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London: the cityLondon CityWith this volume we begin what may be called the second part of the Survey. All that has preceded it has dealt with the history of London as a whole; now we turn to London in its topographical aspect and treat it street...
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Battery D First Rhode Island Light Artillery in the Civil WarBattery D First Rhode Island Light Artillery in the Civil War 1 John S. Gorton. 2 John Rathbone. 3 John Brod. 4 Joseph W. Corey. 5 Charles Gallagher. 6 Charles E. May. 7 Ezra K. Parker. 8 Charles W. Cornell. 9 John J. Busby....
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The Spanish seriesCordova: A city of the MoorsIt would be unnecessary to enlarge upon the reasons for including a study of Cordova in this series of Spanish Handbooks: indeed a series of this description would be incomplete without it. The beautiful, powerful, and wise Cordova,the City...
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L'Afrique aux NoirsL'Afrique aux NoirsLes journaux amricains racontent quun grand moi rgne actuellement dans le monde noir de lAmrique. Il vient de paratre un prdicateur se [Pg 6] donnant pour le Mose noir qui doit sauver les ngres de lAfrique et ramener ceux du Nouveau-Monde dans...
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The Scottish Journal of Topography, Antiquities, Traditions, &c., Vol. I, No. 22, January 29, 1848The Scottish Journal of Topography, Antiquities, Traditions, &c., Vol. I, No. 22, January 29, 1848ALEXANDER, the first Invernahyle, was son to Allan Stewart, third Laird of Appin. He married Margaret Macdonald, daughter of Donald Macdonald of Moidart, commonly called Donul an Lochan.[1] He had...
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The Early Life of WashingtonThe Early Life of Washington - Designed for the Instruction and Amusement of the YoungCame very near entering the British Navy at the age of fourteenattends school at Fredericksburgbecomes a practical surveyor at the age of sixteenthe Indian war dancecontinues surveying three yearsis appointed...
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The Strenuous LifeThe Strenuous Life - The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume 12 (of 14)In speaking to you, men of the greatest city of the West, men of the State which gave to the country Lincoln and Grant, men who pre-eminently and distinctly embody all that...
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Quelques dames du XVIe siècle et leurs peintresQuelques dames du XVIe siècle et leurs peintresImaginez une cour cre de toutes pices, une socit polie de jeunes seigneurs et de belles filles succdant la maison pleine de svrit et de pruderie de la reine Anne de Bretagne, quelque chose comme une envole...
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A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1815. Volume II, 1689-1815A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1815. Volume II, 1689-1815I submit this second part of the Short History of the Royal Navy to the kindness of the reader and the animadversions of reviewers with a profound sense of its deficiencies. That some were...
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Cartoons on the WarCartoons on the WarThese drawings are selections from Cartoons published, for the most part, in a daily newspaper. They represent the emotions evoked by the news from day to day, and make no pretense to a philosophic viewpoint. They do seek to express, however,...
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British Popular Customs, Present and PastBritish Popular Customs, Present and Past - Illustrating the Social and Domestic Manners of the People. Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year.In presenting the following pages to the Public I do not lay claim to any originality, my object simply having been...
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Die Deutschen Familiennamen, geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlichDie Deutschen Familiennamen, geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlichVereinzelt wurden Namen und Namensteile alphabetisch nicht korrekt eingeordnet; die originale Reihenfolge der Begriffe wurde dennoch beibehalten. Zu einigen Verweisen im enzyklopdischen Teil des Buches existiert keine Entsprechung. Verschiedentlich wurden Seitenzahlen in Verweisen dem gegebenen Inhalt angepasst. Die Berichtigungen...
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History of the Australian BushrangersHistory of the Australian BushrangersIn this story of the bushrangers I do not pretend to have included the names of all those who have at various times been called bushrangers in Australia. That, as will be seen from what I have said in the...
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The Englishwoman in RussiaThe Englishwoman in Russia - Impressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at HomeWithout troubling the reader with any account of a sea voyage from England to Archangel, as all travels on the vasty deep present pretty much the same features which...
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Memoir of a BrotherMemoir of a BrotherThis Memoir was written for, and at the request of, the near relatives, and intimate friends, of the home-loving country gentleman, whose unlooked-for death had made them all mourners indeed. Had it been meant originally for publication, it would have taken...
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The Daughter of Virginia DareThe Daughter of Virginia Dare The sunbeams were playing hide and seek with the ripples around the prows of three small vessels lying at anchor in the harbor of Portsmouth. Their decks were crowded with the colonists going to seek a home on the...
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The Queen's Reign and Its CommemorationThe Queen's Reign and Its Commemoration - A literary and pictorial review of the period; the story of the Victorian transformationWhen Sydney Smith, towards the close of his life, considered the changes which had passed over the country within his recollection, he said that...
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Lives of Famous Indian ChiefsLives of Famous Indian Chiefs - From Cofachiqui, the Indian Princess, and Powhatan; down to and including Chief Joseph and Geronimo. Also an answer, from the latest research, of the query, Whence came the Indian? Together with a number of thrillingly interesting Indian stories...
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The Life of Bismarck, Private and PoliticalThe Life of Bismarck, Private and Political - With Descriptive Notices of His AncestryThe life of Count Bismarck has been so much misinterpreted, by interested and disinterested persons, that it is thought the present publication, which tells a plain unvarnished tale, will not be...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Francis ParkmanIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Francis Parkman Divisions The Algonquins The Hurons Their Houses Fortifications Habits Arts Women Trade Festivities Medicine The Tobacco Nation The Neutrals The Eries The Andastes The Iroquois Indian Social and Political Organization Iroquois Institutions, Customs, and Character...
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