Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
"'Tis Sixty Years Since""'Tis Sixty Years Since" - Address of Charles Francis Adams; Founders' Day, January 16, 1913In the single hour self-allotted for my part in this occasion there is much ground to cover,--the time is short, and I have far to go. Did I now, therefore,...
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Love's Final VictoryLove's Final Victory - Ultimate Universal Salvation on the Basis of Scripture and ReasonThe circumstances under which these pages came to be written are rather peculiar. I am in favor of church unity, and I had thought of writing something that would tend to...
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The Personal TouchThe Personal Touch * * * * * * * * * * If they who reject Christ are in danger, is it not strange that we, who are so sympathetic when the difficulties are physical or temporal, should apparently be so devoid of...
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The Conquest of FearThe Conquest of Fearby Henry C. Link, Ph.D. Author of The Rediscovery Of Man, The Return To Religion, etc. There are many books which give some help to many people. There are books which give a set of rules, or even one master rule,...
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The Babylonian Legends of the CreationThe Babylonian Legends of the CreationThe baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department...
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An Explanation of Luther's Small CatechismAn Explanation of Luther's Small CatechismMartin Luther to all faithful and godly Pastors and Preachers: Grace, Mercy and Peace, in Jesus Christ, our Lord! The deplorable condition in which I found religious affairs during a recent visitation of the congregations, has impelled me to...
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The Woman's BibleThe Woman's BibleFrom the inauguration of the movement for woman's emancipation the Bible has been used to hold her in the "divinely ordained sphere," prescribed in the Old and New Testaments. The canon and civil law; church and state; priests and legislators; all political...
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Selections from the Table Talk of Martin LutherSelections from the Table Talk of Martin Luthermartin luther died on the 18th of February, 1546, and the first publication of his Table TalkTischredenby his friend, Johann Goldschmid (Aurifaber), was in 1566, in a substantial folio. The talk of Luther was arranged, according to...
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Female Scripture Biography, Volume IIFemale Scripture Biography, Volume II - Including an Essay on What Christianity Has Done for WomenSuch was the congratulatory language in which the commissioned angel addressed the virgin of Nazareth, when about to announce the intention of Heaven, that she should become the mother...
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Female Scripture Biography, Volume IFemale Scripture Biography, Volume INotwithstanding the variety of theological publications of a devotional class, which are perpetually issuing from the press, the author concurs in the opinion of those who think they can scarcely be too numerous. It may reasonably be hoped, that in...
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An Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingAn Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding1. Moral philosophy, or the science of human nature, may be treated after two different manners; each of which has its peculiar merit, and may contribute to the entertainment, instruction, and reformation of mankind. The one considers man chiefly as...
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Understanding the ScripturesUnderstanding the Scriptures FOREWORD I. PRELIMINARY II. THE BOOK OF LIFE III. THE BOOK OF HUMANITY IV. THE BOOK OF GOD V. THE BOOK OF CHRIST VI. THE BOOK OF THE CROSS The Mendenhall Lectures, founded by Rev. Marmaduke H. Mendenhall, D.D., of the...
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The Call of the Twentieth Century, an Address to Young MenThe Call of the Twentieth Century, an Address to Young Men So live that your afterself the man you ought to bemay in his time be possible and actual. Far away in the twenties, the thirties of the Twentieth Century, he is awaiting his...
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Legends of the GodsLegends of the Gods - The Egyptian Texts, edited with TranslationsThe text of the remarkable Legend of the Creation which forms the first section of this volume is preserved in a well-written papyrus in the British Museum, where it bears the number 10,188. This...
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Be Courteous, or, Religion, the True RefinerBe Courteous, or, Religion, the True RefinerThe scenes and characters of this story are those once familiar to the writer. The story itself is but a disconnected diary of one who, early refined from earthly dross, lived only long enough to show us that...
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The Shih King, or, Book of PoetryThe Shih King, or, Book of Poetry - From the Sacred Books of the East Volume 31. Among the Chinese classical books next after the Sh in point of antiquity comes the Shih or Book of Poetry. The meaning of the character Shih. The...
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Pax VobiscumPax Vobiscum "PAX VOBISCUM," prepared for publication by the Author, is now published for the first time, being the second of a series of which "The Greatest Thing in the World" was the first. Nov. 1, 1890. "Come unto me, all ye that labour...
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Gespräche für FreimaurerGespräche für FreimaurerIch glaube ein Freimurer zu sein; nicht sowohl, weil ich von lteren Maurern in einer gesetzlichen Loge aufgenommen worden: sondern weil ich einsehe und erkenne, was und warum die Freimurerei ist, wenn und wo sie gewesen, wie und wodurch sie befrdet oder...
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Life: Its True GenesisLife: Its True Genesis Here is the law of life, as laid down by the eagle-eyed prophet Isaiah, in that remarkable chapter commencing, "Ho, every one that thirsteth"--whether it be after knowledge, or any other earthly or spiritual good--come unto me and I will...
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Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General LinguisticAesthetic as Science of Expression and General LinguisticThere are always Americas to be discovered: the most interesting in Europe. I can lay no claim to having discovered an America, but I do claim to have discovered a Columbus. His name is Benedetto Croce, and...
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