Public Domain
The Middle Kingdom, Volume 1 (of 2)The Middle Kingdom, Volume 1 (of 2) - A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its InhabitantsDuring the thirty-five years which have elapsed since the first edition of this work was issued, a greater...
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Robin LinnetRobin LinnetDAMON and Pythias, collegiately and colloquially known as Day and Pie, were seated in Damons room in the great quadrangle, on two chairs, side by side, with a candle on the table that guttered in the draught, and a copy of Socratess Apology...
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Le forçat honoraire: roman immoralLe forçat honoraire: roman immoral Le Foss de Bethlem. Les Ruines, quatre actes. L'pe au fourreau, roman militaire. La Dynastie, quatre actes. Le Misanthrope la terrasse, trois actes en vers. Oraisons funbres et autres, sonnets. Servedieu, roman. Rocaroc, homme politique, roman. Mmoires du comte...
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Dictionnaire érotique Latin-FrançaisDictionnaire érotique Latin-FrançaisLes Amateurs qui veulent bien suivre mes publications se rappellent sans doute les Adieux dont j'ai fait prcder la Raffaella, en Dcembre 1884: Le prsent volume, disais-je, est peut-tre le dernier de son genre que je mette au jour...; le prochain sera...
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Dictionary of Historical AllusionsDictionary of Historical AllusionsA treaty between the English Barons and Louis IX of France, signed in 1259, shortly after the establishment in England of the Council of Fifteen. By its provisions England retained Bordeaux, Bayonne, and Gascony, and surrendered all claim to Normandy, Anjou,...
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The Praise of Shakespeare: An English AnthologyThe Praise of Shakespeare: An English AnthologyI believe this volume serves a useful purpose. It is the fruit of a suggestion which I made to its compiler, Mr. Hughes, in the following circumstances. At the beginning of last year I engaged in controversy in...
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Popular misgovernment in the United StatesPopular misgovernment in the United StatesGreat numbers of discerning Americans must by this time have been brought to realize that something practical must shortly be done in this country by the believers in private property and private property rights to safeguard the nation from...
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Mysterious JapanMysterious JapanA peculiar ocean, the Pacific. A large and lonely ocean with few ships and many rutty spots that need mending. Ploughing westward over its restless surface for a week, you come to the place where East meets West with a bump that dislocates...
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¥8,528 JPY- ¥949 JPY
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A Manual of ConchologyA Manual of Conchology - According to the System Laid Down by Lamarck, with the Late Improvements by De Blainville. Exemplified and Arranged for the Use of Students.Conchology or Testaceology is a numerous and beautiful branch of Natural History, treating of the testaceous covering...
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
- ¥949 JPY
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West Irish Folk-Tales and RomancesWest Irish Folk-Tales and RomancesWhatever profit might, from the scientific point of view, be considered likely to spring from a study of Gaelic folk-lore, it would probably be considered beforehand that it would come from the study of the material as a single body,...
- ¥949 JPY
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Antar: A Bedoueen RomanceAntar: A Bedoueen RomanceThe Translator of The History of Antar being out of England, it is not in the Editors power to give to the reader much preliminary information on the contents or nature of the Epic Tale, which is now for the first...
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 6La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 6Il y avait, ma foi, six gros lampions le long de la ruelle Saint-Fiacre, depuis le boulevard extrieur jusqu la petite avenue de marronniers qui prcdait le chteau de la Savate. On y voyait assez pour distinguer les tas...
- ¥949 JPY
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Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 11, February 1899Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 11, February 1899 - A Magazine Devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Theosophical Movement, Philosophy, Science and ArtAnnual Subscription for the United States, Canada and Mexico, $2.00; 6 months $1.00; 3 months 50 cents; single copy, 20 cents....
- ¥949 JPY
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What Norman Saw in the WestWhat Norman Saw in the WestIt was an unusual sight, the long vista of the beautiful street in deep shadow, peaceful and calm as if it knew no trampling footsteps nor jostling vehicles. It 10was just waking up from its brief hour of repose....
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Erinnerungen einer ÜberflüssigenErinnerungen einer Überflüssigen Oft habe ich versucht, mir meine frheste Kindheit ins Gedchtnis zurckzurufen, doch reicht meine Erinnerung nur bis zu meinem fnften Lebensjahr und ist auch da schon teilweise ausgelscht. Mit voller Klarheit aber steht noch ein Sonntagvormittag im Winter desselben Jahres vor...
- ¥949 JPY
¥8,528 JPY- ¥949 JPY
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Ideals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, CriticalIdeals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, CriticalThe collected papers which form this book have been written at different times, and in the intervals of other work. Most of them were specially addressed to, and read before the Art Workers Guild, as contributions to the...
- ¥949 JPY
¥14,071 JPY- ¥949 JPY
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Memoirs of the Reign of King George II, Volume 2 (of 3)Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Second, Volume 2 (of 3)As the Editor notes in his Preface in Volume I, Some, though very few, coarse expressions, have been suppressed by the Editor, and the vacant spaces filled up by asterisks. There is...
- ¥949 JPY
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Amok: Novellen einer LeidenschaftAmok: Novellen einer Leidenschaft Im Mrz des Jahres 1912 ereignete sich im Hafen von Neapel bei dem Ausladen eines groen berseedampfers ein merkwrdiger Unfall, ber den die Zeitungen umfangreiche, aber sehr phantastisch ausgeschmckte Berichte brachten. Obzwar Passagier der Oceania, war es mir ebensowenig wie...
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¥8,528 JPY- ¥949 JPY
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The Battle of San Jacinto and the San Jacinto CampaignThe Battle of San Jacinto and the San Jacinto CampaignSan Jacinto, birthplace of Texas liberty!... San Jacinto, one of the worlds decisive battles!... San Jacinto, where, with cries of Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! Sam Houston and his ragged band of 910 pioneers routed...
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