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Modern French MastersModern French MastersThe source of art is the fountain of Love: the winged spirits, Painting, Sculpture, and Poetry, spring from it hand in hand. With affectionate leave-takings and cries of joy at their liberation, they soar into space, the angel of Music out-winging the...
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ElämäniElämäniYlimpn armeijan johtoon astumisesta Venjn murskautumiseen. Kutsu ylimpn armeijanjohtoon. Elm suuressa pmajassa. Sotatapaukset vuoden 1916 loppuun. Suhteeni valtiollisiin kysymyksiin. Valmistuksia tulevan sotavuoden varalle. Vihollisten rynnistys 1917 vuoden alkupuoliskolla. Vihollishykkysten jatkuminen v:n 1917 jlkipuoliskolla. Katsaus kansojen ja valtioiden sisisiin oloihin lopulla vuotta 1917. Ern kevtiltana...
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Afrodite: Kertomus vanhan Hellaan ajoiltaAfrodite: Kertomus vanhan Hellaan ajoiltaOli vuosi 551 ennen Kristuksen syntym. Latmon lahden ranta loisti illan hohteessa. Ylhll, kaidalla maantiell, joka Mylasasta johti Mileton rantakaupunkiin, seisoi kaunis, kukkea nuorukainen sauvaansa nojaten. Poimukas kitona oli vyll vytettyn ja tomussa. Vasemmalta olalta riippui pitkiss hihnoissa nahkainen laukku,...
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The Florist and Horticultural Journal, Vol. II. No. 7, July, 1853The Florist and Horticultural Journal, Vol. II. No. 7, July, 1853 - A Monthly Magazine of Horticulture, Agriculture, Botany, Agricultural Chemistry, Entomology, &c.CHARAC. GENER.Flores monoici. Masc. Perigonii tetraphylli foliolis subrotundis, 4 exterioribus majoribus. Stamina plurima; filamentis brevissimis liberis v. basi-connatis, antheris extrorsis bilocularibus, loculis...
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Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 2Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 2Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y...
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The Tragic Story of the Empress of Ireland, and Other Great Sea DisastersThe Tragic Story of the Empress of Ireland, and Other Great Sea DisastersTHOSE who go down to the sea in ships was once a synonym for those who gambled with death and put their lives upon the hazard. Today the mortality at sea is...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Henry David ThoreauIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Henry David Thoreau CONCORD RIVER. SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Aleksandr PushkinIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Aleksandr Pushkin "THE OLD MAGICIAN CAME AT ONCE" 19 "SEATED BEFORE HER LOOKING GLASS" 24 "PAUL AND LISAVETA" 27 "THERE SHE SHED TEARS" 33 "SHE TORE IT INTO A HUNDRED PIECES" 40 "A FOOTMAN IN A GREASY...
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The Tower of LondonThe Tower of LondonFrom a MS. of the Poems of Charles, Duke of Orleans. British Museum, 16 F. II. The numerous subjects drawn from the collection formed by the late Mr. J. E. Gardner are reproduced by kind permission of Mr. E. T. Gardner....
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Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among "the Heathen Chinee"Blue Jackets; or, The Adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., Among "the Heathen Chinee" - A Nautical NovelThe most cruel and ignominious punishment man can inflict upon his fellow men, is still enforced in the English Naval Service; though many indignantly deny it, and stigmatize...
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Six Thousand Tons of Gold6,000 Tons of GoldBY H. R. CHAMBERLAIN London Correspondent of The Sun, New York. {4} Copyright, 1894 By Flood & Vincent Entered at Stationers Hall, London By H. R. Chamberlain The Chautauqua-Century Press, Meadville, Pa., U. S. A. Electrotyped, Printed, and Bound by Flood...
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The Waterloo Campaign, 1815The Waterloo Campaign, 1815BY common consent, this Work is regarded as the best comprehensive account in the English language of the Waterloo Campaign. Even those who differ from the Author upon particular points, most cordially admit the general accuracy and fulness of his History....
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The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 4), April, 1914The Delinquent (Vol. IV, No. 4), April, 1914What is a criminal? To-night I pace the narrow confines of my steel-barred cell and ask myself for the hundredth timeWhat is a criminal? Is he, as Lombroso claims, a moral degenerate? Is he the mental imbecile...
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War—What For?War—What For?Justice soothes. Justice heals the wounds and sores in the social body. Justice strikes down all robberyillegal and legal. Justice calms. Injustice stings. Injustice burns, irritateskills sociability and creates conflict. Injustice prevents brotherhood. Injustice is unsocialanti-socialand is thus a social sore. Injustice, organized...
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La dernière nuit de Don Juan: poème dramatique en deux parties et un prologueLa dernière nuit de Don Juan: poème dramatique en deux parties et un prologueOn a d, pour l'intelligence du drame, complter les indications de scne du texte original. Celles de ces indications qui ne sont pas de la main de l'auteur ont t mises...
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Sotamuistelmani 1914-1918Sotamuistelmani 1914-1918Ententen rynnistys syksyll 1916. Tilanne 1916-1917 vuosien vaihteessa. Jatkuvan sodankynnin perusteet ja sotakoneisto. Ententen rynnistys 1917 vuoden alkupuoliskolla. Flanderin taistelu ja Venjn luhistuminen kesll ja syksyll 1917. Valmistukset hykkykseen lnness 1918. Hykkys lnness 1918. Lopputaistelu kesll ja syksyll 1918. Loppusanat. Sotamuistelmat kertovat Saksan...
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The Candle and the CatThe Candle and the CatAt the entrance to the driveway leading to the residence occupied by the President of the Theological Seminary were two flat-topped stone pillars, and upon one of these on a certain bright September day, Trolley sat sunning himself. His handsome...
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Captain John's Adventures or, The Story of a Fatherless BoyCaptain John's Adventures; or, The Story of a Fatherless BoyRICHARD LEDDAM was a poor man, who obtained a subsistence by toiling in all weathers in catching fish and oysters, which he sold to persons whose business it was to supply the city market. The...
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Vida de CervantesVida de CervantesLas reglas ortogrficas del castellano cuando esta obra fue publicada por primera vez eran diferentes a las existentes cuando se realiz la transcripcin. El criterio utilizado para llevar a cabo esta transcripcin ha sido el de respetar la ortografa original, salvo en...
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La Samaritaine, évangile en trois tableaux, en versLa Samaritaine, évangile en trois tableaux, en versJe remercie Mme Sarah-Bernhardt, qui fut une flamme et une prire; la Directrice de son Thtre, laquelle, somptueusement, elle prta son got; M. Brmont, dont la tendresse fut infinie cause de sa mesure; toute cette jeune et...
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