Public Domain
Isa Asp: Nuoren pohjalaisen runoilijaneitosen elämäntarinaIsa Asp: Nuoren pohjalaisen runoilijaneitosen elämäntarina "Oi, jospa minkin edes niin paljon kuin pieni kipin saisin valaista Suomen yt ja sitten kuolla ja haihtua pois!" Ryhtyessni kuvamaan Isa Aspin elmntarinaa, en ole yrittnytkn arvostella hnen runotuotantoansa taiteelliselta kannalta, vaan olen tahtonut vain koota yhteen...
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Harcz az alkotmányértHarcz az alkotmányért(Knyvem tartalma. Mkdsem ltalnos ismertetse. Milyen a trvnyhozsi, kormnyzsi s kzleti irodalom nyelve s irsmdja? A mult pldi. Plda kell arra, milyennek kellene lenni ez irodalom nyelvnek. Az n munkim valsggal letem s korom emlkiratai. Mindig ki kell tntetni a magyar nemzet...
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Die Sitten der Völker, Zweiter BandDie Sitten der Völker, Zweiter Band - Liebe, Ehe, Heirat, Geburt, Religion, Aberglaube, Lebensgewohnheiten, Kultureigentümlichkeiten, Tod und Bestattung bei allen Völkern der ErdeDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1915 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und...
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The Right ThingThe Right ThingThe girl stood quiet in the cabin doorway looking out at the brilliant, frosty night. Over Sugar Loaf the cold, glittering moon shone full; the big fir on its summit stood stark and black against the vivid blue of the star-studded sky...
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Relics of Primeval Life: Beginning of Life in the Dawn of Geological TimeRelics of Primeval Life: Beginning of Life in the Dawn of Geological TimeIT is now more than thirty-five years since the announcement was made of the discovery of remains supposed to indicate the existence of animal life in the oldest rocks known to geologists....
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Im tropischen BuschIm tropischen Busch Undurchdringlicher Dschungel bedeckt die weiten Ebenen der Flugebiete des Panuco und des Tamesi. Zwei Bahnlinien nur durchziehen diesen neunzigtausend Quadratkilometer groen Teil der Tierra Caliente. Wo sich Ansiedelungen befinden, haben sie sich dicht und ngstlich an die wenigen Eisenbahnstationen gedrngt. Europer...
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The Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake or, The Camps of the Rival CadetsThe Rover Boys at Big Bear Lake; or, The Camps of the Rival CadetsMy Dear Boys: This book is a complete story in itself, but forms the seventh volume in a line issued under the general title, The Second Rover Boys Series for Young...
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Bee KeepingBee-KeepingMY apology for writing a Bee-Book is as follows:I sent The Times an account of a very successful honey harvest about the end of July, containing some observations on the treatment of bees, and the profits that might accrue to the cottager were he...
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Pensées d'un mercantiPensées d'un mercantiLe petit livre que nous prsentons parut Bruxelles, il y a une dizaine dannes, sans nom dauteur; aucune mention dditeur, aucune dimprimerie ne pouvaient renseigner les curieux; coup sr, ces Penses dun Mercanti manaient dun homme de mtier. Elles eurent un assez...
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The Principles of Biology, Volume 2 (of 2)The Principles of Biology, Volume 2 (of 2)The proof sheets of this volume, like those of the last volume, have been looked through by Dr. Hooker and Prof. Huxley; and I have, as before, to thank them for their valuable criticisms, and for the...
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Les derniers Hommes Rouges: Roman d'aventuresLes derniers Hommes Rouges: Roman d'aventuresLa plaine immense stendait, borde au nord, au sud et louest par un rideau de verdure. Nulle route ny pouvait guider les pas des voyageurs, car on ne pouvait donner le nom de route lespce de sentier trac travers...
- €6,12 EUR
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The History of the Lady Betty StairThe History of the Lady Betty StairIN the year 1798 the palace of Holyrood was inhabited by a swarm of French people,his Royal Highness the Comte dArtois, who in his youth had danced so deliciously on the tightrope as to be the admiration of...
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Twinkle Toes and His Magic MittensTwinkle Toes and His Magic MittensBy and by the three chairs, in which the Three Little Curly-Tails sat, rolled back into place, and they were given some sharp nuts to crack with their sharp little teeth, for by this time the food in the...
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A Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a NihilistA Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a NihilistWhile writing for The Times a series of articles dealing with the Russian Revolutionary movement and the condition of political exiles in Siberia, I became acquainted with the original of Anton Prhznev. Strange as his stories...
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Life of Her Majesty Queen VictoriaLife of Her Majesty Queen VictoriaIt would have been impossible, within the limits of this little book, to narrate, even in barest outline, all the events of the Queens long life and reign. In attempting to deal with so large a subject in so...
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Faust: Dramatisch dichtstuk van Goethe [deel 1]Faust: Dramatisch dichtstuk van Goethe [deel 1]Faust wordt als het uitstekendste werk van Goethe beschouwd. De naam er van is in aller mond; ook bij Nederlanders, die maar eenigzins op beschaving aanspraak maken, is dit het geval. Maar kennen wij Goethes Faust welzelfs in...
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- €6,12 EUR
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Jännittävä talvi: KertomusJännittävä talvi: Kertomus Toivon, ett Minna nytt heille naisellista osanottoa, ja min ai'on kohdella heit ystvllisesti ja hienotunteisesti. He tulevat ensi viikolla, jolloin koulut alkavat. Minna on hyv ja ostaa pari snky ja jrjest heille oman huoneen jonnekin tnne. Hn ajatteli tulevaa suurta hirit...
- €6,12 EUR
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Le Feu sous la CendreLe Feu sous la CendreSon regard, encore une fois, travers les vitres de la riante salle manger dhtel, senfuyait vers lhorizon qui tait dor empourpr. La brise du crpuscule y entranait quelques nues errantes, cernes de lumire, et agitait les branches qui se dcoupaient...
- €6,12 EUR
- €6,12 EUR
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Bernát Gáspár adomái, élczei, apró freskóképei és gazsiádáiBernát Gáspár adomái, élczei, apró freskóképei és gazsiádáiKzeledik a generalissimus adszed, a hall! Tisztelgek neki, s sszegngylitve lelkemet tadom neki ebben a s katulyban. Elg sok hitelezett s n becslettel, st bussan megfizetek. Voltakpen kt lelket adok neki. Egy gyermekt, melyet mindig szivemben hordoztam,...
- €6,12 EUR
- €6,12 EUR
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