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Trial and TriumphTrial and TriumphTranscriber's Note: This document is the text of Trial and Triumph. Any bracketed notations such as [?], and those inserting letters or other comments are from the original text. Transcriber's Note About the Author: Francis Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) was born to...
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Minnie's SacrificeMinnie's SacrificeTranscriber's Note: This document is the text of Minnie's Sacrifice. Any bracketed notations such as [Text missing], [?], and those inserting letters or other comments are from the original text. Transcriber's Note About the Author: Francis Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) was born to...
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O+FO+FThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial License. Essentially, anyone is free to copy, distribute, or perform this copyrighted work for non-commercial uses only, so long as the work is preserved verbatim and is attributed to the author. To view a copy...
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Two Years Ago, Volume IITwo Years Ago, Volume II.The middle of August is come at last; and with it the solemn day on which Frederick Viscount Scoutbush may be expected to revisit the home of his ancestors. Elsley has gradually made up his mind to the inevitable, with...
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