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Ships That Pass in the NightShips That Pass in the Night"YES, indeed," remarked one of the guests at the English table, "yes, indeed, we start life thinking that we shall build a great cathedral, a crowning glory to architecture, and we end by contriving a mud hut!" "I am...
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A Perilous SecretA Perilous Secret 1884 The young man had his coat off, by which you might infer it was very hot; but no, it was a keen October day, and an east wind sweeping down the river. The coat was wrapped tightly round the little...
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Castles in the AirCastles in the Air In presenting this engaging rogue to my readers, I feel that I owe them, if not an apology, at least an explanation for this attempt at enlisting sympathy in favour of a man who has little to recommend him save...
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Pomona's TravelsPomona's Travels - A Series of Letters to the Mistress of Rudder Grange from her Former Handmaiden This series of letters, written by Pomona of "Rudder Grange" to her former mistress, Euphemia, may require a few words of introduction. Those who have not read...
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Fort Lafayette or, Love and Secession: A NovelFort Lafayette or, Love and Secession: A NovelThere is a pleasant villa on the southern bank of the James River, a few miles below the city of Richmond. The family mansion, an old fashioned building of white stone, surrounded by a spacious veranda, and...
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Miriam MonfortMiriam Monfort - A NovelThis book is dedicated to the memory of one most dear, who saw it grow to completion with pleasure and approbation, during the last happy summer of a life since darkened by misfortune. Peace be his! My father, Reginald Monfort,...
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A Reputed Changeling Or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries AgoA Reputed Changeling; Or, Three Seventh Years Two Centuries AgoI do not think I have here forced the hand of history except by giving Portchester to two imaginary Rectors, and by a little injustice to her whom Princess Anne termed the brick-bat woman. The...
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The Reason WhyThe Reason WhyPeople often wondered what nation the great financier, Francis Markrute, originally sprang from. He was now a naturalized Englishman and he looked English enough. He was slight and fair, and had an immaculately groomed appearance generallywhich even the best of valets cannot...
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Il Designato: RomanzoIl Designato: RomanzoIl libro che vede ora la luce nella sua edizione definitiva, dopo che l'autore vi ha arrecato notevoli e pazienti ritocchi, fu pubblicato la prima volta a Milano nel 1894, presso una Casa editrice, che oggi non esiste pi. Se il primo...
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L'OrcoL'OrcoNous tions, comme de coutume, runis sous la treille. La soire tait orageuse, l'air pesant et le ciel charg de nuages noirs que sillonnaient de frquents clairs. Nous gardions un silence mlancolique. On et dit que la tristesse de l'atmosphre avait gagn nos coeurs,...
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PaulinePaulineJ'avais commenc ce roman en 1832, Paris, dans une mansarde o je me plaisais beaucoup. Le manuscrit s'gara: je crus l'avoir jet au feu par mgarde, et comme, au bout de trois jours, je ne me souvenais dj plus de ce que j'avais voulu...
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In the Days of My Youth: A NovelIn the Days of My Youth: A NovelSweet, secluded, shady Saxonholme! I doubt if our whole England contains another hamlet so quaint, so picturesquely irregular, so thoroughly national in all its rustic characteristics. It lies in a warm hollow environed by hills. Woods, parks...
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The House of a Thousand CandlesThe House of a Thousand CandlesPickerings letter bringing news of my grandfathers death found me at Naples early in October. John Marshall Glenarm had died in June. He had left a will which gave me his property conditionally, Pickering wrote, and it was necessary...
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D'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the BritishD'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. - Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.From a letter of Captain Darius Hawkins, U. S. A., introducing Ramon Bell to the Comte de Chaumont: "MY DEAR COUNT:...
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The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza WhartonThe Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton - A Novel: Founded on FactHe who waits beside the folded gates of mystery, over which forever float the impurpled vapors of the PAST, should stand with girded loins, and white, unshodden feet. So he who...
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Fishin' JimmyFishin' JimmyIt was on the margin of Pond Brook, just back of Uncle Eben's, that I first saw Fishin' Jimmy. It was early June, and we were again at Franconia, that peaceful little village among the northern hills. The boys, as usual, were tempting...
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Frontier StoriesFrontier Stories Just where the red track of the Los Gatos road streams on and upward like the sinuous trail of a fiery rocket until it is extinguished in the blue shadows of the Coast Range, there is an embayed terrace near the summit,...
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The InfernoThe InfernoIn introducing M. Barbusse's most important book to a public already familiar with "Under Fire," it seems well to point out the relation of the author's philosophy to his own time, and the kinship of his art to that of certain other contemporary...
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Fenwick's CareerFenwick's CareerFenwick's career was in the first instance suggested by some incidents in the life of the painter George Romney. Romney, as is well known, married a Kendal girl in his early youth, and left her behind him in the North, while he went...
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