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SaphoSaphoCes bouts de phrases, presque inintelligibles au milieu des cris, des rires, des airs de danse dune fte travestie, schangeaient une nuit de juin entre un pifferaro et une femme fellah dans la serre de palmiers, de fougres arborescentes, qui faisait le fond de...
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Lady Merton, ColonistLady Merton, ColonistTowards the end of this story the readers of it will find an account of an "unknown lake" in the northern Rockies, together with a picture of its broad expanse, its glorious mountains, and of a white explorers' tent pitched beside it....
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Les compagnons de JéhuLes compagnons de JéhuNous ne savons si le prologue que nous allons mettre sous les yeux du lecteur est bien utile, et cependant nous ne pouvons rsister au dsir d'en faire, non pas le premier chapitre, mais la prface de ce livre. Plus nous...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Sir Mortimer: A NovelSir Mortimer: A Novelut if we return not from our adventure," ended Sir Mortimer, "if the sea claims us, and upon his sandy floor, amid his Armida gardens, the silver-singing mermaiden marvel at that wreckage which was once a tall ship and at those...
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The Common LawThe Common LawThe Common Law The Adventures of a Modest Man Ailsa Paige The Danger Mark Special Messenger The Firing Line The Younger Set The Fighting Chance Some Ladies in Haste The Tree of Heaven The Tracer of Lost Persons A Young Man in...
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TristanTristan If your IP address is shown by Maxmind to be outside of Germany and you were momentarily blocked, another issue is that some Web browsers erroneously cache the block. Trying a different Web browser might help. Or, clearing the history of your visits...
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L'assassinat du pont-rougeL'assassinat du pont-rougeDans une chambre claire, inonde des rayons du soleil d'avril, deux jeunes gens djeunaient et causaient. Le plus jeune, d'apparence frle, avec des cheveux blonds, des yeux extrmement vifs, une physionomie traits prononcs o se peignait un caractre ferme, faisait, ct de...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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TodsündenTodsündenUnter den groen Verdiensten, die der Trger dieses vielgefeierten Namens sich erworben, steht nicht in letzter Linie das: in jenen drangvollen Zeiten, als eine kraftvolle Gegenwartskunst mit einer schwchlichen Nachklangskunst zusammenprallte, der neuen Dichtung in den weiteren Kreisen des bis dahin gleichgltig gebliebenen Publikums...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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HarvestHarvestTwo old labourers came out of the lane leading to Great End Farm. Both carried bags slung on sticks over their shoulders. One, the eldest and tallest, was a handsome fellow, with regular features and a delicately humorous mouth. His stoop and his slouching...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts: A Book of StoriesOld Fires and Profitable Ghosts: A Book of StoriesThe stories in this book are of revenants: persons who either in spirit or in body revisit old scenes, return upon old selves or old emotions, or relate a message from a world beyond perception. "Which?"...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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La fille du capitaineLa fille du capitaineMon pre, Andr Ptrovitch Grineff, aprs avoir servi dans sa jeunesse sous le comte Munich[1], avait quitt ltat militaire en 17 avec le grade de premier major. Depuis ce temps, il avait constamment habit sa terre du gouvernement de Simbirsk, o...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Tarass BoulbaTarass BoulbaLa nouvelle intitule Tarass Boulba, la plus considrable du recueil de Gogol, est un petit roman historique o il a dcrit les moeurs des anciens Cosaques Zaporogues. Une note prliminaire nous semble peu prs indispensable pour les lecteurs trangers la Russie. Nous ne...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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En familleEn familleComme cela arrive souvent le samedi vers trois heures, les abords de la porte de Bercy taient encombrs, et sur le quai, en quatre files, les voitures s'entassaient la queue leu leu: haquets chargs de fts, tombereaux de charbon ou de matriaux, charrettes...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His CountrymenMr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen The author may excuse the presentation of these sketches to the public on the ground that, if he did not publish some of them, somebody would, and, if he did not publish the others, nobody would....
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$45.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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One DayOne Day - A sequel to 'Three Weeks'Now after spending some very pleasant weeks in your interesting country, I feel sure that this book will find many sympathetic readers in America. Quite naturally it will be discussed; some, doubtless, will censure itand unjustly; others...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Rosa Mundi and Other StoriesRosa Mundi and Other StoriesWas the water blue, or was it purple that day? Randal Courteney stretched his lazy length on the shady side of the great natural breakwater that protected Hurley Bay from the Atlantic rollers, and wondered. It was a day in...
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$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Ang Mestisa. Ikalawang Bahagi (Second Volume)Ang Mestisa. Ikalawang Bahagi (Second Volume)ILAW NG KATOTOHANAN (Unang bahagi) Aklat na naghahatid n~g liwanag sa isip at umaakay sa kaluluwa sa landas n~g tapat na pagkakilala sa Diwa at Buhay n~g Sangmaliwanag. Kahinahinayang na di mabasa. P0.80 ang bawa't sipi. Ang hindi pagkakaroon...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Les etranges noces de RouletabilleLes etranges noces de RouletabillePrcdant les premiers dtachements bulgares qui, la premire heure de la premire guerre des Balkans, envahissaient le nord de la Thrace et avaient mission d'occuper Almadjik, quelle est cette petite troupe de cavaliers qui filent comme le vent et ne...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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Aventures de Monsieur Pickwick, Vol. IAventures de Monsieur Pickwick, Vol. ILe premier jet de lumire qui convertit en une clart brillante les tnbres dont paraissait enveloppe l'apparition de l'immortel Pickwick sur l'horizon du monde savant, la premire mention officielle de cet homme prodigieux, se trouve dans les statuts insrs...
- $8.53 SGD
$17.08 SGD- $8.53 SGD
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The Lamp in the DesertThe Lamp in the DesertA great roar of British voices pierced the jewelled curtain of the Indian night. A toast with musical honours was being drunk in the sweltering dining-room of the officers' mess. The enthusiastic hubbub spread far, for every door and window...
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