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KsiĄŻka Kucharska Quesadillas Na CodziennoŚĆQuesadilla to meksykańskie danie skladające się z tortilli wypelnionej glównie serem, a czasem mięsem, przyprawami i innymi nadzieniami, a następnie gotowane na patelni lub piecu. Tradycyjnie używa się tortilli kukurydzianej, ale można ją również zrobic z tortilli z mąki. Pelna quesadilla sklada się z...
- $100.81 SGD
- $100.81 SGD
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Quesadillas Kochbuch Für Jeden TagEine Quesadilla ist ein mexikanisches Gericht, das aus einer Tortilla besteht, die hauptsächlich mit Käse und manchmal Fleisch, Gewürzen und anderen Füllungen gefüllt und dann auf einer Grillplatte oder einem Herd gekocht wird. Traditionell wird eine Maistortilla verwendet, sie kann aber auch mit einer...
- $100.81 SGD
- $100.81 SGD
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Asíu Uppskriftsbók 2023: Ljúffengar Og Ekta HversdagsuppskriftirAllir sem elska að elda, elska að gera tilraunir með nýja rétti og nýjar bragðskyn. Asísk matargerð hefur orðið gríðarlega vins l undanfarin ár vegna ess að hún býður upp á mismunandi bragðtegundir til að njóta. Flestir réttir eru eldaðir ofan á eldavélinni og...
- $89.18 SGD
- $89.18 SGD
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튀김과 프렌치 프라이의 성경정의에 따르면 튀김은 기본적으로 크게 세 가지 범주로 분류되는 튀긴 음식입니다. 슈 페이스트 또는 효모 반죽으로 튀긴 케이크. 고기, 해산물, 야채 또는 과일 조각을 반죽으로 코팅하고 튀긴 것입니다. 옥수수 튀김과 같은 반죽에 다진 음식의 작은 케이크.튀김은 매우 다양한 음식입니다. 반찬, 에피타이저, 스낵 또는 디저트가...
- $80.68 SGD
- $80.68 SGD
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Ítölsku Uppskriftirnar Mínar 2023: LjósmÆr Uppskrift AF Alvöru HéraðshefðEr ekki kominn tími til að heims kja Ítalíu? Ekki hafa áhyggjur! Farðu með vini ína og fjölskyldu í ferð til Ítalíu með essum bragðgóðu "mamma mia" uppskriftumUppgötvaðu leyndarmál ítalskrar matreiðslu með essari ómissandi ítölsku matreiðslubók. Allt frá sígildum eins og spaghetti, kjötbollum og...
- $96.38 SGD
- $96.38 SGD
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Buku Masak Jepun Untuk Masakan Setiap HariOrang Jepun sentiasa menikmati perhatian dunia, semuanya berkat rangkaian teknologi mereka yang dicemburui. Dan masakan mereka adalah satu lagi bidang yang sangat dikagumi oleh ramai tetapi tidak semua orang mempunyai pemahaman tentang kreativiti pantri. Nah, itu akan berubah kerana anda akan melawat sekitar 100...
- $92.75 SGD
- $92.75 SGD
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Southern BurgundyThe Guides to Wines and Top Vineyards cover classic wine-producing regions wordwide and profile the top producers. This guide discusses the wines of Southern Burgundy, comprising the Côte Chalonnaise (including Bouzeron, Givry, Rully, Mercurey, and Montagny) and Mâcon (including Pouilly-Fuissé). The guide is divided...
- $34.93 SGD
- $34.93 SGD
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Ricettario Cucina Cinese Semplice - Arte e Ricette dalla Cina anche per PrincipiantiCucinate a casa i vostri piatti cinesi preferiti! Ora potete catturare i sapori di Chinatown nella vostra cucina. Questo libro di cucina cinese rende facile e veloce la preparazione dei principali piatti della tradizione cinese a casa, grazie a ricette facili da imparare e...
- $63.07 SGD
- $63.07 SGD
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Buttered Berbere: Ethiopian Cuisine with a Dash of Modern FlairWith this unique and innovative cookbook, Ethiopian-born Nebiyu Semunegus presents for your enjoyment a delectable collection of traditional Ethiopian recipes that have been in his family for many years. But he has added a fresh, modern twist to each recipe so they can all...
- $72.58 SGD
- $72.58 SGD
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The New Cookbook for AthletesNobody pays quite as much attention to what they eat as a bodybuilder. The calories have to be right and macros have to be balanced, and we can't forget about the micros, either. Then there are the various diet philosophies that contend for the...
- $102.84 SGD
- $102.84 SGD
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The Mexican Meat: Easy Recipes for Homemade Mince PiesAre you looking for a simple, all-natural way to boost your health, lose weight? Do you want to save time cooking healthy meals on any budget?If yes then keep reading!In this The Mexican Meat, you will find: A vegetarian keto primer-Learn the basics of...
- $22.66 SGD
- $22.66 SGD
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Easy Ground Beef: Beef mince cookbook for noviceClear and simple principles with 125+ recipes for everyday healthy eatingYou will discover: the 10 key Food Matters nutrition principles ways to healthify your kitchen, including essential ingredients and easy swaps delicious recipes for improved gut health, immunity, energy, and beauty simple lifestyle tips...
- $22.66 SGD
- $22.66 SGD
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Smoking and Salt Curing: Practical Guide To Salt And Cure For BeginnersSmoking and Salt Curing introduces beginners to the ancient art of preserving meat, fish, and game with full-color photographs and clear instructions on how to select meats and avoid contamination, how to choose smokers, and how to use various tools. This easy-to-follow guide also...
- $20.15 SGD
- $20.15 SGD
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Healthy Appetizer: Recipes For awesome appetizersClear and simple principles with 125+ recipes for everyday healthy eatingYou will discover: the 10 key Food Matters nutrition principles ways to healthify your kitchen, including essential ingredients and easy swaps delicious recipes for improved gut health, immunity, energy, and beauty simple lifestyle tips...
- $27.69 SGD
- $27.69 SGD
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The Baking Bible: vegan baking recipesBaking FavoritesYou'll learn basic recipes and how to choose the right equipment. After you're comfortable with the basics, you'll master different techniques to decorate cakes for any occasion, from weddings to baby showers to birthdays.Whether enjoyed in a quiet moment alone with a cup...
- $25.14 SGD
- $25.14 SGD
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Easy Ingredients: Mince Recipes that brings happinessThis new Recipes to Enjoy Quick, Easy and Affordable Meals!Are you a beginner or an advanced user in cooking?Are you looking for some new and delicious recipes?Are you ready to enjoy the best recipes with your whole family?If you said at least ONE YES,...
- $22.66 SGD
- $22.66 SGD
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Ueber Volkshass Und Über Den Gebrauch Einer Fremden SpracheThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States,...
- $41.35 SGD
- $41.35 SGD
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Das Neue Kochbuch Für SportlerNiemand achtet so genau darauf, was er isst wie ein Bodybuilder. Die Kalorien müssen stimmen und die Makros müssen ausgewogen sein, und wir dürfen auch die Mikros nicht vergessen. Dann gibt es noch die verschiedenen Ernährungsphilosophien, die um die Pole-Position kämpfen - intermittierendes Fasten,...
- $104.84 SGD
- $104.84 SGD
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ЕЖЕДНЕВНА КНИГА ЗА БИСКВКакво е песто?Пестото е прост сос, който може да преобрази всякакви ястия с ярките си билкови вкусове. Думата песто идва от италианската дума "pestare", което означава смачкване или смачкване. Всички сме яли традиционното песто от босилек, но основна рецепта за песто може да се...
- $86.67 SGD
- $86.67 SGD
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ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΜΠΙΣΚΟΤΑ 	Τι είναι το πέστο;Το πέστο είναι μια απλή σάλτσα που μπορεί να μεταμορφώσει όλα τα είδη των πιάτων με τις λαμπερές φυτικές του γεύσεις. Η λέξη πέστο προέρχεται από την ιταλική λέξη "pestare" που σημαίνει συνθλίβω ή συνθλίβω. Όλοι είχαμε το παραδοσιακό πέστο βασιλικού,...
- $85.71 SGD
- $85.71 SGD
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