Public Domain
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 4, De La Isla De Cuba, IIColección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 4, De La Isla De Cuba, IIEn las cifras en nmeros romanos impresas en versalita en el original, el tamao de la letra U (1000) es,...
- ¥958 JPY
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Quaint KoreaQuaint KoreaA few of the following pages have appeared in The London Times, The Pall Mall Gazette, The Daily Chronicle, The Pall Mall Budget, The Queen, The St. James Budget, St. Pauls, Black and White, and The Lady. The Editors of these papers kindly...
- ¥958 JPY
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Correspondance: Les lettres et les artsCorrespondance: Les lettres et les artsLes lettres qu'on va lire ont t crites par mile Zola au dbut de sa carrire. Il avait nou des relations d'amiti, Aix-en-Provence, avec le pote Antony Valabrgue, g alors de dix-neuf ans et qui faisait ses premiers essais...
- ¥958 JPY
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Aurora LeighAurora LeighThe words cousin and friend are constantly recurring in this poem, the last pages of which have been finished under the hospitality of your roof, my own dearest cousin and friend;cousin and friend, in a sense of less equality and greater disinterestedness than...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Ruby Roland, the Girl Spy or, Simon Kenton's ProtegeRuby Roland, the Girl Spy; or, Simon Kenton's Protege Chapter I. The Rangers Ruse. Chapter II. The Island. Chapter III. The Meeting. Chapter IV. Ruby Roland. Chapter V. The Journey. Chapter VI. Danger All Round. Chapter VII. On the Line. Chapter VIII. The Backwoods...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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General History of Connecticut, from Its First Settlement Under George Fenwick to its Latest Period of Amity with Great BritainGeneral History of Connecticut, from Its First Settlement Under George Fenwick to its Latest Period of Amity with Great BritainThis text includes characters that require UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding. If the (oe ligature) does not display properly or if the apostrophes and quotation marks...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Friends of VoltaireThe Friends of Voltaire DAlembert. Joseph Bertrand. uvres et Correspondance indites. DAlembert. Correspondance avec dAlembert. Marquise du Deffand. Diderot and the Encyclopdists. John Morley. loge de dAlembert. Condorcet. uvres. Diderot. Diderot. Reinach. Diderot, lHomme et lEcrivain. Ducros. Diderot. Scherer. Diderot et Catherine II. Tourneux....
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Art of Theatrical Make-upThe Art of Theatrical Make-upLooking back on the method of production of this book, it seems to me not to have been so much a matter of toil as a natural growth. It seems to have produced itself, for my earliest photographs were taken...
- ¥958 JPY
¥22,731 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Canadian Horticulturist, Volume IThe Canadian Horticulturist, Volume I - Compendium & IndexThe second part of the Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society has been received, through the politeness of Robert Manning, Esq., Secretary, from which we glean some very interesting information concerning several of the fruits that...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Musical StudiesMusical StudiesA preface to the third edition can in the nature of things be little more than a repetition of that to the second. While in one way it is regrettable that the article on Strauss does not carry us further than the Symphonia...
- ¥958 JPY
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Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Volume 1 (of 3)Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Volume 1 (of 3)When the forest and jungle of north-central or north-western Ceylon is viewed from the upper part of a hill of considerable height, it has the appearance of a dark green sea, across which, if there be any...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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History of English Literature from "Beowulf" to SwinburneHistory of English Literature from "Beowulf" to SwinburneA Preface to a book on the History of English Literature is apt to be an apology, for a writer must be conscious of his inability to deal with a subject so immense and so multiplex in...
- ¥958 JPY
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My StoryMy StoryWashington, D. C., December 12, 1917. The record of important events in human affairs as they are placed upon the pages of history and drift into the shadows of the past, should be recorded with sacred fidelity. The historian who places accurate and...
- ¥958 JPY
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The Romance of the RomanoffsThe Romance of the Romanoffs The history of Russia has attracted many writers and inspired many volumes during the last twenty years, yet its most romantic and most interesting feature has not been fully appreciated. Thirteen years ago, when the long struggle of the...
- ¥958 JPY
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Margaret Sanger: an autobiographyMargaret Sanger: an autobiography.My thanks are due especially to Rackham Holt for her discerning aid in organizing material and for her untiring and inspired advice during the preparation of this book; as well as to Walter S. Hayward whose able assistance has helped to...
- ¥958 JPY
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A History of the British Army, Vol. 2A History of the British Army, Vol. 2 - First Part—to the Close of the Seven Years' WarThis volume covers the period from 1713 to 1763. The Julian calendar was still in use in England for much of this time. The change to the...
- ¥958 JPY
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Songs UnsungSongs Unsung After a silence of more than three years, due to other engrossing occupations, the writer once more appeals to his readers with a volume in which the leading features of his former works will probably be found combined. The story of "Odatis"...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Dauber: A PoemDauber: A Poem Four bells were struck, the watch was called on deck, All work aboard was over for the hour, And some men sang and others played at check, Or mended clothes or watched the sunset glower. The bursting west was like an...
- ¥958 JPY
¥14,205 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Aesthetische FarbenlehreAesthetische FarbenlehreDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1876 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; ungewhnliche und altertmliche Ausdrcke bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Rechtschreibvarianten wurden nicht vereinheitlicht, sofern die Verstndlichkeit des Textes dadurch nicht berhrt wird. Man...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Famous WomenMadame de StaëlUnpublished correspondencethat delight of the eager biographeris not to be had in the case of Madame de Stal, for, as is well known, the De Broglie family either destroyed or successfully hid all the papers which might have revealed any facts not...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,610 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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