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One of Life's SlavesOne of Life's SlavesWhat fairy stood by the cradle of Barbara's Nikolai it would be difficult to say. Out at the tinsmith's, in the little house with the cracked and broken window-panes in the outskirts of the town, there was often a run of...
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The Texan Star: The Story of a Great Fight for LibertyThe Texan Star: The Story of a Great Fight for Liberty"The Texan Star," while a complete story in itself, is the first of three, projected by the author, and based upon the Texan struggle for liberty against the power of Mexico. This revolution, epic...
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Escal-VigorEscal-VigorCe premier juin, Henry de Kehlmark, le jeune Dykgrave ou comte de la Digue, chtelain de l'Escal-Vigor, traitait une nombreuse compagnie, en manire de Joyeuse Entre, pour clbrer son retour au berceau de ses aeux, Smaragdis, l'le la plus riche et la plus vaste...
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Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly ManSlippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man"Now there was my cousin Eliza," Miss Sally Ruth Dexter once said to me, "who was forced to make her home for thirty years in Vienna! She married an attach of the Austrian legation, you know; met...
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The Rebel of the SchoolThe Rebel of the SchoolThe school was situated in the suburbs of the popular town of Merrifield, and was known as the Great Shirley School. It had been endowed some hundred years ago by a rich and eccentric individual who bore the name of...
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Vallankumouksen vyöryssä: NovelliVallankumouksen vyöryssä: NovelliPienen rantakaupungin kirkkoa vastaan sijaitsi kaupungin rauhaisin ja kaunein tontti. Hiljaista, ruohon peittm sivukatua pin oli rakennettu talo, joka sislsi viisi huonetta, suuren, lpi rakennuksen ulottuvan kykin vanhanaikuisine leivinuuneineen ja muuripatoineen. Pss oli kaksi kamaria. Porstuata vastaan, kykin toisella syrjll, oli kamari...
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The Melting of MollyThe Melting of Molly I don't know how all this is going to end, and I wish my mind wasn't in a kind of tingle. However, I'll do the best I can and not hold myself at all responsible for myself, and then who...
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The Melting of MollyThe Melting of Molly Melted "Will you do just as I tell you?" She shrouds me for the agony I sat up and blushed red all over I was spellbound with delight I lifted him into my arms "Why Molly, Molly, Molly!" "Breathe as...
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The History of Richard Raynal, SolitaryThe History of Richard Raynal, SolitaryAmong other Religious Houses, lately bought back from the Government by their proper owners, was one (whose Order, for selfish reasons, I prefer not to specify), situated in the maze of narrow streets between the Piazza Navona and the...
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Walter HarlandWalter Harland - Or, Memories of the PastLeft entirely alone on a quiet afternoon, the unbroken stillness which surrounded me, as well as the soft haze which floats upon the atmosphere, in that most delightful of all seasons, the glorious "Indian Summer" of Eastern...
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The SeekerThe Seeker"John and Peter and Robert and Paul God, in His wisdom, created them all. John was a statesman and Peter a slave, Robert a preacher and Paul was a knave. Evil or good, as the case might be, White or colored, or bond...
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Joy in the MorningJoy in the Morning The Ditch; Her Country Too; The Swallow; Only One of Them; The V.C.; He That Loseth His Life Shall Find It; The Silver Stirrup; The Russian; Robina's Doll; Dundonald's Destroyer To the two stars of a service flag, to a...
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An Unpardonable LiarAn Unpardonable LiarWith a plaintive quirk of the voice the singer paused, gayly flicked the strings of the banjo, then put her hand flat upon them to stop the vibration and smiled round on her admirers. The group were applauding heartily. A chorus said,...
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Joanna GoddenJoanna GoddenThree marshes spread across the triangle made by the Royal Military Canal and the coasts of Sussex and Kent. The Military Canal runs from Hythe to Rye, beside the Military Road; between it and the flat, white beaches of the Channel lie Romney...
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The Rejuvenation of Aunt MaryThe Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary The first time that Jack was threatened with expulsion from college his Aunt Mary was much surprised and decidedly vexedmainly at the college. His family were less surprised, viewing the young man through a clearer atmosphere than his Aunt...
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Ishmael Or, In the DepthsIshmael; Or, In the DepthsThis story, in book form, has been called for during several years past, but the author has reserved it until now; not only because she considers it to be her very best work, but because it is peculiarly a national...
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Kaukonäkijä: eli kuvauksia RuijastaKaukonäkijä: eli kuvauksia Ruijastaon suurimpia pohjoismaisia kirjailijoita. Rinnan Ibsenin ja Bjrnsonin kanssa hn on ollut luomassa norjalaisen kirjallisuuden suuren loistoajan, ja rinnan heidn kanssaan hn edustaa vuosisatansa parasta realismia, sen syv totuudenrakkautta, sen suurta elmntuntemusta ja sen erinomaista taitoa kuvailla luontoa ja todellista elm....
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The Texan Scouts: A Story of the Alamo and GoliadThe Texan Scouts: A Story of the Alamo and Goliad"The Texan Scouts," while a complete story in itself, continues the fortunes of Ned Fulton and his friends, who were the central characters in "The Texan Star." The horseman rode slowly toward the west, stopping...
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The ClaveringsThe Claveringshe gardens of Clavering Park were removed some three hundred yards from the large, square, sombre-looking stone mansion which was the country-house of Sir Hugh Clavering, the eleventh baronet of that name; and in these gardens, which had but little of beauty to...
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