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Big Timber: A Story of the NorthwestBig Timber: A Story of the NorthwestThe Imperial Limited lurched with a swing around the last hairpin curve of the Yale canyon. Ahead opened out a timbered valley,narrow on its floor, flanked with bold mountains, but nevertheless a valley,down which the rails lay straight...
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The Visioning: A NovelThe Visioning: A Novel 1911 Miss Katherine Wayneworth Jones was bunkered. Having been bunkered many times in the past, and knowing that she would be bunkered upon many occasions in the future, Miss Jones was not disposed to take a tragic view of the...
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The Garies and Their FriendsThe Garies and Their FriendsThe book which now appears before the public may be of interest in relation to a question which the late agitation of the subject of slavery has raised in many thoughtful minds; viz.Are the race at present held as slaves...
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Wat eene moeder lijden kanWat eene moeder lijden kanHet was uitermate koud in de laatste dagen der maand Januari 1841. De straten der stad Antwerpen hadden haar winterkleed aangenomen en glinsterden van zuivere witheid; de sneeuw viel echter niet bij zachte vlokken, noch verheugde het oog met hare...
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20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Oostelijk HalfrondHet jaar 1866 werd gekenmerkt door eene zonderlinge gebeurtenis, namelijk eene onverklaarbare verschijning, welke niemand zeker vergeten heeft. Zonder nog te gewagen van de praatjes, welke de bewoners der zeeplaatsen ongerust maakten en over het algemeen hen, die meer...
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AlcatrazAlcatrazThe west wind came over the Eagles, gathered purity from the evergreen slopes of the mountains, blew across the foothills and league wide fields, and came at length to the stallion with a touch of coolness and enchanting scents of far-off things. Just as...
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BambiBambi"I have got to do something violent, Ardelia. I am going to jerk the stems off of berries, chop the pits out of cherries, and skin peaches." "Professor James Parkhurst, I consider you a colossal failure as an educator," said Francesca, his daughter, known...
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The White CatThe White Cat - Captains All, Book 10. The traveller stood looking from the tap-room window of the Cauliflower at the falling rain. The village street below was empty, and everything was quiet with the exception of the garrulous old man smoking with much...
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Captains All and OthersCaptains All and Others Every sailorman grumbles about the sea, said the night-watchman, thoughtfully. It's human nature to grumble, and I s'pose they keep on grumbling and sticking to it because there ain't much else they can do. There's not many shore-going berths that...
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The Temptation of Samuel BurgeThe Temptation of Samuel Burge - Captains All, Book 8. Mr. Higgs, jeweller, sat in the small parlour behind his shop, gazing hungrily at a supper-table which had been laid some time before. It was a quarter to ten by the small town clock...
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Four PigeonsFour Pigeons - Captains All, Book 7. The old man took up his mug and shifted along the bench until he was in the shade of the elms that stood before the Cauliflower. The action also had the advantage of bringing him opposite the...
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The Madness of Mr. ListerThe Madness of Mr. Lister - Captains All, Book 9. Old Jem Lister, of the Susannah, was possessed of two devilsthe love of strong drink and avariceand the only thing the twain had in common was to get a drink without paying for it....
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Over the SideOver the Side - Captains All, Book 6. Of all classes of men, those who follow the sea are probably the most prone to superstition. Afloat upon the black waste of waters, at the mercy of wind and sea, with vast depths and strange...
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Bob's RedemptionBob's Redemption - Captains All, Book 5. "GRATITOODE!" said the night-watchman, with a hard laugh. "Hmf! Don't talk to me about gratitoode; I've seen too much of it. If people wot I've helped in my time 'ad only done arf their dootyarf, mind youI...
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The Constable's MoveThe Constable's Move - Captains All, Book 4. Mr. Bob Grummit sat in the kitchen with his corduroy-clad legs stretched on the fender. His wife's half-eaten dinner was getting cold on the table; Mr. Grummit, who was badly in need of cheering up, emptied...
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Captains AllCaptains All - Captains All, Part 1. Every sailorman grumbles about the sea, said the night-watchman, thoughtfully. It's human nature to grumble, and I s'pose they keep on grumbling and sticking to it because there ain't much else they can do. There's not many...
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The Nest EggThe Nest Egg - Captains All, Book 3. "Artfulness," said the night-watch-man, smoking placidly, "is a gift; but it don't pay always. I've met some artful ones in my timeplenty of 'em; but I can't truthfully say as 'ow any of them was the...
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The Boatswain's MateThe Boatswain's Mate - Captains All, Book 2. Mr. George Benn, retired boat-swain, sighed noisily, and with a despondent gesture, turned to the door and stood with the handle in his hand; Mrs. Waters, sitting behind the tiny bar in a tall Windsor-chair, eyed...
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The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — FictionThe World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — FictionAcknowledgment and thanks for permission to use the following selections are herewith tendered to G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, for "The Death of the Gods," by Dmitri Merejkowski; and to Doubleday, Page & Company, New York,...
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