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PoemsPoemsMost or these verses have appeared in the papersThe Nation, New Statesman, Cambridge Magazineto the editors of which I tender customary dues. Also, in 1917, a dozen were brought together to make a little book, Ad Familiares, of which a hundred copies were printed...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 6, June 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 6, June 1852Had it been possible for any human intellect, at the close of the eighteenth century, or the commencement of this its nineteenth successor, so to grasp and comprehend the development of science, its expansion and diffusion, and,...
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Vignettes: A Miniature Journal of Whim and SentimentVignettes: A Miniature Journal of Whim and SentimentOn the roof of the ruined church we lay, basking amid the hot, powdery heather; the cinder-coloured roofs of the town flattened out beneath usa ragged patch of dead, decayed colour, burnt, as it seemed, out of...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 5, May 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 5, May 1852May has ever been the favorite month of the year in poetical description; but the praises so lavishly bestowed upon it took their rise from climates more southern than ours. In such, it really unites all the...
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Leaves from the Note-Books of Lady Dorothy NevillLeaves from the Note-Books of Lady Dorothy NevillWhen, some time ago, a collection of my mothers reminiscences was given to the public, we received a large number of suggestions that a second similar volume would be certain of the same cordial welcome as was...
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Dancers in the DarkDancers in the DarkJoy Nelson came into the room that she was sharing with two other girls, at half-past four in the morning. She was tired. She had been dancing steadily all night; her new silver slippers were killing her; and she was not...
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The House of HelenThe House of HelenThe town of Shannon lay like a wreath flung wide upon the hills above one of those long, green, fertile valleys to be seen everywhere below the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Georgia. It was nothing like a city, merely a...
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Fancies Versus FadsFancies Versus FadsI HAVE strung these things together on a slight enough thread; but as the things themselves are slight, it is possible that the thread (and the metaphor) may manage to hang together. These notes range over very variegated topics and in many...
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Three PlaysThree PlaysI wanted not to write an introduction to these three plays, but circumstances are too strong for me. Yet, after all, what is to be said but, to the public, Here they are; like them, and, to the critics, Here they are; fall...
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Lea: dramma in tre atti in prosa con un prologo in versiLea: dramma in tre atti in prosa con un prologo in versi All'alzar della tela entra FULVIO. L'attor comico BARDI gi seduto per far colazione ed ha in mano un giornale. Un terzo avventore immerso nella lettura di giornali e si alza ogni tanto...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 4, April 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 4, April 1852It is convenient to place an indefinite title at the head of this article, in order to notice various classes of independent phenomena which immediately address themselves to the eye; and which are either plain developments of...
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The Secret WayThe Secret WayBY ZONA GALE New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1921 All rights reserved {iv} PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Copyright, 1921, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and printed. Published September, 1921. Press of J. J. Little & Ives Company New...
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Hymns and PoemsHymns and PoemsIf there be any distinctive peculiarity in this little volume, it is one that would naturally expose it to literary censure; the verses are very unequal, some of the hymns are avowedly written for the very poor. To admit rhymes for ragged...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 3, March 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 3, March 1852There was a young woman so kind and sweet-tempered that every person loved her. Among the rest, there was an old witch who lived near where she dwelt, and with whom she was a great favorite. One...
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Una CristianaUna CristianaVern ustedes las asignaturas que el Estado me oblig a echarme al cuerpo con objeto de prepararme a ingresar en la Escuela de Caminos. Por supuesto, Aritmtica y lgebra; sobra decir que Geometra. A ms, Trigonometra y Analtica; y por contera Descriptiva y...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 2, February 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 2, February 1852Our engraving presents a view of the Navy-Yard, taken from a point of view below the city of Philadelphia. From this yard have come some of the best sailing and steam-vessels that have ever been built for...
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MonotonieMonotonie Il vostro nome era una virt, la vostra vita un capriccio, la vostra morte fu un martirio. Questo libro che mi chiedeste un giorno col pi spensierato dei vostri sorrisi lo depongo oggi sulla vostra tomba; non lo leggerete; se foste viva non...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 1, January 1852Graham's Magazine, Vol. XL, No. 1, January 1852I was one time traveling in France. I was a young man without objectwithout occupation. Literature was the last thing in my thoughtsindeed I believe it never would have entered into them, but for a word or...
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The Wonderful YearThe Wonderful YearHe was a shabby concierge sharing in the tarnish of the shabby hotel which (for the information of those fortunate ones who only know of the Ritz, and the Meurice and other such-like palaces) is situated in the unaristocratic neighbourhood of the...
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The House of BaltazarThe House of BaltazarTHE early story of Baltazar is not the easiest one to tell. It is episodic. It obeys not the Unities of Time, Place and Action. The only unity to be found in it is the oneness of character in that absurd...
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