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Upplevelser under krigsåren 1914-1918Upplevelser under krigsåren 1914-1918Det stora vrldskrigets utbrott trffade mig p min villa ngra kilometer frn Viborg, varest jag, just hemkommen frn en badsejour i Sverige, beredde mig fr en angenm "Nachkur". Tidigt p morgonen den 1 augusti 1914 verlmnades till mig av en poliskonstapel...
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Wanderings in Corsica: Its History and Its Heroes. Vol. 2 of 2Wanderings in Corsica: Its History and Its Heroes. Vol. 2 of 2 For our supply of the comforts and luxuries of life, we lay the world under contribution: fresh from every quarter of the globe we draw a portion of its yearly produce. The...
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Sea Scouts up-ChannelSea Scouts up-Channel"I can hardly believe we're miles from home," chimed in Ted Coles, the tenderfoot or "greenhorn" of the troop. "My word, that shakes the old boat up!" he exclaimed, as a vicious blast of wind bore down upon the side of the...
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The Knitting BookThe Knitting BookIt is usually considered necessary to introduce works of any description, however trifling, with a few prefatory remarks. Happily the days of dedication are nearly at their close, and an author has now only to direct the attention of the reader to...
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The Jewel House: An Account of the Many Romances Connected with the Royal RegaliaThe Jewel House: An Account of the Many Romances Connected with the Royal Regalia - Together with Sir Gilbert Talbot's Account of Colonel Blood's PlotWhen kings began to reignThe Crown of the King of the AmmonitesA Crown weighing 125 lbs.The Treasure House of KingsEgbert...
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Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, lady companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Volume 1 (of 2)Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight, lady companion to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Volume 1 (of 2) - with extracts from her journals and anecdote booksA book of this kind scarcely needs a sponsor. It carries the impression of its authenticity on every page....
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The Dune CountryThe Dune CountryTHE text and illustrations in this book are intended to depict a strange and picturesque country, with some of its interesting wild life, and a few of the unique human characters that inhabit it. The big ranges of sand dunes that skirt...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Oscar WildeIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Oscar Wilde Sonnet on the Massacre of the Christians in Bulgaria Sonnet on hearing the Dies Ir sung in the Sistine Chapel On the Sale by Auction of Keats Love Letters ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to...
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Rautatie ja hautuumaa, ynnä muita kertomuksiaRautatie ja hautuumaa, ynnä muita kertomuksiaKnut Aakre oli seudun vanhaa sukua ja aina ollut hyvss maineessa valistuksensa ja kunnallisten harrastustensa thden. Hnen isoisns oli pyrkinyt ylspin ja pssyt papiksi, mutta kuoli nuorena, ja kun leski oli talonpoikaista syntyper, kasvatettiin lapsetkin talonpojiksi. Knut oli siis...
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Aasian tytärAasian tytärJokaisessa hyvin sommitellussa romaanissa on sankarin kuvaus vlttmtn. Mutta tm kirja ei olekaan romaani, tai se on romaani, joka ei ole sen paremmin snnstelty kuin sen sankarin elmkn. Ja sitpaitse joutuisivat taitavimmatkin pulaan, jos heidn pitisi kuvata vlinpitmttmlle yleislle tuo Loti, jota me...
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Through One AdministrationThrough One AdministrationEight years before the Administration rendered important by the series of events and incidents which form the present story, there had come to Washington, on a farewell visit to a distant relative with whom he was rather a favorite, a young officer...
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Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow: A NovelChaste as Ice, Pure as Snow: A NovelHam. If thou dost marry, I'll give thee this plague for thy dowry: Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Hamlet, Act III. Scene I. There was a woman,...
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The Three Brothers CompleteThe Three Brothers; CompleteThe reason why Mr. Rentons sons were sent out into the world in the humble manner, and with the results we are about to record, must be first told, in order that their history may be comprehensible to the reader. Had...
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The Three Brothers vol. 3/3The Three Brothers; vol. 3/3Alice Severn was very innocent and very young,just over sixteen,a child to all intents and purposes,as everybody thought around her. Old Welby, who had taken to meddling in the padronas affairs, with that regard which the friends of a woman...
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The Three Brothers vol. 2/3The Three Brothers; vol. 2/3It must be admitted that the counsel thus bestowed upon Laurie in respect to his work had rather a discouraging than a stimulating effect upon him. It disgusted him, no doubt, with Edith and his big canvas, but it did...
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The Three Brothers vol. 1/3The Three Brothers; vol. 1/3The reason why Mr. Rentons sons were sent out into the world in the humble manner, and with the results we are about to record, must be first told, in order that their history may be comprehensible to the reader....
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