Public Domain
The Story of Paper-makingThe Story of Paper-making - An account of paper-making from its earliest known record down to the present timeIt is a rare privilege to stand as we do at the meeting-point of the centuries, bidding a reluctant farewell to the old, while simultaneously we...
- ¥960 JPY
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The Blacksmith in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Blacksmith in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Life & Times and of His CraftIron seemeth a simple metal, but in its nature are many mysteries, wrote Joseph Glanvill, a seventeenth-century English churchman. To the contrary, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, two centuries later,...
- ¥960 JPY
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Connaissance de la DéesseConnaissance de la DéesseUn doute a disparu de l'esprit depuis quelque quarante annes. Une dmonstration dfinitive a rejet parmi les rves l'antique ambition de la quadrature du cercle. Heureux les gomtres, qui rsolvent de temps autre, telle nbuleuse de leur systme; mais les potes...
- ¥960 JPY
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Il fiume Bianco e i Dénka: MemorieIl fiume Bianco e i Dénka: Memorie Io nol nego: fin dai vent'anni ho avuto la vocazione d'andarmene proprio in Africa; ed unico mio scopo era la conversione di quelle genti barbare e selvagge a religione e civilt. Ma non posso negare altres d'essere...
- ¥960 JPY
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History of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer InfantryHistory of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry - First Brigade, First Division, Third Corps and Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Corps, Army of the PotomacWhen the idea of publishing the History of the Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers was first conceived and a...
- ¥960 JPY
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Slavery in HistorySlavery in HistoryFor the first time in the annals of humanity, domestic slavery, or the system of chattelhood and traffic in man, is erected into a religious, social and political creed. This new creed has its thaumaturgus, its temples, its altars, its worship, its...
- ¥960 JPY
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Uit Ouden TijdUit Ouden TijdHet was den 28sten Juni van het jaar onzes Heeren 1297, dat er in den Buitenhof van het Grafelijke jachtslot in Die Haghe zich een bonte menigte bewoog. Opgetuigde paarden liepen aan de hand van stalknechts op en neer, en gaven dikwijls...
- ¥960 JPY
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The cries of London and public edificesLondon Cries & Public EdificesThe Tinker is swinging his fire-pot to make it burn, having placed his soldering-iron in it, and is proceeding to some corner or post, there to repair the saucepan he carries.We commence with the most interesting edifice in our capital,...
- ¥960 JPY
¥3,169 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Het Kindeken Jezus in VlaanderenHet Kindeken Jezus in VlaanderenIn de kader en de landschappen van ons schoon en goed Vlaanderen, heb ik mij het Goddelijke verhaal van het Kindeken Jezus, zijne zoete moeder en zijn goeden voedstervader verbeeld, en met wat letterkunde in groot genoegen omcierd. Het was...
- ¥960 JPY
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John LacklandJohn LacklandOther sidenotes give the actual date of an event. These have been moved next to the description of the date, and are shown in parentheses, e.g. {30 May}, or show a change of year. Others, which merely repeat a date, have been removed....
- ¥960 JPY
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Lettres d'un satyreLettres d'un satyreVous ne m'avez pas demand, Amazone, en acceptant la ddicace de cette histoire singulire, ce que j'avais voulu faire par ces Lettres d'un Satyre. Je n'en ai pas t surpris, parce que vous connaissez souvent mes intentions mieux que moi-mme et que...
- ¥960 JPY
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A Description of GreenlandA Description of GreenlandA FRIEND of mine, who lived some time in Greenland, published (unknown to me) some years ago, a Description of Greenland, under the title of A New Survey of Old Greenland, which, not long after my arrival in those parts, I...
- ¥960 JPY
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The Military Adventures of Charles O'NeilThe Military Adventures of Charles O'Neil - Who was a Soldier in the Army of Lord Wellington during the Memorable Peninsular War and the Continental Campaigns from 1811 to 1815The history of times and events, of men and their characters, must ever be replete...
- ¥960 JPY
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Novellenbuch 1. BandNovellenbuch 1. BandEine der schnsten Sammlungen der deutschen Literatur ist der Deutsche Novellenschatz, den Paul Heyse in Gemeinschaft mit Hermann Kurz in den Jahren 1871 bis 1876 herausgab. Die Sammlung fand so groen Beifall, da dem Deutschen Novellenschatz, obwohl er 24 Bnde umfate, 1884...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Miss Numè of Japan: A Japanese-American RomanceMiss Numè of Japan: A Japanese-American RomanceThe fate of an introduction to a book seems not only to fall short of its purpose, but to offend those whose habit it is to criticise before they read. Once I heard an old man say, "It...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Falling in with Fortune Or, The Experiences of a Young SecretaryFalling in with Fortune; Or, The Experiences of a Young Secretary"Falling in with Fortune" is a complete tale in itself, but forms the second of two companion volumes, the first being entitled, "Out for Business." In this story are related the adventures of Robert...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Swetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by womenSwetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by women - A new comedie, acted at the Red Bull, by the late Queenes seruants.Mis. Doe, and Ile teach you the very mysterie of Fencing, that in a fortnight, you shall be able to challenge any Scholer vnder the...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Baroness OrczyIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Baroness Orczy BEAU BROCADE, A Romance By The Baroness Orczy CONTENTS PART I.-THE FORGE. CHAP. BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT THE FORGE OF JOHN STICH THE FUGITIVE JOCK MIGGS, THE SHEPHERD "THERE'S NONE LIKE HER, NONE!" A SQUIRE...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Harriet Beecher StoweIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe CHAPTER I -- In Which the Reader Is Introduced to a Man of Humanity CHAPTER V -- Showing the Feelings of Living Property on Changing Owners CHAPTER XI -- In Which Property Gets into...
- ¥960 JPY
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Das erste Schuljahr: Eine Erzählung für Kinder von 7-12 JahrenDas erste Schuljahr: Eine Erzählung für Kinder von 7-12 JahrenEi der tausend, da steht ja etwas im Wochenblatt, was mein Gretchen angeht! sprach Herr Reinwald zu seiner kleinen Tochter, die neben ihm am Tisch sa und mit farbigen Wrfeln spielte, whrend der Vater die...
- ¥960 JPY
¥1,921 JPY- ¥960 JPY
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