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Guy Livingstone or, 'Thorough'Guy Livingstone; or, 'Thorough'It is not a pleasant epoch in one's life, the first forty-eight hours at a large public school. I have known strong-minded men of mature age confess that they never thought of it without a shiver. I don't count the home-sickness,...
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La RegentaLa Regenta Creo que fue Wieland quien dijo que los pensamientos de los hombres valen ms que sus acciones, y las buenas novelas ms que el gnero humano. Podr esto no ser verdad; pero es hermoso y consolador. Ciertamente, parece que nos ennoblecemos trasladndonos...
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The Crock of Gold: A Rural NovelThe Crock of Gold: A Rural NovelRoger Acton woke at five. It was a raw March morning, still dark, and bitterly cold, while at gusty intervals the rain beat in against the crazy cottage-window. Nevertheless, from his poor pallet he must up and rouse...
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Kate Bonnet: The Romance of a Pirate's DaughterKate Bonnet: The Romance of a Pirate's DaughterThe month was September and the place was in the neighbourhood of Bridgetown, in the island of Barbadoes. The seventeenth century was not seventeen years old, but the girl who walked slowly down to the river bank...
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The Man and the MomentThe Man and the MomentMichael Arranstoun folded a letter which he had been reading for the seventh time, with a vicious intentness, and then jumping up from the big leather chair in which he had been buried, he said aloud, "Damn!" It is really...
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The Half-HeartedThe Half-HeartedFROM the heart of a great hill land Glenavelin stretches west and south to the wider Gled valley, where its stream joins with the greater water in its seaward course. Its head is far inland in a place of mountain solitudes, but its...
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Il Principe della MarsilianaIl Principe della Marsiliana - Romanzo romanoDinanzi all'osteria di Muzio Scevola, in Trastevere, sventolavano un sabato sera le bandiere tricolori e quelle gialle a rosse del Comune di Roma, e dalle finestre delle casupole vicine pendevano tralci di lauro, ai quali erano appesi i...
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The DisentanglersThe DisentanglersIt has been suggested to the Author that the incident of the Berbalangs, in The Adventure of the Fair American, is rather improbable. He can only refer the sceptical to the perfectly genuine authorities cited in his footnotes. The scene was a dusky...
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Eastern Standard TribeEastern Standard Tribe"Cory Doctorow is just far enough ahead of the game to give you that authentic chill of the future, and close enough to home for us to know that he's talking about where we live as well as where we're going to...
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Sæfarinn: Ferðin kring um hnöttin neðansjávarSæfarinn: Ferðin kring um hnöttin neðansjávarSumum fanst n samt ftt um essa sgu, sem heyru hana fyrsta sinni. Sgu eir etta mundu vera sorminn alkunna, sem kemur ljs hverju ri og hverfur aftur n ess a gera nokkrum manni mein. En etta sinn uru...
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The False GodsThe False Gods t was shortly after ten o'clock one morning when Ezra Simpkins, a reporter from the Boston Banner, entered the Oriental Building, that dingy pile of brick and brownstone which covers a block on Sixth Avenue, and began to hunt for the...
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I.N.R.I.: A prisoner's Story of the CrossI.N.R.I.: A prisoner's Story of the Cross There is such a great crowd in the broad square in front of the law courts that the electric cars are forced to stop. Six or eight of them are standing in a row, and the police...
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Fortunata y Jacinta: dos historias de casadasFortunata y Jacinta: dos historias de casadasLas noticias ms remotas que tengo de la persona que lleva este nombre me las ha dado Jacinto Mara Villalonga, y alcanzan al tiempo en que este amigo mo y el otro y el de ms all, Zalamero,...
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La faneuse d'amourLa faneuse d'amourLa famille de Clara tait originaire du canton de Boom, de ces polders gras et argileux qu'alluvionnent le Rupel et l'Escaut. Sa mre, orpheline leve par charit, sortit de l'ouvroir vers les dix-huit ans, avec quelques connaissances manuelles, outre la lecture, l'criture...
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Miss DexieMiss Dexie - A Romance of the ProvincesEntered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, by William Briggs, Toronto, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. INTRODUCTORY1864 AND WAR TIME....
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The TexanThe Texan - A Story of the Cattle CountryA. L. Burt Company Publishers New York Published by arrangement with G. P. Putnam's Sons Made in the United States of America Exactly twenty minutes after young Benton dismounted from his big rangy black before the...
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A Prince of SinnersA Prince of SinnersI. Mr. Kingston Brooks, Political Agent II. The Bullsom Family at Home III. Kingston Brooks has a Visitor IV. A Question for the Country V. The Marquis of Arranmore VI. The Man who went to Hell VII. A Thousand Pounds VIII....
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The Bad Man: A NovelThe Bad Man: A NovelLooking back now, after so many months of struggle and foreboding, he wondered how he had ever had the high courage to come to this strange country. Had he been a few years older he would not have started forthhe...
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The Golden BirdThe Golden BirdThe primary need of a woman's nature is always supposed to be love, but very suddenly I discovered that in my case it was money, a lot of it and quick. That is, I thought I needed a lot and in a...
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TrafalgarTrafalgarSe me permitir que antes de referir el gran suceso de que fui testigo, diga algunas palabras sobre mi infancia, explicando por qu extraa manera me llevaron los azares de la vida a presenciar la terrible catstrofe de nuestra marina. Al hablar de mi...
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