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The History of Emily MontagueThe History of Emily MontagueTranscribers Notes: This text retains many old and inconsistent spellings as found in the Dodsley 1769 edition. Differences from that edition are as follows: As is usually done in modern editions of Emily Montague, the letters have been renumbered to...
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The Fur Bringers: A Story of the Canadian NorthwestThe Fur Bringers: A Story of the Canadian NorthwestHis silence was an additional aggravation to the other. "What do you want me to do," he burst out with an amount of passion absurdly disproportionate to the matter at issue, "cut it open and count...
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Oddsfish!Oddsfish!I wish to express my gratitude for great help received in the writing of this book to Miss MacDermot, Miss Stearne and others, as well as to three friends who submitted to hearing it read aloud in manuscript, and who assisted me by their...
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The Story of the Other Wise ManThe Story of the Other Wise ManWho seeks for heaven alone to save his soul,May keep the path, but will not reach the goal;While he who walks in love may wander far,Yet God will bring him where the blessed are. PREFACEvii THE SIGN IN...
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Lucrezia FlorianiLucrezia FlorianiJe n'ai point dire ici sous l'empire de quelles ides littraires j'ai crit ce roman, puisqu'il est accompagn d'une prface qui rsume mes opinions d'alors, et que ces opinions n'ont pas chang. Mais je tiens bien dire ce que j'ai seulement indiqu dans...
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Idolatry: A RomanceIdolatry: A RomanceEntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by james r. osgood & co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Not the intrinsic merits of this story embolden me to inscribe it to you, my dear...
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Some Chinese GhostsSome Chinese GhostsI think that my best apology for the insignificant size of this volume is the very character of the material composing it. In preparing the legends I sought especially for weird beauty; and I could not forget this striking observation in Sir...
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The Turtles of TasmanThe Turtles of TasmanLaw, order, and restraint had carved Frederick Travers' face. It was the strong, firm face of one used to power and who had used power with wisdom and discretion. Clean living had made the healthy skin, and the lines graved in...
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Jan: A Dog and a RomanceJan: A Dog and a RomanceRightly to appreciate Jan's character and parts you must understand his origin. For this you must go back to the greatest of modern Irish wolfhounds, Finn; and to the Lady Desdemona, of whom it was said, by no less...
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Bought and Paid For From the Play of George BroadhurstBought and Paid For; From the Play of George BroadhurstThe wife, a tall, aristocratic looking woman who, despite her advanced years, her snow-white hair, her eyes now red and swollen from weeping, and pallid face seamed with careworn lines from constant vigils, still showed...
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ColombaColombaDans les premiers jours du mois d'octobre 181., le colonel Sir Thomas Nevil, Irlandais, officier distingu de l'arme anglaise, descendit avec sa fille l'htel Beauvau, Marseille, au retour d'un voyage en Italie. L'admiration continue des voyageurs enthousiastes a produit une raction, et, pour se...
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Barbara's HeritageBarbara's Heritage - Young Americans Among the Old Italian Masters "O Barbara! do you think papa and mamma will let us go? Can they afford it? Just to think of Italy, and sunshine, and olive trees, and cathedrals, and pictures! Oh, it makes me...
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La Vénus d'IlleLa Vénus d'Ille Si je le sais! s'cria-t-il, je connais sa maison comme la mienne; et s'il ne faisait pas si noir, je vous la montrerais. C'est la plus belle d'Ille. Il a de l'argent, oui, M. de Peyrehorade; et il marie son fils...
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Le dernier des mohicans: Le roman de Bas-de-cuirLe dernier des mohicans: Le roman de Bas-de-cuirIntroduction de la nouvelle dition du Dernier des Mohicans Prface de la premire dition LE DERNIER DES MOHICANS Chapitre premier Chapitre II Chapitre III Chapitre IV Chapitre V Chapitre VI Chapitre VII Chapitre VIII Chapitre IX Chapitre...
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Prince FortunatusPrince FortunatusWhen the curtain fell on the last act of "The Squire's Daughter," the comedy-opera that had taken all musical London by storm, a tall and elegant young English matron and her still taller brother rose from their places in the private box they...
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Jack Sheppard: A RomanceJack Sheppard: A Romance"Upon my word, friend," said I, "you have almost made me long to try what a robber I should make." "There is a great art in it, if you did," quoth he. "Ah! but," said I, "there's a great deal in...
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La chasse galerie: Légendes CanadiennesLa chasse galerie: Légendes CanadiennesLa lgende qui suit a dj t publie dans la Patrie, il y a quelque dix ans, et en anglais dans le Century Magazine de New York, du mois d'aot 1892, avec illustrations par Henri Julien. On voit que cela...
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Adèle DuboisAdèle Dubois - A Story of the Lovely Miramichi Valley in New Brunswick"Well, verily, I didn't expect to find anything like this, in such a wild region", said Mr. Norton, as he settled himself comfortably in a curiously carved, old-fashioned arm-chair, before the fire...
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A Voyage to CacklogalliniaA Voyage to Cacklogallinia - With a Description of the Religion, Policy, Customs and Manners of That CountryA VOYAGE TO CACKLOGALLINIA with a description of the religion, policy, customs and manners of that country By Captain Samuel Brunt reproduced from the original edition, 1727,...
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