Public Domain
Cosas de España; tomo 1Cosas de España; tomo 1 - (El país de lo imprevisto)EL ciudadano ingls Ricardo Ford (1796-1858), en su libro Gatherings from Spainque hoy, vestido a lo castellano, se da a la estampa con el ttulo de Cosas de Espaa (El pas de lo imprevisto),...
- ¥951 JPY
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The Story of Rustem, and other Persian hero tales from FirdusiThe Story of Rustem, and other Persian hero tales from FirdusiThe world has few great epics. In fact, it has been said that there are perhaps but six in all. Yet the materials for an epic are to be found among all nations in...
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The Rāmāyana, Volume 2. Āranya, Kishkindhā, and Sundara KāndamThe Rāmāyana, Volume 2. Āranya, Kishkindhā, and Sundara KāndamThis book was transcribed from scans of several different copies of the original found at the Internet Archive. The typesetters of the original book represented the letter (with a macron above) as (with circumflex above) when...
- ¥951 JPY
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Jimmy Drury: Candid Camera DetectiveJimmy Drury: Candid Camera DetectiveJimmie Drury hated fog. He was thinking as he crossed the Madison Street bridge: Perhaps the devil is a monster breathing out fire, but when his fires are banked he must breathe out cold, gray fog which is worse. He...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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L'imitation de Jésus-ChristL'imitation de Jésus-Christ - Traduction nouvelle avec des réflexions à la fin de chaque chapitreLes personnes qui recherchent avec une prfrence fonde sur le mrite incontestable de la traduction et surtout des Rflexions, l'Imitation de Jsus-Christ de M. l'abb de Lamennais, sont induites en...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Twenty-four DiscoursesTwenty-four Discourses - On Some of the Important and Interesting Truths, Duties, and Institutions, of the Gospel, and the General Excellency of the Christian Religion; Calculated for the People of God of Every Communion, Particularly for the Benefit of Pious Families, and the Instruction...
- ¥951 JPY
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La vita Italiana nel SeicentoLa vita Italiana nel Seicento - Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1894 Posciach nella giostra, indarno deprecata da Caterina de' Medici, giacque, per l'asta infelice del Montgomery, Enrico II, lasciando a un adolescente infermiccio, e dopo questo a fanciulli fracidi di corpo e di...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Scenes in the Life of Harriet TubmanScenes in the Life of Harriet TubmanIt is proposed in this little book to give a plain and unvarnished account of some scenes and adventures in the life of a woman who, though one of earth's lowly ones, and of dark-hued skin, has shown...
- ¥951 JPY
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The Men on Deck: Master, Mates and Crew, Their Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Men on Deck: Master, Mates and Crew, Their Duties and ResponsibilitiesIn the days of sail, the duties of masters, mates, and crews, were well defined. Sea practice, in the various rigs, had become standard with the authority of an ancient calling. The art...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use ItOther People's Money, and How the Bankers Use ItWhile Louis D. Brandeiss series of articles on the money trust was running in Harpers Weekly many inquiries came about publication in more accessible permanent form. Even without such urgence through the mail, however, it would...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 9, May, 1910The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 9, May, 1910The purpose of this volume is to present an adequate description of all essential things in the upbuilding of the country, and to supplement this by good illustrations and maps. Political geography, being the background...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Doctor's Secret JournalThe Doctor's Secret JournalOn September 28, 1761, a year after Frances vast North American empire had been surrendered to the British at Montreal, Canada, the flag of Great Britain was raised over Fort Michilimackinac, far to the west at what is now Mackinaw City,...
- ¥951 JPY
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Jet Plane MysteryJet Plane MysteryEnsign Jack Steel sat on the edge of a life raft whittling a stick. A strange place to whittle, one might say, on the deck of a great U. S. aircraft carrier in mid-Pacific. But Jack loved to whittle. What do you...
- ¥951 JPY
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A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 3 (of 3)A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 3 (of 3)"I'm in no particular hurry, doctor, to get back to London," Sir Thomas Dudgeon had quietly hinted to his medical man. "I daresay the House can get on without me quite as well as...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 2 (of 3)A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 2 (of 3)It was nearly dusk on the eighth day after Peter Byrne and his daughter had got settled in their new rooms, when Gerald Warburton knocked at the door of Max Van Duren's house. It...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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How to Master the Spoken WordHow to Master the Spoken Word - Designed as a Self-Instructor for all who would Excel in the Art of Public SpeakingThis work aims to show how to breathe correctly, produce voice properly, put the meaning into words by aid of inflection, emphasis, and...
- ¥951 JPY
¥22,557 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Scotland in Pagan Times The Iron AgeScotland in Pagan Times; The Iron AgeThe few minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. On the conclusion...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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A Character of the Province of MarylandA Character of the Province of Maryland - Described in four distinct parts; also a small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Maryland, their customs, manners, absurdities, and religion; together with a collection of historical letters. THE Reason why I...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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It Was Marlowe: A Story of the Secret of Three CenturiesIt Was Marlowe: A Story of the Secret of Three CenturiesA number of years ago I read the plays of Christopher Marlowe; and as evidence of the impression they made upon me, there is still among my recent notes gathered for this romance, the...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Das deutsche Wunder: RomanDas deutsche Wunder: RomanDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1916 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Ungewhnliche, altertmliche und regional gefrbte Ausdrcke wurden nicht korrigiert; fremdsprachliche Zitate und Ausdrcke wurden unverndert bernommen insbesondere wenn diese in ihrer eingedeutschten Form verwendet wurden ,...
- ¥951 JPY
¥8,544 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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