Public Domain
Bumper the White Rabbit in the WoodsBumper the White Rabbit in the WoodsAll little boys and girls who love animals should become acquainted with Bumper the white rabbit, with Bobby Gray Squirrel, with Buster the bear, and with White Tail the deer, for they are all a jolly lot, brave...
- ¥951 JPY
¥13,675 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Seventeen trips through SomálilandSeventeen trips through Somáliland - A record of exploration & big game shooting, 1885 to 1893Somliland, the new British Protectorate, is in some respects one of the most interesting regions of the African Continent. In the present daily life of its natives we have...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Wild Life at the Land's EndWild Life at the Land's End - Observations of the Habits and Haunts of the Fox, Badger, Otter, Seal, Hare and of Their Pursuers in CornwallThe sports described have led me to some of the wildest and weirdest spots of West Cornwall. There are...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Adventures in Holland and at Waterloo and Expedition to PortugalAdventures in Holland and at Waterloo; and Expedition to PortugalAbout thirty-three years ago, Thomas Knight (the author of this work) published a very interesting account of his adventures. A few members of the Stock Exchange bore the principal portion of the expense of printing...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Doom of LondonThe Doom of LondonThe editor of The Daily Chat wondered a little vaguely why he had come down to the office at all. Here was the thermometer down to 11 with every prospect of touching zero before daybreak, and you can't fill a morning...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Soldiers and SailorsSoldiers and Sailors - or, Anecdotes, Details, and Recollections of Naval and Military Life, as Related to His Nephews, by an Old Officer.Soldiers and Sailors.Recruiting Sergeant, Officer and Jack-tar.Generals and Admirals.Which is the braver, the Red Coat or the Blue Jacket?Cavalry and Infantry.Engineers, Artillery,...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Viehättävä vastustajatar: SeikkailuromaaniViehättävä vastustajatar: Seikkailuromaani1. Pari nykyaikaisen tekniikan vrinkyttj mullistaa kylpykaupungin kesisen elmn. 2. Sanomalehtimiehet pttvt aikansa kuluksi ruveta kilpailemaan esivallan kanssa. 3. Se, joka ei ole tullut ympyrviivan yli, on sen sispuolella. 4. Kivinen alkaa purjehdusretkell epill sananpartta, ett naisten ja ovien kanssa tulee aina...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Titanicin perikatoTitanicin perikato - Romantillinen kuvaus "Titanic"-laivan haaksirikosta yöllä vasten 15 päivää huhtikuuta 1912I. Matkustuskuume. II. Matkalla Englantiin. III. Lumoava kovanonnen tuoja. IV. Enntysmatka. V. Nkymttmi yhdyssiteit. VI. Tuhonsaattaja. VII. Huhtikuun 14 ja 15 pivn vlinen y 1912. VIII. Kauhea sekasorto. Titanicin kuolinhymi nuotteineen. IX....
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Lighthouses and LightshipsLighthouses and Lightships - A Descriptive and Historical Account of Their Mode of Construction and Organization LIGHTHOUSES AND LIGHTSHIPS: A DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THEIR MODE OF CONSTRUCTION AND ORGANIZATION. BY W. H. DAVENPORT ADAMS, AUTHOR OF BURIED CITIES OF CAMPANIA, QUEEN OF...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Decisive Battles of AmericaDecisive Battles of AmericaAmerica was discovered in a search for trade routes, but our country has been in larger part maintained and transmitted to us directly or indirectly as the result of war. Almost from the outset there were conflicting claims on the part...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Useful Knowledge: Volume 1. MineralsUseful Knowledge: Volume 1. Minerals - Or, a familiar account of the various productions of natureThe mode in which instruction has hitherto been conveyed, on the peculiar subjects of the present work, has chiefly been by small books, in question and answer, denominated catechisms....
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Story of the Highland RegimentsThe Story of the Highland RegimentsIt is a perplexing thing when the making of history is often terrible, sometimes tragic, but hardly ever tedious, that the reading of history should be considered uniformly grey. In compiling the present book I shrank from the word...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Luncheons: A Cook's Picture BookLuncheons: A Cook's Picture BookIt is a book of illustrated receipts, a cooks picture-book, intended to be very useful in the way of suggestion. It is arranged so that housekeepers may more readily make up a menu, often a difficult task, or may easily...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Os Trabalhadores do MarOs Trabalhadores do MarDedico este livro ao rochedo de hospitalidade e de liberdade, a este canto da velha terra normanda onde vive o nobre e pequeno povo do mar, ilha de Guernesey, severa e branda, meu actual asylo, meu provavel tumulo. A religio, a...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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How to Do Mechanical TricksHow to Do Mechanical Tricks - Containing Complete Instruction for Performing Over Sixty Ingenious Mechanical Tricks The Pile of Draughtsmen. The Decanter, Card, and Coin. A Clever Blow. The Obedient Coin. To Cut a String With Your Hands. The Rebound. A Fiery Catapult. To...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Country School: An Entertainment in Two ScenesThe Country School: An Entertainment in Two Scenes You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Contes populaires de Lorraine, comparés avec les contes des autres provinces de France et des pays étrangers, volume 1 (of 2)Contes populaires de Lorraine, comparés avec les contes des autres provinces de France et des pays étrangers, volume 1 (of 2)Quand Perrault voulut publier les contes dont son enfance avait t berce, il n'osa les faire paratre sous son nom: il craignait qu'on ne...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 5, January 1910The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 5, January 1910This text-book is designed for elementary college classes, having already proved successful as a basis of Freshman instruction in Indiana University. It gives a general survey of mediaeval history from Charlemagne to the close of...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia CavalryThe Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia CavalryTo the Members of the Thirty-Fifth Virginia Cavalry: The following pages have been prepared under many and great difficulties, and while they exhibit the history of the command we were so proud of in the dark...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Naval Actions of the War of 1812Naval Actions of the War of 1812To study the condition of affairs that led up to the declaration of the second war against Great Britain we have but to turn to the sea. Although England, it must be confessed, had plenty of fighting on...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,547 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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