Journal of my journey over the mountainsJournal of my journey over the mountains - while surveying for Lord Thomas Fairfax, baron of Cameron, in the northern neck of Virginia, beyond the Blue Ridge, in 1747-8.This journal of George Washington, now for the first time printed entire and with literal exactness,...
- ¥967 JPY
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Henry Irving's Impressions of AmericaHenry Irving's Impressions of America - Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and ConversationsThis book is the outcome of a desire to chronicle, in a lasting form, some of the events of a tour which your kindness has made a delight to Ellen...
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Constantinople, v. 2 (of 2)Constantinople, v. 2 (of 2)On arriving in Constantinople for the first time, one is much surprised, after all he has heard of the thraldom of the Turkish women, to see them, everywhere and at all hours of the day, coming and going with apparently...
- ¥967 JPY
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A Voyage to the Arctic in the Whaler AuroraA Voyage to the Arctic in the Whaler Aurora The following is little more than a diary of a voyage made by me on the whaler Aurora of Dundee in 1884. I cannot imagine its being read by many, as the subject can only...
- ¥967 JPY
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Constantinople, v. 1 (of 2)Constantinople, v. 1 (of 2)9 The arrival at Constantinople made such an overpowering impression upon me as to almost efface what I had seen during the previous ten days trip from the Straits of Messina to the mouth of the Bosphorus. The Ionian Sea,...
- ¥967 JPY
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La Biblia en España, Tomo III (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo III (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la Península Estado de los asuntos en Madrid. Nuevo Ministerio. El obispo de Roma. El librero de Toledo. Las...
- ¥967 JPY
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Päiväkirja matkaltani Venäjällä, ja käynti Leo Tolstoin luona keväällä 1899Päiväkirja matkaltani Venäjällä, ja käynti Leo Tolstoin luona keväällä 1899I. 8. IV. (junavaunussa) II. Pietarissa, 9. IV. III. Pietarissa, 11. IV. IV. " " V. Moskovassa, 16. IV. VI. Moskovassa, 17. IV. VII. Krimin niemell, 22.-25. IV. En tied onko se saamattomuutta, hermollisuutta, vai...
- ¥967 JPY
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La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la Península Llegada a Madrid. Mara Daz. Impresin del Testamento. Mi proyecto. El corcel andaluz. Se necesita un criado....
- ¥967 JPY
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La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3)La Biblia en España, Tomo I (de 3) - O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la PenínsulaToms Borrow, de familia de labradores establecida desde muy antiguo cerca de Liskeard, en Cornwall, se fug de...
- ¥967 JPY
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Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 2 (of 2)Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 2 (of 2)18. Pyhss kaupungissa. 19. Oleskeluni Shigatsessa. 20. Raga-tsangpoa pitkin. 21. Erakkomunkkeja. 22. Targo-gangri ja Shuru-tso. 23. Muhamed Isan kuolema. 24. Kiertoteit Tradumiin ja pikimltn Nepaliin. 25. Brahmaputran lhteill. Ero. 26. Manasarovar. 27. Sotledshin lhde ja Pyh vuori....
- ¥967 JPY
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Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 1 (of 2)Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 1 (of 2)Alkulause. 1. Simla. 2. Lehin tie. 3. Lht Tibetiin. 4. Tibetilisen sismaan reunalle. 5. Lake Lightenilla. 6. Suoraan susien suuhun tai haaksirikkoon! 7. Suuria tappioita. 8. Tuntemattomassa maassa. 9. Kovanonnen pivi. 10. Kuumesairaana villin jakin maassa. 11....
- ¥967 JPY
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Historia natural y moral de las Indias (vol 2 of 2)Historia natural y moral de las Indias (vol 2 of 2)Habiendo tratado lo que la historia natural de Indias pertenece, en lo que resta se tratar de la historia moral, esto es, de las costumbres y hechos de los Indios. Porque despues del Cielo,...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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A Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2A Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2The first of two maps precedes the Introduction. It lacks a caption but probably depicts the Kabul or Khood Cabul Pass. "Boot Khak" named on the map is probably the "Bhoodkhak" of the Journal. The absence of...
- ¥967 JPY
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The Motor Boys on Road and River Or, Racing To Save a LifeThe Motor Boys on Road and River; Or, Racing To Save a LifeMy Dear Boys: Sometimes, as you doubtless know, the simplest actions result in the most remarkable complications. When Jerry Hopkins picked up a lump of common-looking clay on some swamp land that...
- ¥967 JPY
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Kulkurielämää: NuoruudenmuistelmiaKulkurielämää: NuoruudenmuistelmiaSaavuin Niagara Fallsiin "sivuovipullmannissa" eli tavallista puhetapaa kyttkseni tavaravaunussa. Avovaunua nimitetn, sivumennen sanoen, "gondoolaksi" korko toisella tavulla. Saavuin siis iltapivll ja astelin suoraa pt putouksille. Ja kun silmni sattuivat tuohon ryppyvien vetten nytelmn, olin hukassa. En saanut itseni siit nyst irti temmatuksi edes...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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Sämmtliche Werke 1-2: Mein Leben / Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802Sämmtliche Werke 1-2: Mein Leben / Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802 - Vierte rechtmäßige Gesammtausgabe in acht Bänden Das Miliche einer Selbstbiographie kenne ich so gut als sonst irgend Jemand; und ich halte mich fr nicht wichtig genug, da berhaupt mein Leben beschrieben...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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In Egitto: La caccia della jenaIn Egitto: La caccia della jena Parlammo di primi amori e di ultimi, comparativamente; si cadde d'accordo che convien lasciar soli a narrare i loro amori i poeti capelluti che vivono sulla anatomia patologica del proprio cuore; e di discorso in discorso contrassi il...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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Touring in 1600: A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of EducationTouring in 1600: A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of EducationBut thus you see we maintain a trade, not for gold, silver, nor jewels; nor for silks; nor for spices; nor any other commodity of matter; but only for God's...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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Reise durch den Stillen OzeanReise durch den Stillen OzeanAus Reiselust war ich Schiffsarzt geworden. Der Drang in die Ferne hatte mich veranlasst, auf Postdampfern siebenmal zwischen Europa und Amerika hin und her zu fahren. Derselbe Drang hatte mich in die emporkeimende deutsche Marine getrieben, von dieser jedoch mir...
- ¥967 JPY
¥1,936 JPY- ¥967 JPY
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Mogreb-el-Acksa: A Journey in MoroccoMogreb-el-Acksa: A Journey in MoroccoTO WAYFARING MEN. Sirs, the Holy Scriptures, which, as we know, were written for our learning, seem to imply that some of us are fools. This may be so, and when I moralise, wrapped in the frequent contemplation of my...
- ¥967 JPY
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