek, mik...
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A jövő század regénye, 1. részA jövő század regénye, 1. részEz a m nem tart ignyt arra, hogy az gynevezett llamregnyek kz soroztassk, min Morus Tams hirhedett Utopi-ja, mely nemes brndjaival az emberisg egyszer mesterkletlen tklyt egy puszta szigeten kisrl meg ltrehozni; min Klimius Mikls fldalatti tja, Holbergtl; min...
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Social Life in Old Virginia Before the WarSocial Life in Old Virginia Before the WarWhich none need read unless he pleases. No one can be more fully aware of the shortcomings of this brief sketch of Social Life in the South before the War than is the writer. Its slightness might...
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Kustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa II: Jumalan valittu sankariKustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa II: Jumalan valittu sankari - Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus1. Saksan rannoille. 2. Suojelusenkeli. 3. Eteenpin! 4. Luja tahto. 5. Magdeburgin hvi. 6. Urho ei visty. 7. Voittokulku. 8. Varoitus. 9. Kotona jlleen. 10. Kuningatar on kaltaisensa. 11. Tuki kaatuu. 12....
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Young American ReadersOur Town and Civic DutyIn these vital tasks of acquiring a broader view of human possibilities the common school must have a large part. I urge that teachers and other school officers increase materially the time and attention devoted to instruction bearing directly on...
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The Golden CircleThe Golden Circle - A Mystery Story for GirlsYoull be entirely out of luck if you dont lie right down and go to sleep! Florence Huyler, her pal, exclaimed, making a significant gesture toward a sofa pillow which, as the little French girl had...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 6Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 6 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS ESSAYS THE EARL OF CHATHAM. FRANCIS ATTERBURY. JOHN BUNYAN. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. SAMUEL JOHNSON. WILLIAM PITT A P P E N D I X. THE WEST INDIES. THE LONDON UNIVERSITY. SOCIAL...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 5Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 5 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS ESSAYS WARREN HASTINGS FREDERIC THE GREAT. MADAME DARBLAY. THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF ADDISON. BARRE We 1are inclined to think that we shall best meet the wishes of our readers,...
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 4Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 4 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS ESSAYS SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE. GLADSTONE ON CHURCH AND STATE. LORD CLIVE. VON RANKE. LEIGH HUNT. LORD HOLLAND. Mr. Courtenay 1has long been well known to politicians as an industrious and...
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