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Land at Last: A NovelLand at Last: A NovelIt was between nine and ten oclock on a January night, and the London streets were in a state of slush. During the previous night snow had fallen heavily, and the respectable portion of the community, which, according to regular...
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The Green Mirror: A Quiet StoryThe Green Mirror: A Quiet StoryTheres the feather bed element here brother, ach! and not only that! Theres an attraction herehere you have the end of the world, an anchorage, a quiet haven, the navel of the earth, the three fishes that are the...
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Maradick at Forty: A TransitionMaradick at Forty: A TransitionThe grey twilight gives to the long, pale stretches of sand the sense of something strangely unreal. As far as the eye can reach, it curves out into the mist, the last vanishing garments, as it were, of some fleeing...
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Jeremy and HamletJeremy and Hamlet - A Chronicle of Certain Incidents in the Lives of a Boy, a Dog, and a Country TownThere was a certain window between the kitchen and the pantry that was Hamlets favourite. Thirty years agothese chronicles are of the year 1894the...
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FechsungFechsungDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1915 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Passagen wurden nicht korrigiert. Jeder Mann wei ganz genau, welche Art...
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Die Hexe von NorderoogDie Hexe von NorderoogScharen wilder Gnse grasen zwischen den Lmmern; um die Wattstrme mit ihrem vielverschlungenem Netz von kleinen Wasserlufen streichen mit ohrenbetubendem Gezeter unzhlige Mvenenten, whrend Langbeine aller Art, welche die Wanderschaft nach fernen Lndern hier zusammengefunden, in dem zhen Schlick herumstechen nach...
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Una giovinezza del secolo XIXUna giovinezza del secolo XIX Il pregio, in cui ho sempre tenuto gli scritti di Neera, non ha trovato, a dir vero, generale consenso nel nostro mondo letterario, dove a questa scrittrice gentile, austera e nobilissima si assegna di solito un posto assai inferiore...
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An geöffneter TürAn geöffneter Tür Wie das sonderbar ist, ... eigentlich wie ein Traum. Ich sitze ganz allein in einem Passantenzimmerchen des Glarner Hofs in Glarus. In den Gartenanlagen vor meinem Fenster pltschert hinter dickbltterigem Buschwerk das Wasser eines Springbrunnens. Das wird heute mein Wiegenlied sein...
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Nousukas: KertomusNousukas: KertomusSuuremman kaupungin laidasta pistypi pienoinen luoto merta kohti. Katukin, joka sinne kaupungin keskuksista suuntaupi, muuttuu siell toisemmoiseksi. Siin, miss herrastalot loppuvat, loppuu sen kivitys. Se ky eptasaiseksi ja paikoittain kuoppaiseksi. Pimen aikana on tll luodolla yht sankka pimeys kuin tarujen tuonelan joella. Piviseen...
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 03 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 03 (of 12)This pamphlet of 46 8vo pages was published by the author himself in 1806. The title-page was Free Thoughts on Public Affairs, or Advice to a Patriot; in a Letter addressed to a Member of...
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Clemencia: Novela de costumbresClemencia: Novela de costumbresNo se canse Vd., D. Silvestre; cada casa es un mundo,decia una tarde del verano de 1844 la Marquesa de Cortegana su amigo y compadre D. Silvestre Sarmiento, mintras este sorbia paladendola una taza de caf.Tmelo Vd. por arriba, tmelo Vd....
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The 13 TravellersThe Thirteen TravellersSomewhere in the early nineties was Absalom Jay's first period. He was so well known a figure in London at that time as to be frequently caricatured in the weekly society journals, and Spy's "Absalom," that appeared in the 1894 volume of...
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Splashing Into SocietySplashing Into SocietySuch were the stranes that smote the air as Mr.Harold Withersquash drew near to the humbel home of his Selia. She was just a low born girl but none could beat her at playing the piano. But now the delicious Selia pushed...
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Five Minute Sermons, Volume IIFive Minute Sermons, Volume II. - For Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul Repeated and urgent requests from both clergy and laity have induced the publication of this second volume of Five-Minute Sermons. They...
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Verses and SonnetsVerses and Sonnets Title: Verses and Sonnets Author: Hilaire Belloc Release Date: September 8, 2019 [EBook #60263] Language: English Credits: Produced by Tim Lindell, David E. Brown, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This book was produced from images made available by...
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Kesätoverit: Meren säveliäKesätoverit: Meren säveliäVett, vett, vett loppumattomiin asti! Se vlkkyy ja kimaltelee kuin kulta, se lep tasapintana aavikon lailla, uneksivana ilta-auringon loisteessa. Saaret ahtavat sen tuon tuostakin kaitaiseksi valotieksi, mutta se laajenee jlleen, ojentautuu joka suunnalle ja kurottaiksen kaukaisuutta kohti, kunnes unelmissaan syleilee rettmn avaruuden...
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Advice: A Book of PoemsAdvice: A Book of PoemsSome of the poems which compose this book have appeared in the Yale Review, the Smart Set, the New Republic, Reedys Mirror, the Dial, the Touchstone, the Little Review, Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, the Century, and the New York...
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La Vita Italiana nel Settecento: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1895La Vita Italiana nel Settecento: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1895 Uno dei fenomeni che colpiscono maggiormente i lettori di storia quando riflettono sta nella costante accelerazione degli svolgimenti sintetici d'ogni natura, a misura che ci allontaniamo dalle epoche primigenie; sta nella sempre maggior...
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SheavesSheavesBy E. F. BENSON Author of The Angel of Pain, Dodo, etc. FOURTH EDITION New York Doubleday, Page & Company Copyright, 1907, by Doubleday, Page & Company Published, October, 1907 All Rights Reserved Including that of Translation into Foreign Languages Including the Scandinavian {1}...
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