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Roma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo vol. IIRoma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo vol. II Dante trova Trajano fra l'anime beate che nel cielo di Giove ricevono premio e sono glorificate per avere amata ed amministrata la giustizia nel mondo[1]. Un imperatore non battezzato, fatto partecipe della felicit...
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Roma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo vol. IRoma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo vol. I L'aver di tanto arricchito il patrimonio delle singole scienze di quanto, dal Rinascimento in poi, non lo arricch tutta intera l'et che ci precede, , senza dubbio, gloria principalissima del nostro secolo; ma...
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RobincRobincPolitics and robots are, alike, very curious things. But they're alike in another wayif you look at things straight, and don't throw out answers even if they do seem more than a little screwy, you can use them effectively That's what Dugg Quinby thought,...
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Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 5Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 5Ueber Freilingen lag eine kalte, strmische Novembernacht; der Wind rumorte durch die Straen, als sei er allein hier Herr und Meister, und eine lbliche Polizeiinspektion habe nichts ber den Straenlrm zu sagen. Dicke Tropfen schlugen an...
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Le Troupeau d'AristéeLe Troupeau d'AristéeLe bachelier qui, frais moulu des tudes classiques, arrive aux champs et n'a, pour cultiver l'apier de son domaine, d'autre enseignement que les prescriptions des Gorgiques, s'expose la mme disgrce que le pasteur de Temp. Il risque fort de voir, comme Aristaeus,...
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The Charitable Pestmaster; Or, The Cure of the PlagueThe Charitable Pestmaster; Or, The Cure of the Plague - Conteining a few short and necessary instructions how to preserve the body from infection of the plagve, as also to cure those that are infected. Together with a little treatise concerning the cure of...
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Periods of European History: Period I., 476-918The Dark Ages, 476-918In spite of the very modest scale on which this book has been written, I trust that it may be of some use to students of European History. Though there are several excellent monographs in existence dealing with various sections of...
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The Merriwell Series No. 28Frank Merriwell in Maine; Or, The Lure of 'Way Down EastA half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as with...
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The Racer Boys Or, The Mystery of the WreckThe Racer Boys; Or, The Mystery of the WreckYes, almost too warm to do any speeding, and Frank Racer, a lad of fifteen, with a quiet look of determination on his face, rested on the oars of his skiff, and glanced across the slowly-heaving...
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The American Electro Magnetic TelegraphThe American Electro Magnetic Telegraph - With the Reports of Congress, and a Description of All Telegraphs Known, Employing Electricity or GalvanismThe same principle which justified and demanded the transference of the mail on many chief routes, from the horse-drawn coach on common highways...
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Jumaluskon alkuperäJumaluskon alkuperäTri Erkki Kailan Otavan kustannuksella viime vuonna ilmestynyt teos "Yleisen uskonnonhistorian ppiirteet" tutustuttaa suomalaista lukijaa uskonnon eri muotoihin. Senvuoksi en ole tss esityksessni pitnyt tarpeellisena lhemmin selostaa kaikkia uskonnonhistoriallisia perusksitteit, vaan on tarkoitukseni ollut lyhyesti esitt ainoastaan niit uskonnollisia ksityksi, joista kuvastuu eri...
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Muutamia mietteitä kasvatuksestaMuutamia mietteitä kasvatuksestaJohn Locke, Englannin huomattavin jrkeisfilosofian edustaja ja sen ensimminen klassillinen kasvatuskirjailija, syntyi 29 p. elok. 1632 Wringtonissa Bristolin lhell. Hn oli vanhempainsa, lakimies John Locken (synt. 1606) ja tmn vaimon Agnes tai Anne Keenen v. 1630 solmitusta avioliitosta syntynyt esikoinen; veli Thomas...
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OutlandOutlandThe trail begins at the Broken Tree with the hawks nest. As often as we have talked of it since, Herman and I, and that is as often as the ceanothus blooms untimely for a sign of rains delayed, or there is a low...
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Why Colored People in Philadelphia Are Excluded from the Street CarsWhy Colored People in Philadelphia Are Excluded from the Street CarsSome remarks lately communicated to the New York Anti-Slavery Standard, on the continued exclusion of colored people from our street cars, leave the impression that no efforts have been made here to procure for...
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Propos de peintre, première série: de David à DegasPropos de peintre, première série: de David à Degas - Ingres, David, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Whistler, Fantin-Latour, Ricard, Conder, Beardsley, etc. Préface par Marcel ProustCet Auteuil de mon enfance,de mon enfance et de sa jeunesse,qu'voque Jacques Blanche, je comprends qu'il s'y reporte avec...
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La colline inspiréeLa colline inspirée[1] Plusieurs des personnes qui furent mles aux vnements que nous allons raconter existent encore; d'autres ont disparu depuis trop peu de temps pour qu'il soit sans inconvnient de les mettre en scne. Aussi l'auteur prendra la libert de substituer certains noms...
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A Dictionary of IslamA Dictionary of Islam - Being a cyclopedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion.The increased interest manifested in relation to all matters affecting the East, and the great attention now given to...
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Iets oor die BoesmankultuurIets oor die Boesmankultuur - 'n Lesing gehou voor die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie op Stellenbosch, Januarie 1920, en gedruk op las van die AkademieDeur hul kuns is my belangstelling in die dwergies eers gewek, en later toe ek besef dat alleen deur n dieper studie...
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Dieudonat: RomanDieudonat: RomanL'histoire du prince Dieudonat est une bien belle histoire. Par malheur, elle n'est probablement qu'un tissu de mensonges: maintes considrations, en effet, portent croire que ce gentilhomme n'a jamais exist, et cette raison suffirait expliquer pourquoi nul ne peut dire en quel pays...
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The Moth Decides: A NovelThe Moth Decides: A NovelA tale of Paris and an American boy who found on every hand romance hidden away. "As sunny as 'Seventeen' and as subtle as 'The Age of Innocence.' There will be thousands to delight in it with tears and chuckles."Wilson...
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