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The Cross and the ShamrockThe Cross and the Shamrock - Or, How To Defend The Faith. An Irish-American Catholic Tale Of Real Life, Descriptive Of The Temptations, Sufferings, Trials, And Triumphs Of The Children Of St. Patrick In The Great Republic Of Washington. A Book For The Entertainment...
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Mr. Sponge's Sporting TourMr. Sponge's Sporting TourThe author gladly avails himself of the convenience of a Preface for stating, that it will be seen at the close of the work why he makes such a characterless character as Mr. Sponge the hero of his tale. He will...
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'Way Down East'Way Down East - A Romance of New England Life It had come at last, the day of days, for the two great American universities; Harvard and Yale were going to play their annual game of football and the railroad station of Springfield, Mass.,...
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In chiave di baritonoIn chiave di baritonoEssi combattono in Roma, gli amici... Essi difendono l'ultimo baluardo della libert italiana... essi spendono il sangue e muojono per la patria... Mentre ioitalianoattraverso gli Appennini tirato da due magre rozze, imbaccucato il capo e la gola in una gran ciarpa...
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Kitty Canary: A NovelKitty Canary: A Novel I am in love. It is the most scrumptious thing I have ever been in. Perfectly magnificent! Every time I think of it I feel as if I were going down an elevator forty floors and my heart flippity-flops so...
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L'épaulette: Souvenirs d'un officierL'épaulette: Souvenirs d'un officierIl disait que les Russes taient des coquins, que les Prussiens taient des bandits, et que les Anglais valaient encore moins. Quelquefois, il me montrait sa croix d'officier de la Lgion d'Honneur qu'il avait gagne grands coups de sabre, et qu'il...
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Sally Bishop: A RomanceSally Bishop: A RomanceAmongst the many things which I anticipate in the reception of this book, is the shrug-shoulder smile of critics at my sub-titlea Romance. There are canons and rubrics to be observed, it would seem, in the slightest action that a man...
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Plague ShipPlague ShipDane Thorson, Cargo-master-apprentice of the Solar Queen, Galactic Free Trader spacer, Terra registry, stood in the middle of the ship's cramped bather while Rip Shannon, assistant Astrogator and his senior in the Service of Trade by some four years, applied gobs of highly...
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The HaloThe HaloA straight stretch of dusty Norman road dappled with grotesque shadows of the ancient apple-trees that, bent as if in patient endurance of the weight of their thick-set scarlet fruit, edged it on both sides. Beside him, his tongue hanging out, his head...
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Once Upon A TimeOnce Upon A Time "Then, how did you suppose your sister was going to read it?" Schnitzel was smiling to himself "Schnitzel, you certainly are a magnificent liar" "I think," said Ainsley, "they have lost their way" "Was it you," demanded young Andrews, in...
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The Gold-StealersThe Gold-Stealers - A Story of WaddyTHE schoolhouse at Waddy was not in the least like any of the trim State buildings that now decorate every Victorian township and mark every mining or agricultural centre that can scrape together two or three meagre classes;...
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May BrookeMay Brooke"Very fine, without being in the least consoling! I'd as lief have two African monkeys under my caredon't laughit exasperates, and makes me feel like doing as I should do, if I had the cursed animals" "Beat you. I hate womankind. Most of...
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Madame Rose Pierre de VillergléMadame Rose; Pierre de VillergléParmi les villages que les jeux de la fantaisie et de la spculation ont levs aux environs de Paris, il n'en est peut-tre pas de plus joli et de plus frais que Maisons. La mode l'a un peu gt en...
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Corinne Or, Italy. Volume 1 (of 2)Corinne; Or, Italy. Volume 1 (of 2)In Lady Blennerhassett's enthusiastic and encyclopdic book on Madame de Stael she quotes approvingly Sainte-Beuve's phrase that "with Corinne Madame de Stael ascended the Capitol." I forget in which of his many dealings with an author who, as...
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The Enchanted CanyonThe Enchanted CanyonA. L. Burt Company Publishers New York Published by arrangement with William Morrow and Company, Inc. Copyright, 1921, by Honor Willsie Morrow All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages Printed in the United States of America Once it was...
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Hetty WesleyHetty Wesley "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" At Surat, by a window of his private office in the East India...
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Het leven van Rozeke van Dalen, deel 2Het leven van Rozeke van Dalen, deel 2Wat werd het eensklaps stil in Rozeke's leven, na al de drukte vol emotie van den langen, schoonen zomer! Het was of alles om haar heen een onverstoorde goede rust wilde genieten. Haar knaapje was gezond en...
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Het leven van Rozeke van Dalen, deel 1Het leven van Rozeke van Dalen, deel 1De klok, in 't keukentje, riep "koekoe", n keer. Alfons werd half wakker. Hij vroeg zich even, in onduidelijk denken, af, of het soms reeds de echte vogel buiten was, en niet de klok. Hij kon 't...
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Claude et JulietteClaude et JulietteEn 1846, vivait Paris, sur les hauteurs de la place du Panthon, un jeune peintre d'un laideur si rare, que ses camarades l'avaient surnomm Quasimodo. Il avait le nez long et gros, les cheveux crpus, les yeux petits et enfoncs sous l'arcade...
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Oonomoo the HuronOonomoo the Huron The mountain's sides Are flecked with gleams of light and spots of shade; Here, golden sunshine spreads in mellow rays, and there, Stretching across its hoary breast, deep shadows lurk. A stream, with many a turn, now lost to sight, And...
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