Public Domain
The Complete Collection of Pictures and SongsThe Complete Collection of Pictures and SongsThe first two of the childrens books here reproduced were published in 1878; the last two in 1885, only a few weeks before Mr. Caldecotts premature death. He had not intended to make any further additions to their...
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The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda: A Northern StoryThe Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda: A Northern StoryThe Table of Contents was added by the Transcriber. The numbering of the chapters in the table of contents follows the sequence observed in the original images of the book, which is not successive. In the...
- ¥977 JPY
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Notes on Diseases of the Horse: Cause, Symptoms and TreatmentNotes on Diseases of the Horse: Cause, Symptoms and TreatmentThis treatise on the diseases of horses has been written with the primary purpose of placing in the hands of the Student and the Veterinary Profession, a book of practical worth; hence, all unnecessary padding...
- ¥977 JPY
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Ollin oppivuodetOllin oppivuodetI. Olli karkaa kotoa. II. Suutarimestari Simolin. III. Hyljtty ja yksininen. IV. Ystvykset. V. Merille! VI. Uusi oppipoika. VII. Hillevi. VIII. Olli saa uusia harrastuksia. IX. Olli kertoo Rauhalasta. X. Teatterinytntj ja sairautta. XI. Simolin viritt uusia juonia. XII. Kolme vihellyst ja pako....
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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The Merriwell Series No. 71Frank Merriwell's Strong Arm; Or, Saving an EnemyA half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as with the rest of...
- ¥977 JPY
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The Red Reign: The True Story of an Adventurous Year in RussiaThe Red Reign: The True Story of an Adventurous Year in RussiaThe Russian revolution is one of the vital issues of the world to-day. The political revolt, presenting, as it does, so many unique and dramatic developments, tends to distract the attention of the...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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Guide Book to Williamsburg Old and NewGuide Book to Williamsburg Old and New2. The chief value of Williamsburg is its atmosphere. But for our having a few automobiles and new-fangled clothes, there has been mighty little change in this atmosphere since Thomas Jefferson and George Washington helped to make it...
- ¥977 JPY
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Montezuma National Forest, Colorado (1939)Montezuma National Forest, Colorado (1939)The topography of the forest varies from the extremely rugged San Miguel Range in the north and the rough 3 but slightly lower La Plata Range on the east, to the high mesas of the southwestern part. The Dolores River...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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Tres capitaesTres capitaes opportunissimo o momento de estudar e de tentar descrever as duas grandes capitaes da America do Sul, rivaes pela opulencia, vizinhana, estimulo e por consubstanciarem e traduzirem a riqueza, o porvir, a grandeza e a gloria de duas pujantissimas nacionalidades, destinadas aos...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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Rootabaga pigeonsRootabaga pigeonsDowntown she peeped around the corner next nearest the postoffice where the Potato Face Blind Man sat with his accordion. And the old man had his legs crossed, one foot on the sidewalk, the other foot up in the air. 4The foot up...
- ¥977 JPY
¥3,127 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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Italian tytärItalian tytärOllessani kahdeksantoista vuotias uskoi kotivkeni minut ern sukulaiseni huostaan, jonka asioiden vuoksi tytyi matkustaa Toscanaan, minne hnen miehens hnet saattoi. Sain tten tilaisuuden matkustaa ja riistyty irti tuosta isn kodissa ja maaseutukaupungissa niin helposti uhkaavasta toimettomuudesta, joka johtaa harhaan hervn sieluelmn. Lhdin matkaan...
- ¥977 JPY
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The Push of a FingerThe Push of a FingerI think it's about time someone got all those stories together and burned them. You know the kind I meanX, the mad scientist, wants to change the world; Y, the ruthless dictator, wants to rule the world; Z, the alien...
- ¥977 JPY
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On AnythingOn AnythingOne day in the town of Perpignan I was poking about to see where I could best get something to eat, when I saw a door open into a charming garden; and in the hope of finding it to be the garden of...
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Knock at a VentureKnock at a VentureWhere the sylvan character of the scene changes; where fields give place to hanging woods and they in their turn thin to poverty and obliquity under eternal stress of western winds, a gate, resting by its own weight against a granite...
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Le seduzioni - Le vergini folliLe seduzioni - Le vergini folli Saffo dalle chiome di viola. Chi se l'immagina rediviva? I secoli l'hanno circonfusa in una nebbia leggendaria di ardente impurit. Immaginate dunque il suo spirito riemerso dall'onda Egea, trasmigrato verso un'ansimante metropoli moderna, vestito un'altra volta di membra...
- ¥977 JPY
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The Undying Fire: A contemporary novelThe Undying Fire: A contemporary novelTwo eternal beings, magnificently enhaloed, the one in a blinding excess of white radiance and the other in a bewildering extravagance of colours, converse amidst stupendous surroundings. These surroundings are by tradition palatial, but there is now also a...
- ¥977 JPY
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SuuteitaSuuteitaVienon suruisella ja pelonalaisella lapsen nell laulettuina tunkeutuivat nuo sanat jostakin kaukaa Iisakin korviin. Hn loikoi silloin viel vuoteellansa kaupungin parhaan ravintolan viidenness numerossa ja aukasi silmns. Iisakki ei oikein tiennyt, oliko hn jo ollut hereill ennen laulua, vai siihenk hn vasta hersi. Kaiketikin...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations of Long Nineteene Yeares TravaylesThe Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations of Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles - from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and AffricaWilliam Lithgow was born in Lanark about 1582. The actual date of his birth is uncertain, but...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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De avonturen van Jan KoddeDe avonturen van Jan KoddeTerzijde van den weg, die van het dorpje Elswijk naar de duinen slingert, stond een hoogst eenvoudige arbeiderswoning. Half overschaduwd door de dikke takken van een paar hooge, oude olmenboomen lag ze daar vredig en kalm, even vredig en kalm...
- ¥977 JPY
¥1,955 JPY- ¥977 JPY
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Psychologische TypenPsychologische TypenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1921 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird....
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