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The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer RoadThe Newmarket, Bury, Thetford and Cromer Road - Sport and history on an East Anglian turnpikePetersham, Surrey, February, 1904. List of Illustrations The NEWMARKET, BURY, THETFORD, and CROMER ROAD The road to Newmarket, Thetford, Norwich, and Cromer is 132 miles in length, if you...
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50 Years AgoFifty Years AgoIt has been my desire in the following pages to present a picture of society in this country as it was when the Queen ascended the throne. The book is an enlargement of a paper originally contributed to The Graphic. I have...
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The Road Away from RevolutionThe Road Away from RevolutionIn these doubtful and anxious days, when all the world is at unrest and, look which way you will, the road ahead seems darkened by shadows which portend dangers of many kinds, it is only common prudence that we should...
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The Roman Festivals of the Period of the RepublicThe Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic - An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the RomansThere are three ways in which the course of the year may be calculated. It can be reckoned 1. By the revolution of the...
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Outdoor Life and Indian StoriesOutdoor Life and Indian Stories - Making open air life attractive to young Americans by telling them all about woodcraft, signs and signaling, the stars, fishing, camping, camp cooking, how to tie knots and how to make fire without matches, and many other fascinating...
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Mediaeval townsThe story of CoventryIn preparing this volume for the press I have omitted some of the matter in Life in an Old English Town, which did not seem suitable for this series, and added fresh material likely to be useful to those who wished...
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Vagabond AdventuresVagabond AdventuresRALPH KEELER. BOSTON: FIELDS, OSGOOD, & CO. 1870. {ii} Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, BY RALPH KEELER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. University Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge. TO My old Friend...
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History of Sculpture, Painting, and ArchitectureHistory of Sculpture, Painting, and ArchitectureTaste is the perception of intellectual pleasure. Beauty, the object of taste and the source of this pleasure, is appreciated by the understanding, exercised, either upon the productions of art, or upon the works of nature. The term beauty,...
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Index of Project Gutenberg Works on Black HistoryIndex of Project Gutenberg Works on Black History - A 2019 Project Gutenberg Contribution for Black History Month ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 58975 Author: Various Release Date: Feb 27, 2019 Format: eBook Language: English Contributors Editor: Widger, David, 1932-
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Oppressions of the Sixteenth Century in the Islands of Orkney and ZetlandOppressions of the Sixteenth Century in the Islands of Orkney and Zetland - From Original DocumentsThe History of Orkney and Zetland is still to be written. There is no part of the United Kingdom which possesses historical materials more ample, or more early, and...
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Die Berg-Maria, oder: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt waltenDie Berg-Maria, oder: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten. - Eine Geschichtliche Erzählung aus Pennsylvanien.Der vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1880 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen, insbesondere bei Personen- und Ortsnamen...
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The Past and the Present Condition, and the Destiny, of the Colored Race:The Past and the Present Condition, and the Destiny, of the Colored Race: - A Discourse Delivered at the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Female Benevolent Society of Troy, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1848Dear Sir:The members of F. B. S., having listened to your discourse...
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English HoursEnglish Hours The papers gathered into this series, originally published in various periodicals, have already been reprintedthe earliest in date more than thirty years ago; the others, with the exception of two, more recently, in a volume entitled Portraits of Places. They have been...
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The Somerset CoastThe Somerset CoastOn confiding to personal friends, journalistic paragraphists, and other Doubting Thomases, professional sceptics, chartered cynics and indifferent persons, the important and interesting literary news that a proposal was afloat to write a book on the Somerset Coast, the author was assured with...
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A Vagabond in the CaucasusA Vagabond in the Caucasus - With Some Notes of His Experiences Among the RussiansPortions of Chapters VI., VII., IX., XI., XXVIII. appeared originally in articles contributed to Country Life, and Chapter XXII. and parts of II., X., XXXIII. in articles contributed to the...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of John FiskeIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of John Fiske (p. xxviii) CHAPTER IV. THE SEARCH FOR THE INDIES. EASTWARD OR PORTUGUESE ROUTE. (p. xxxiii) CHAPTER VI. THE FINDING OF STRANGE COASTS. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 58925 Author: Fiske, John Release...
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 28Scotts Bluff National Monument, NebraskaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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The White Eagle of PolandThe White Eagle of PolandThis book is divided into two parts, the first of which is mainly concerned with the reconstruction of a Polish State after the victorious close of our war against the Central Empires, a policy to which the Governments of the...
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Cosas de España; tomo 2Cosas de España; tomo 2 - (El país de lo imprevisto)HABIENDO ya discurrido bastante, y suponemos que satisfactoriamente, acerca de las comidas y bebidas de Espaa, no estar dems que dirijamos nuestra atencin a esas casas en que, por caminos y ciudades, se pueden...
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