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German and Austrian PrisonsGerman and Austrian Prisons - Prisons of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Austria-Hungary; the Fortresses of Magdeburg and SpielbergInterest in penal matters in Germany and in Austria-Hungary centres rather in the nature and number of persons who commit crimes than the methods pursued in bringing...
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The Japan-Russia War: An Illustrated History of the War in the Far EastThe Japan-Russia War: An Illustrated History of the War in the Far EastThe Japan-Russia War goes into history as the greatest military struggle the world has known. Its story, therefore, rivals in interest those of the great wars of the past which have been...
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John Call Dalton, M.D., U.S.VJohn Call Dalton, M.D., U.S.V.These pages are the beginning of a narrative of the personal military experience of John Call Dalton, M. D., Surgeon U. S. V., written during the last year of his life, at the request of his family, and now printed...
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The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 131, February, 1909The Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 131, February, 1909Another instalment of a fascinating budget of adventure narratives. This month we publish accounts of a fight to the death between a whale and a school of thresher sharks; a nest-robbers terrible battle with an...
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Lady Jane Grey and Her TimesLady Jane Grey and Her TimesIn 1546 it must have been evident to most observers that the life of the man who had for thirty-five years been Englands ruler and tyrantof whom Raleigh affirmed that if all the patterns of a merciless Prince had...
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The Battles of the British ArmyThe Battles of the British Army - Being a Popular Account of All the Principal Engagements During the Last Hundred YearsAll phases of life and incident relating to the building up and consolidation of our Empire, ought to be of supreme interest to those...
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Frenzied Liberty The Myth of "A Rich Man's War"Frenzied Liberty; The Myth of "A Rich Man's War"We are engaged in a war, an irrepressible conflict, a most just and righteous war for a cause as high and noble as ever inspired a people to put forth its utmost of sacrifice and valor....
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Modern French PrisonsModern French Prisons - Bicêtre; St. Pélagie; St. Lazare; La Force; The Conciergerie; La Grande and La Petite Roquettes; Mazas; La SantéThe period in French prison practice treated in this volume is one of transition between the end of the Old Rgime and the...
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The Invention of PrintingThe Invention of Printing. - A Collection of Facts and Opinions, Descriptive of Early Prints and Playing Cards, the Block-Books of the Fifteenth Century, the Legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem, and the Work of John Gutenberg and His AssociatesTHE Invention of Printing...
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Tiedot Suomen-suvun muinaisuudesta: Yliopistollinen väitöskirjaTiedot Suomen-suvun muinaisuudesta: Yliopistollinen väitöskirjaI. Suomen-suvun vanhimmat jljet Lounais-aasiassa. II. Euroopan alku-vestst. III. Herodoton Skythat, sek vanhan aian tiedot koillisesta Euroopasta ja luoteisesta Aasiasta. IV. Vanhan aian tiedot Pohjois-euroopasta Pytheaan ja Kreikkalaisten kautta. V. Romalais-aian tiedot pohjoisesta ja koillisesta Euroopasta VI. Hunnien syntyperst ja...
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Secret Service Under PittSecret Service Under PittThese rough notesbegun long ago and continued at slow intervalswere put aside during the onerous task of editing for Mr. Murray the O'Connell Correspondence. The recent publication of Mr. Lecky's final volumes, awakening by their grasp a fixed interest in pre-Union...
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Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 20 (of 20)Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 20 (of 20)MR. PRESIDENT,Before the vote is taken I desire to make one remark. I was struck with the suggestion of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. Sherman], the other day, with regard to the proposition which comes from...
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The Diggers: The Australians in FranceThe Diggers: The Australians in FranceFrom the day on which The Children of the Dead End came into my hands, I have been amongst the most devoted of your worshippers. In this and in your later books, your genius has won world-wide recognition, and...
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La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la Península Llegada a Madrid. Mara Daz. Impresin del Testamento. Mi proyecto. El corcel andaluz. Se necesita un criado....
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BrittanyBrittanyBrittany can hardly claim the attention of the tourist as a superlatively beautiful country. The way in which trees are clipped and tortured out of shape disfigures the sylvan landscape; and of mountain scenery there is none. The ranges of the Montaignes Noires and...
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La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la PenínsulaToms Borrow, de familia de labradores establecida desde muy antiguo cerca de Liskeard, en Cornwall, se fug de...
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The Pipes of WarThe Pipes of War - A Record of Achievements of Pipers of Scottish and Overseas Regiments during the War, 1914-18The history of the bagpipes as a military institution is a long and honourable one, inseparable from that of Scottish troops, Highland and Lowland, wherever...
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Verso la cuna del mondo: Lettere dall'IndiaVerso la cuna del mondo: Lettere dall'India Udr allora molti suoni fievoli e sordi comporsi in una triste armonia seduttrice; vedr molte macchie di colore, che parevano buttate a caso, connettersi pei margini e formar quadro. Le tinte, elementari e franche, parevano, finch leggevamo,...
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Mad BarbaraMad BarbaraIn the little music-house in his garden overlooking the Park of St. Jamess, Sir Lionel PurcellKnightlay dead, with his cloak half thrown across his face and one hand still gripping the hilt of his sword. The door of the music-room stood ajar, giving...
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Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial Period Vol. 1 of 2Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial Period; Vol. 1 of 2 TO S I R J A M E S H U D S O N, G.C.B., ETC. ETC. ETC. THE MOST DISTINGUISHED BRITISH DIPLOMATIST OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, AS...
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