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Hänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu: SalapoliisiromaaniHänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu: SalapoliisiromaaniMies oli, kuten sanottu, jokseenkin hyvin puettu puhtaine kauluksineen ja kalvosimineen. Hnen karkeista ksistn ptteli Asbjrn Krag kuitenkin hnen kuuluvan tylisluokkaan. Hnen kasvonsa olivat levehkt ja tyteliset, ja hiukan lammasmaiset silmt eivt ilmaisseet mitn erikoista lykkyytt. Hn oli parraton ja aivan...
- ¥958 JPY
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A Boy in the Peninsular WarA Boy in the Peninsular War - The Services, Adventures and Experiences of Robert BlakeneyOthello, confessing that he cannot grace his cause with studied eloquence, pleads that at the tender age of seven years he gave himself to the grim labours of the tented...
- ¥958 JPY
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Frank Hunter's PerilFrank Hunter's PerilFrank Hunter was stretched on the lawn in a careless posture, but looked up quickly as the question fell upon his ear. A man of middle height and middle age was looking at him from the other side of the gate. "Oh,...
- ¥958 JPY
¥13,771 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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A Text-book of TanningA Text-book of Tanning - A treatise on the conversion of skins into leather, both practical and theoretical.The aim of the following handbook is two-fold; to give, in a compendious form, such a summary of our scientific knowledge as may be useful to the...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Fortunes of the Colville Family or, A Cloud with its Silver LiningThe Fortunes of the Colville Family; or, A Cloud with its Silver Lining Words, of course, in themselves good and well-chosen, and embodying a wish which all who love their neighbour should feel and communicate;God in his mercy grant there may be very many...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of ItHarry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of It If our readers, gentle or simple, will obligingly stretch their imaginations sufficiently to depict for themselves the happiness of Alice and Harry during the first month of their married life, popularly denominated the honeymoon, and...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The fables and folk-lore of a strange peopleThe Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The fables and folk-lore of a strange peoplePhysical Characteristics of the Hawaiian IslandsHistoric OutlinesThe TabuAncient ReligionAncient GovernmentAncient Arts, Habits and CustomsThe Hawaii of To-day. The legends following are of a group of sunny islands lying almost midway between...
- ¥958 JPY
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The Gilded Man (El Dorado) and other pictures of the Spanish occupancy of AmericaThe Gilded Man (El Dorado) and other pictures of the Spanish occupancy of AmericaThe most interesting period in the history of the discoveries on the American continent was in that part of the sixteenth century when the efforts of the Spanish people were directed...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Vieras veri: RakkausnovellejaVieras veri: RakkausnovellejaHn muisti yht'kki uuden sairaan olevan tulossa ja ryhtyi valmistamaan tuliaiskoria, samoin miehens tahdosta, jolla oli sairaalan ylin johto. Hn otti tammisesta, hopeahelaisesta kirstusta palttinaisia siteit ja levitti niit kerroksen korin pohjalle, sairaan haavoja varten; niitten plle kaksi valkeasta villasta tehty kdenmuotoista...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Head of the Lower SchoolHead of the Lower SchoolThere is in England a large and interesting county, mostly green on maps. We call it Lincolnshire. There is a part of that same county where you see the gleaming silver of the Washso fatal to King John of unpleasing...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Contemporary ComposersContemporary ComposersLovers and critics of modern music who are at the same time interested students of the social changes which have preceded and accompanied its growth must often ask themselves whether there is any deep connection of cause and effect between the two sets...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Az arany ember (2. rész)Az arany ember (2. rész) - RegényNem voltak-e e vadonban nevelt gyermeknek fogalmai arrl, hogy mi a vilgi illem, mi a j erklcs, a titoktart szemrem? mik a trsadalmi szablyok? a n s frfi viszonya egymshoz, miket llam s egyhz ers trvnyekkel rendeztek? sszetvesztette-e...
- ¥958 JPY
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Az arany ember (1. rész)Az arany ember (1. rész) - RegényA rnehezl vztmeg trte-e magnak e kaput, vagy a fldalatti tz repeszt ktfel a hegylnczot? Neptun alkotta-e ezt, vagy Volcn? vagy ketten egytt? A m Isten! Ahhoz hasonlt mg a mai istenutnz kor vaskez emberei sem birnak alkotni....
- ¥958 JPY
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The Rush for the Spoil (La Curée): A Realistic NovelThe Rush for the Spoil (La Curée): A Realistic NovelThe public and the press have agreed that "L'Assommoir" is M. Zola's chef d'uvre. Against this verdict I have no objection to offer. I believe it will meet with posterity's endorsement. But although "L'Assommoir" may...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Harper's Round Table, March 24, 1896Harper's Round Table, March 24, 1896Fred March had an idea. It was even a brilliant idea, and the longer he pondered over it, the more certain he was that it was a practical one. "And that, after all, is the important point," as Jack...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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New Ideas for Work and Play: What a Girl Can Make and DoNew Ideas for Work and Play: What a Girl Can Make and DoThis new century, bringing with it the strong, healthy, independent, athletic American girl, makes a demand for new opportunities for the exercise of both mind and body. Resourcefulness and a wish to...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 10, October, 1881The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 10, October, 1881relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G....
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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Oliver TwistOliver TwistUnter den groen Humoristen des vorigen Jahrhunderts, die zugleich Tendenzschriftsteller im besten Sinne waren, nimmt Charles Dickens einen hervorragenden Platz ein, den er trotz des schnellen Wandels des literarischen Geschmacks und der Kunstanschauung in der Weltliteratur behaupten wird. Dickens ist nicht nur der...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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The Use of Ropes and TackleThe Use of Ropes and TackleEach year, old industries keep expanding and new ones are created. In many of these, the use of hoists, tackle, rope transmissions, etc. is ever increasing in extent and importance. Information on the selection and use of ropes and...
- ¥958 JPY
¥8,606 JPY- ¥958 JPY
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