Health & Fitness
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Lipitor Thief of MemoryWhen Dr. Duane Graveline, former astronaut, aerospace medical research scientist, flight surgeon, and family doctor is given Lipitor to lower his cholesterol, he temporarily loses his short-term memory. Urged a year later to resume the drug at half dose, he lost both short-term and...
- ¥4,389 JPY
- ¥4,389 JPY
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Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism DadInternationally renowned medical scientist, frequent media contributor, and autism dad Dr. Peter J. Hotez explains why vaccines do not cause autism.In 1994, Peter J. Hotez's nineteen-month-old daughter, Rachel, was diagnosed with autism. Dr. Hotez, a pediatrician-scientist who develops vaccines for neglected tropical diseases affecting...
- ¥9,111 JPY
- ¥9,111 JPY
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Outside the Box Cancer Therapies: Alternative Therapies That Treat and Prevent CancerNow in paperback: A thorough, cutting-edge, alternative therapy-focused exploration of Integrative Oncology care. With approximately 40 percent of men and women in the United States being diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime, very few of us escape having cancer touch our...
- ¥6,266 JPY
- ¥6,266 JPY
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How to Heal Hashimoto'sHere's the simple truth about Hashimoto's: It's way more than a thyroid problem. And even though it's an autoimmune disease, it's also way more than an immune system problem. Over time, it progressively becomes a body-wide disorder.Most people are familiar with the common hypothyroid...
- ¥8,020 JPY
- ¥8,020 JPY
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Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your EnergyFor over a century, we've accepted the scientific consensus that cancer results from genetic disease due to chromosomal damage in cell nuclei. But what if cancer isn't a genetic disease after all? What if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm, and cancer isn't a...
- ¥5,847 JPY
- ¥5,847 JPY
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Milady's Hair Removal Techniques: A Comprehensive ManualThis helpful guide provides the most complete source for those seeking to expand their knowledge on a variety of hair removal techniques. You'll receive basic information and instruction on both temporary and permanent methods of hair removal, including waxing, electrolysis and lasers. The author...
- ¥40,975 JPY
- ¥40,975 JPY
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W.H.O.L.E: 5 Practical Steps To Wholeness in Spirit, Soul, and BodyOur world is flooded with fear, worry, and anxiety. National politics, wars, Covid 19 pandemic, social isolation, mammoth inflation, and economic uncertainty have stripped many people of hope for the future and confidence in their ability to cope. Loss, injustice, life circumstances, and disappointments...
- ¥3,758 JPY
- ¥3,758 JPY
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Shiatsu Theory and PracticeWritten by a well-known and highly respected author and practitioner within the field, Shiatsu Theory and Practice is a complete introduction to the theory and practice of Zen shiatsu, drawing in detail on the theoretical foundation of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Phase...
- ¥18,804 JPY
- ¥18,804 JPY
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The Complete Perimenopause Weight Loss PlanThe lifestyle change you need to reverse the aging process. Are you sick and tired of the weight gain and thinking that there's no way back? Do you miss the way your body looked before perimenopause kicked in and the aging process took over?...
- ¥5,557 JPY
- ¥5,557 JPY
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The Herbalist's Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond: Herbal Therapeutics for the Childbearing YearA comprehensive manual of holistic herbal therapeutics for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. The book is based on the author's experience and knowledge gained during 35 years of clinical practice in the UK and Ireland, and is written for herbalists and herbal students,...
- ¥12,537 JPY
- ¥12,537 JPY
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Never Fear Falling Again: Simple and Easy Exercises for Fall Prevention You Can Perform at Home and Feel Safer in 28 Days - with Exclusive ReadeTHE ONLY BALANCE EXERCISE BOOK WITH BONUS VIDEOS FOR THE READERSDiscover how to boost your muscle strength, even if you're over 65 - overcome the fear of falling and live an active life in your golden years!Do you want to stay functional in your...
- ¥4,511 JPY
- ¥4,511 JPY
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Faith and FertilityFaith and Fertility is my first published book and recounts my personal story of infertility and journey to motherhood. My goal in sharing my story with you is to give you what I so desperately needed when I was in the pit of my...
- ¥6,348 JPY
- ¥6,348 JPY
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How to Trick Yourself Into Feeling Your Feelings: Even After Decades of Numbness and TraumaGetting stuck in a hole of pain if you open the floodgates of your emotions is a myth. Your emotions are a tunnel, not a hole! This is a guidebook written for anyone who finds themselves to be... numb emotionally frozen tensing their stomach...
- ¥3,761 JPY
- ¥3,761 JPY
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Cultiva Tu Propia Medicina: Jardinería de Hierbas Mágicas, Plantas Medicinales Y Curativas Para SU Propia Salud (Para Principiantes)Estás empezando a cultivar hierbas? Entonces este libro es para ti! Aprende a cultivar tu propia medicina con este libro de jardinería de hierbas medicinales para principiantes.Si está listo para distanciarse de Big Pharma y volverse autosuficiente de forma natural, acaba de encontrar su...
- ¥13,890 JPY
- ¥13,890 JPY
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Yi Chi Li of Opening & Closing and the Five Loosening Exercises of Tai ChiYi Chi Li of Opening & Closing and the Five Loosening Exercises of Tai Chi In this book, Glenn leads us through the Opening and Closing Exercise in the first few chapters covering the technical aspects of alignments, timing and direction of relaxation and...
- ¥10,029 JPY
- ¥10,029 JPY
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Doce Estaciones del Alma / Twelve Stages of the SoulA través de un relato íntimo y confesional, Dafne Schilling --fundadora de Yoga Booty Ballet, una disciplina que conjuga baile, yoga y meditación-- te muestra el camino interior que la llevó a conectarse con su esencia y ser más feliz. Un recorrido que refleja...
- ¥4,752 JPY
- ¥4,752 JPY
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Sex and Pregnancy: From Evidence-Based Medicine to Dr GooglePregnant women and their partners often ask healthcare professionals whether sex is safe during pregnancy, and what consequences may result from sexual activity. Many clinicians can also be unsure of the answers to these type of questions, leading to both patient and clinician resorting...
- ¥10,026 JPY
- ¥10,026 JPY
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Przepisy Keto Dla Kobiet PowyŻej 60: Najpyszniejsze Przepisy Na Odchudzanie I Bycie ZdrowymCzy chcesz zmienic swoje życie? Chcesz stac się zdrowszą osobą, która może cieszyc się nowym i lepszym życiem?Twoi klienci nigdy nie przestają korzystac z tej niesamowitej książki kucharskiejWtedy zdecydowanie jesteś we wlaściwym miejscu.Niedlugo odkryjesz wspanialą i bardzo zdrową dietę, która zmienila miliony istnień. Mówimy...
- ¥9,769 JPY
- ¥9,769 JPY
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6 Weight Loss Steps for Your Busy ScheduleNeeding to lose weight, but you have such a busy schedule that it seems impossible?Losing weight seems more complex than keeping your full-time job.We all have been there; not knowing how to start, not finding time on your schedule, being confused with all the...
- ¥3,257 JPY
- ¥3,257 JPY
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One Cup at a Time: Recipes for RecoveryOne Cup at a Time: Recipes for Recovery is a community project that focuses on food, community, and recovery. Through these recipes and stories, we want to take you on a journey --- a journey that is not a single story, but a collection...
- ¥11,513 JPY
- ¥11,513 JPY
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