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Die Kinder auf dem Abendberg: Eine WeihnachtsgabeDie Kinder auf dem Abendberg: Eine Weihnachtsgabe Nachdem ich halb Europa von Gibraltar bis Danemora durchstreift habe, reiste ich in diesem Sptsommer nach der Schweiz, nicht sowol um das Land, als hauptschlich um liebe Freunde wiederzusehen. Doch kaum hatte ich den Jura berschritten, als...
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Aleph, the Chaldean or, the Messiah as Seen from AlexandriaAleph, the Chaldean; or, the Messiah as Seen from AlexandriaTwo facts, at least, should be remembered by the readers of this book. 1. It was not uncommon in the times of the Christ for Hebrew men, in imitation of Joseph and Moses and Boaz,...
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Britain's Deadly Peril: Are We Told the Truth?Britain's Deadly Peril: Are We Told the Truth?The following pageswritten partly as a sequel to my book "German Spies in England," which has met with such wide popular favourare, I desire to assure the reader, inspired solely by a stern spirit of patriotism. It...
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Poésies religieusesPoésies religieuses - Préface de J. K. HuÿsmansMon intention n'est pas, en ces quelques pages, de parler, au point de vue littraire, de l'uvre de Verlaine. Cette tude a t mainte fois faite et, moi-mme, il y a bien longtemps, en 1884, dans A...
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Kultainen linna: Satuja Suomen lapsilleKultainen linna: Satuja Suomen lapsilleOli kerran ukko ja akka ja heili koti semmoinen kuin harakan pes. Se oli tien poskessa mkityrn juuressa niin liki mets, ett suurten naavakuusten oksat tuulisella sll ulottuivat koskettamaan kattoa ja seinhirsi. No, siitp niit tippui havunneulasia ja sadepisaroita katolle,...
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The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. V)The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. V)HON. JOHN C. LINEHAN.A Founder of the Society, and the first Treasurer-General of the same. Born in Macroom, County Cork, Ireland, Feb. 9, 1840. Died in Penacook (Concord), N. H., Sept. 19, 1905. The present is...
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Buchholzin perhe: Kuvailuja Berliinin elämästäBuchholzin perhe: Kuvailuja Berliinin elämästäPkaupungin koillisosassa, Landsberginkadun varrella, joka kulkee Aleksanderintorilta Fredrikinmetsikkn, on talo, joka eroaa kaikista lhinaapureistansa vain siten, ett'ei sen alakerrassa ole mitn puodin-ikkunoita, vaan sen sijaan on koristettu parilla pylvll, jotka arkkitehti on sommitellut, kun hn kerran tahtoi rakentaa kreikkalaiseen tapaan,...
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Les aventures de Don Juan de Vargas, racontées par lui-mêmeLes aventures de Don Juan de Vargas, racontées par lui-même - Traduites de l'espagnol sur le manuscrit inédit par Charles NavarinL'auteur de l'ouvrage que nous publions aujourd'hui n'est pas compltement inconnu. Antonio Sinsal en parle dans sa Chronique de Jaen, comme vivant encore de...
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Douris and the Painters of Greek VasesDouris and the Painters of Greek VasesThe translator of M. Pottiers monograph on Douris has kindly asked me to write, by way of preface, a few words on the relation of Greek vase-painting to Greek literature and to Greek mythology. I do this with...
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PeppinoPeppinoI. Kaksi vierasta Albanossa. II. Peppino ja hnen itins. III. Neo astuu nyttmlle. IV. Neon sukuper ja olosuhteet. V. Herra Pagani puhuu kuin roomalainen. VI. Salaisuus. VII. Kummallinen matkatoveri. VIII. Salaisuus tulee ilmi. IX. Kuulustelu. X. Onni hymyilee. XI. Onni kntyy poispin. Aurinko paistoi...
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Die Starken: Ein Athleten-RomanDie Starken: Ein Athleten-RomanIn der gedruckten Ausgabe befindet sich zwischen den Kapiteln IV. und V. auf S. 44 ein weiteres Kapitel, welches mit VI. bezeichnet wurde, aber nicht identisch mit dem ebenfalls mit VI. nummerierten Kapitel auf S. 95 ist. Die Kapitelnummern wurden in...
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Unkarilaisia satuja ja tarinoitaUnkarilaisia satuja ja tarinoitaPoika lhti kotiinsa, kertoi islleen, mit oli kuullut harmaahapsiselta ukolta, ja heti he lhtivt pellolle. Tosiaankin oli phkinpuun alla suuri kolo. He kurkistivat sen sisn ja nkivt siell alhaalla suuren aitan, joka oli tynn jauhoja, silavaa ynn kaikenlaista muuta hyv sytv....
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Technical School, Sioux Falls Army Air FieldTechnical School, Sioux Falls Army Air FieldThis handbook contains information about the Technical School, Sioux Falls Army Air Field, Sioux Falls, S. D., and its many services for the school personnel, including telephone service. Also, there is a map of Sioux Falls and city...
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The Common Nature of Epidemics, and their relation to climate and civilizationThe Common Nature of Epidemics, and their relation to climate and civilizationThe recent very serious outbreak of Epidemic disease among the cattle in England may not unreasonably induce the fear that a human Epidemic is approaching. Cholera has prevailed in Paris and several other...
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The Perfect World: A romance of strange people and strange placesThe Perfect World: A romance of strange people and strange placesMarshfielden was, perhaps, one of the prettiest villages in Derbyshire. Nestling among the peaks of that lovely county, its surroundings were most picturesque. Its straggling street, for it had but one, was unspoiled by...
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United States. National Park Service. Historical handbook series, no. 33Richmond National Battlefield Park, VirginiaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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Harper's Round Table, March 16, 1897Harper's Round Table, March 16, 1897Bruce was a good shot with either rifle or shot-gun; he could pitch, catch, or strike a ball as well as any other boy of his age, and he could handle a horse better than some men who travel...
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On the track of Ulysses; Together with an excursion in quest of the so-called Venus of MelosOn the track of Ulysses; Together with an excursion in quest of the so-called Venus of Melos - Two studies in archaeology, made during a cruise among the Greek islandsThe series of papers herewith committed to the more or less permanent condition of book...
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Tsel Ha'Olamצל העולם . . ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 61024 Author: Gautier, of Metz Release Date: Dec 26, 2019 Format: eBook Language: Hebrew Contributors Translator: Delacrut, Mattathias ben Solomon, active 16th century
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A Letter to Lord Fielding. Suggested by the late proceedings at the New Church at PantasaA Letter to Lord Fielding. Suggested by the late proceedings at the New Church at PantasaAn able Prelate of the Irish section of the Latin Church once observedThe chief points to be discussed between the Church of Rome and of England arethe Canon of...
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