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The Northern LightThe Northern LightThe grey mist of an autumn morning lay upon forest and field. Through its shadowy vapors a swarm of birds were sweeping by, on their Southward way, now dipping low over the tops of the tall fir forest, as if giving a...
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The Exiles and Other StoriesThe Exiles and Other Stories The Exiles; The Boy Orator of Zepata City; The Other Woman; On the Fever Ship; The Lion and the Unicorn; The Last Ride Together; Miss Delamar's Understudy; The Reporter Who Made Himself King "The Other Woman" from "Gallagher," copyright,...
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A Voyage in a Balloon (1852)A Voyage in a Balloon (1852)John Sartain (1808-1897) was an English artist and engraver skilled in the art of mezzo-tint who emigrated to the United States; in 1848 he purchased a one-half interest in the Union Magazine, a New York periodical, which he transferred...
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AngelinaAngelina - (novela mexicana)Con este libro obtuvo el gran novelista mexicano el ms sonado xito; con l hemos querido propagar en Amrica su nombre[*]. En sus armoniosas pginas reconocemos un acento nuestro. All revive y se prolonga la musical historia de Mara. No s...
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Uncle MaxUncle Max CHAPTER I. Out of the Mist CHAPTER II. Behind the Bars CHAPTER III. Cinderella CHAPTER IV. Uncle Max Breaks The Ice CHAPTER V. 'When The Cat Is Away' CHAPTER VI. The White Cottage CHAPTER VII. Giles Hamilton, Esq CHAPTER VIII. New Brooms...
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Ratsumies Peter Halket MashonamaastaRatsumies Peter Halket MashonamaastaOli pime y. Kylm henkys kvi idst, mutta se ei ollut siksi voimakas, ett se olisi hirinnyt ratsumies Peter Halketin nuotiovalkean leimua, se vain sai sen hiljalleen vrhtelemn. Peter Halket istui yksin sen ress kallion trmll. Hn oli matkustanut kymmenkunnan miehen...
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The Definite Object: A Romance of New YorkThe Definite Object: A Romance of New York CHAPTER I--Which Describes, among Other Things, a Pair of Whiskers CHAPTER II--Of a Mournful Millionaire Who Lacked an Object CHAPTER III--How Geoffrey Ravenslee Went Seeking an Object CHAPTER IV--Telling How He Came to Hell's Kitchen at...
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Tehtaan tytötTehtaan tytöt"Niin", sanoi Miina, "tehtaassa on kymmentuntinen typiv ja pivpalkka voi nousta kahteen markkaan viiteenkymmeneen penniin saakka. Pyhpivt saa olla vapaana. Tll kotona tytyy pyhinkin keitt ruokaa, lyps lehmt ja ruokkia elukat. Ja Leenalla oli niin hienot nappikengt ja ne tehtaantytt syvt vain kahvia...
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L'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome IIL'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome IIPrologue Chapitre I Chapitre II Chapitre III Chapitre IV Chapitre V Chapitre VI Chapitre VII Chapitre VIII Chapitre IX Chapitre X Chapitre XI Chapitre XII Chapitre XIII Chapitre XIV Chapitre XV Chapitre XVI Chapitre XVII...
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L'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome IL'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome IPrologue LIVRE PREMIER Chapitre I Chapitre II Chapitre III Chapitre IV Chapitre V Chapitre VI Chapitre VII Chapitre VIII LIVRE DEUXIME Chapitre IX Chapitre X Chapitre XI Chapitre XII Chapitre XIII Chapitre XIV LIVRE TROISIME...
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Jack RustigJack RustigMeneer Nicodemus Rustig leefde als welgesteld man op zijn buitengoed Boschlust in het Engelsche graafschap Hampshire. Dolgraag zou hij zoon paar kleine kleuters om zich heen hebben zien springen; maar, ofschoon reeds tien jaar getrouwd, nog altijd bleef hij met zijn vrouwtje alleen....
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The Palace of Darkened WindowsThe Palace of Darkened Windows A one-eyed man with a stuffed crocodile upon his head paused before the steps of Cairo's gayest hotel and his expectant gaze ranged hopefully over the thronged verandas. It was afternoon tea time; the band was playing and the...
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The Gold Hunters' Adventures Or, Life in AustraliaThe Gold Hunters' Adventures; Or, Life in AustraliaSince my return from Australia, I have been solicited by a number of friends to give them a history of my adventures in that land of gold, where kangaroos are supposed to be as plenty as natives,...
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Humphrey Bold: A Story of the Times of BenbowHumphrey Bold: A Story of the Times of Benbow'Tis said that as a man declines towards old age his mind dwells ever more and more on the events of his childhood. Whether that be true of all men or not, certain it is that...
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KennyKenny "You needn't repeat it," said Brian with a flash of his quiet eyes. "This time, Kenny, I mean to stay disinherited." Kennicott O'Neill stared at his son and gasped. The note of permanency in the chronic rite of disinheritance was startling. So was...
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The Lost Lady of LoneThe Lost Lady of Lone"The Lost Lady of Lone" is different from any of Mrs. Southworth's other novels. The plot, which is unusually provocative of conjecture and interest, is founded on thrilling and tragic events which occurred in the domestic history of one of...
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Cantique de NoëlCantique de NoëlMarley tait mort, pour commencer. L-dessus, pas l'ombre d'un doute. Le registre mortuaire tait sign par le ministre, le clerc, l'entrepreneur des pompes funbres et celui qui avait men le deuil. Scrooge l'avait sign, et le nom de Scrooge tait bon la...
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Oliver TwistOliver TwistCHAPITRE PREMIER. Du lieu o naquit Olivier Twist, et des circonstances qui accompagnrent sa naissance. CHAPITRE II Comment Olivier Twist grandit, et comment il fut lev. CHAPITRE III Comment Olivier Twist fut sur la point d'attraper une place qui n'et pas t une...
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The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish FamineThe Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of Some twenty and odd years ago there stood a little cabin at the foot of a round hill, that very much resembled a cupola in...
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Le grillon du foyerLe grillon du foyerLa Bouilloire fit entendre son premier cri! Ne me dites pas ce que mistress Peerybingle disait. Je le sais mieux qu'elle. Mistress Peerybingle peut laisser croire jusqu' la fin des temps qu'elle ne saurait dire lequel des deux commena crier; mais...
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