Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
ספר בישול דל פחמימות שלם –בנוסף לסוכר טהור, יותר מדי פחמימות אחראיות לעלייה לא רצויה במשקלעם ידיות אהבה גדלות. אחת הסיבות לכך שדל פחמימות הוא טרנדמתמשך. דיאטה דלת פחמימות )בתרגום מעט פחמימות( עוסקת בהפחתהדרסטית של פחמימות בתזונה. כי רק כאשר צריכת הסוכר והפחמימותמצטמצמת, הגוף נופל בחזרה על מאגרי האנרגיה...
- $87.30 SGD
- $87.30 SGD
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de Handleiding Van Huisgemaakte Pasta Voor BeginnersVers, huisgemaakt pastadeeg maken hoeft niet vervelend te zijn! Het enige dat je nodig hebt, is wat bloem, eieren en een klein beetje armkracht terwijl je het allemaal samen kneedt - geen keukenmachine of luxe keukenrobot vereist. En als je pasta eenmaal klaar is,...
- $110.50 SGD
- $110.50 SGD
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Un monde fictif: Il est temps de conclureCette auto-analyse psychologique m'a permis de trouver des causes. La mise en oeuvre des solutions ne dépend que de moi. Je ne peux plus me cacher. Sois ton propre chien. Contente-toi de que tu as et dis merci. Tu es vivant.Author: François LavergnePublisher: BlurbPublished:...
- $34.33 SGD
- $34.33 SGD
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Nuts, Seeds, and Whole Grains in Your Diet: Eat a handful a day and keep major diseases at bayNuts, seeds, and whole grains are among the most nutrient-rich foods, but remain one of the most under-consumed. A handful of these super plant foods, eaten regularly, can lower the risk for major diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, and...
- $23.45 SGD
- $23.45 SGD
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Guide För KaffeberedningVarför älskar vi kaffe så mycket? Jo, förutom att det är supergott! En rykande kopp kaffe är det första som miljontals människor söker efter varje morgon och det finns många anledningar till att dessa människor gör det dagligen. Koffeinet i det spelar två roller...
- $98.30 SGD
- $98.30 SGD
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Food for Braces: Recipes, Food Ideas and Tips for EATING with BracesEverything you need to know about Eating with Braces: Recipes and ideas for braces-friendly food. What to Eat in the First Week when your teeth and gums are sore. Lunch Box Solutions - easy grab and go food that is soft and easy to...
- $66.29 SGD
- $66.29 SGD
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Kompletny Przewodnik Po SuszarceW średniowieczu ludzie w Europie budowali pomieszczenia jako przedlużenie gorzelni, które zostaly specjalnie zaprojektowane do odwadniania żywności przez cieplo ognia w pomieszczeniu. Jedzenie bylo rozwieszone po pokoju, wędzone i suszone. Brak światla slonecznego i suche dni uniemożliwialy suszenie jedzenia na zewnątrz, a te specjalistyczne...
- $103.84 SGD
- $103.84 SGD
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La Guía Completa Para DeshidratarDurante la Edad Media, la gente en Europa construyó habitaciones como una extensión de las destilerías que fueron diseñadas específicamente para deshidratar alimentos por el calor de un fuego interior. La comida se colgaba por la habitación, se ahumaba y se secaba. La falta...
- $103.84 SGD
- $103.84 SGD
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O Guia Completo Do DesidratanteDurante a Idade Média, as pessoas na Europa construíram salas como uma extensão das destilarias que foram projetadas especificamente para desidratar alimentos pelo calor de uma fogueira interna. A comida estava espalhada pela sala, defumada e seca. A falta de sol e os dias...
- $103.84 SGD
- $103.84 SGD
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Le Guide Complet de la DéshydratationAu Moyen ge, les Européens ont construit des salles dans le prolongement des distilleries spécialement conçues pour déshydrater les aliments par la chaleur d'un feu intérieur. La nourriture était enfilée à travers la pièce, fumée et séchée. Le manque de soleil et les journées...
- $104.95 SGD
- $104.95 SGD
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Bread: Quick, Easy Rustic Recipes & Sourdough Starter2 BOOKS IN 1 Bread recipes & Sourdough StarterDelicious Recipes for Beginners to Enjoy Amazing Fresh Homemade Bread Every Day&STARTER SOURDOUGH Helps You Get the Hard Start-up Process so that You can Create Baking Loaves, Sandwiches, Baguettes, Pizza, and Even Pancakes, Cakes, Biscuits, and...
- $52.83 SGD
- $52.83 SGD
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Kinh Thánh CỦa Fritters VÀ Khoai Tây ChiênTheo định nghĩa, rán về cơ bản là thực phẩm chiên được phân loại thành ba loại: Bánh Chou chiên giòn hoặc bột men. Các miếng thịt, hải sản, rau hoặc trái cây được phủ một lớp bột và chiên giòn. Những chiếc...
- $90.60 SGD
- $90.60 SGD
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Digiuno Intermittente: Il modo segreto per perdere grasso e costruire muscoli massimizzando il tuo potenziale per vivere più a lungo (La guidTi piacerebbe bruciare i grassi in eccesso con il metodo più veloce esistente? Vorresti avere il doppio dell'energia e una concentrazione tagliente?Negli anni infatti, i media ci hanno propinato qualsiasi tipo di dieta, da quella a zona, alla dieta del kiwi, dall'avocado al gelato....
- $19.86 SGD
- $19.86 SGD
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La cucina veganaLa cucina vegana è ormai riconosciuta come la cucina più salutare nonché una speranza per il futuro del pianeta. Qui troverai molte delle mie ricette preferite, tutte di facile esecuzione e con costi moderati. Allenati a preparare ricette senza proteine animali ma ugualmente gustose...
- $83.57 SGD
- $83.57 SGD
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I segreti della cucina italiana volume 1-2: ricette di livello facileRicette semplici e veloci, adatte a tutti, principianti ed esperti. Divertiti tra i fornelli e prepara deliziosi manicaretti per i tuoi ospiti.Author: Giovanni Di LauroPublisher: BlurbPublished: 01/11/2023Pages: 184Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.56lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.39dISBN: 9798211702103Language: Italian
- $99.60 SGD
- $99.60 SGD
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Sách dạy nấu ăn salad trái cây thiết yếuSalad trái cây là một số món tráng miệng lành mạnh nhất hiện có. Với đầy trái cây tươi và nước xốt thơm ngon, mọi người đều yêu thích món ăn sảng khoái này. Salad trái cây rất dễ làm và có thể làm...
- $88.40 SGD
- $88.40 SGD
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Dieta Antiinflamatoria: La guía definitiva para sanar el sistema inmunológico (Guía de nutrición a base de plantas y alta en proteínas)Alguna vez te cansas de hacer ejercicio solo para darte cuenta de que los días que pasaste sudando en el gimnasio no te ayudan a perder peso? Busca un método probado durante años para eliminar la mucosidad de su cuerpo y disfrutar de una...
- $30.91 SGD
- $30.91 SGD
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Okinawa Diet: A Meal Plan& Some Recipes for You& So Much More (Delectable Recipes for Okinawa Diet Cookbook for Staying Healthy)You're about to discover proven information about how to make the change to the okinawa diet for the rest of your life. Millions of people have already made the change to an okinawa-based diet and have seen numerous benefits in both their health and...
- $44.09 SGD
- $44.09 SGD
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Il mago della grigliaTutti i segreti dell'arte della griglia finalmente svelati da un esperto del settore! Impara a conoscere a fondo lo strumento, i suoi meccanismi e prepara deliziose ricette per fare un figurone con gli amici!Author: Martino GianniniPublisher: BlurbPublished: 01/11/2023Pages: 80Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.26lbsSize: 9.00h x...
- $83.49 SGD
- $83.49 SGD
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La cucina cruelty free: cucina vegetariana + cucina vegana - 2 libri in 1La cucina cruelty free è un tipo di cucina che esclude l'uso di ingredienti di origine animale o di prodotti che sono stati ottenuti mediante pratiche che causano dolore o sofferenza agli animali. Si tratta di una scelta alimentare che mira a promuovere il...
- $147.49 SGD
- $147.49 SGD
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