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Clarissa Harlowe or the history of a young lady — Volume 9Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 9 LETTER I. Belford to Lovelace. Her silent devotion. Strong symptoms of her approaching dissolution. Comforts her cousin and him. Wishes she had her parents' last blessing: but God, she says, would not...
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The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 2The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 2 The execution of Lady Lake's criminal and vindictive project would not have been long deferred, after the defeat she had sustained from Lord Roos, but for her husband's determined opposition. This may appear surprising in a man...
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The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 1The Star-Chamber: An Historical Romance, Volume 1 Adjoining the Vintry Wharf, and at the corner of a narrow lane communicating with Thames Street, there stood, in the early part of the Seventeenth Century, a tavern called the Three Cranes. This old and renowned place...
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The Italians: A NovelThe Italians: A NovelWe are at Lucca. It is the 13th of September, 1870the anniversary of the festival of the Volto Santoa notable day, both in city, suburb, and province. Lucca dearly loves its festivalsno city more; and of all the festivals of the...
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Paul Faber, SurgeonPaul Faber, SurgeonClear-windowed temple of the God of grace, From the loud wind to me a hiding-place! Thee gird broad lands with genial motions rife, But in thee dwells, high-throned, the Life of life Thy test no stagnant moat half-filled with mud, But living...
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Samantha at the St. Louis ExpositionSamantha at the St. Louis ExpositionBut he looked queer at me, queer as a dog, as if he wuz lookin' through me to some distant view that interested him dretfully, and answered evasive, and mebby he wouldn't answer at all. And then they would...
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Ylösnousemus IYlösnousemus IVaikka ihmiset, kernnyttyns sadoin tuhansin pienoiselle pinta-alalle, tekivtkin parastaan trvellkseen sit maata, jonka pll tunkeilivat; vaikka he laskivatkin tmn maan kivill, ettei siin mitn kasvaisi, vaikka nyhtivt juurineen yls jokaisen ruohon, joka pyrki esille, vaikka savuuttivat ilman kivihiilen ja naftan kryll, vaikka typistelivt...
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Kissanporras: RomaaniKissanporras: RomaaniMutta ihmiskunta, joka vastikn oli vapautunut, ei aavistanut mitn omasta kurjuudestaan.Jos maata, josta se sai leipns, oli lannotettu verellkinhyv vaan! Sittephn se vastedes kantoi runsaamman hedelmn. Jos luodit ja pistimet olivatkin harventaneet ihmisten rivej, mits siit?Olipahan jlelle jneill enemmn tilaa ojennella ksivarsiaan. Katkeamaton...
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The Mother's Recompense, Volume 1The Mother's Recompense, Volume 1 - A Sequel to Home InfluenceThe domestic story of "Home Influence," and its Sequel, the present volume, were written in the early part of the year 1836, and the entire work was completed when its author was little above...
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The Mother's Recompense, Volume 2The Mother's Recompense, Volume 2 - A Sequel to Home Influence"Who amongst this merry party will become sufficiently sober to assist me in a work of charity?" was Mrs. Hamilton's address, one afternoon, as she entered her daughter's room, where Emmeline, her young friends...
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The Top of the WorldThe Top of the WorldWhen you have reached the top of the world And only the stars remain, Where there is never the sound of storm And neither cold nor rain, Will it be by wealth, success, or fame That you mounted to your...
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The Case and the GirlThe Case and the Girl 1922 West, still attired in khaki uniform, but wearing the red chevron of honourable discharge on his left sleeve, sat in the Club writing room, his feet comfortably elevated, endeavouring to extract some entertainment from the evening paper. The...
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Iola Leroy Or, Shadows UpliftedIola Leroy; Or, Shadows UpliftedI confess when I first learned that Mrs. Harper was about to write "a story" on some features of the Anglo-African race, growing out of what was once popularly known as the "peculiar institution," I had my doubts about the...
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Pink and White TyrannyPink and White Tyranny - A Society NovelMY Dear Reader,This story is not to be a novel, as the world understands the word; and we tell you so beforehand, lest you be in ill-humor by not finding what you expected. For if you have...
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The Morgesons: A NovelThe Morgesons: A NovelI suppose it was environment that caused me to write these novels; but the mystery of it is, that when I left my native village I did not dream that imagination would lead me there again, for the simple annals of...
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Friday, the Thirteenth: A NovelFriday, the Thirteenth: A Novel All That Is Good In This Little Waif, Which Is Very Dear To Me, I Know A Just God Will Place To Her Credit. All That Is Mean And Low And Human Could Never Have Been Birthed Had She...
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The Secret CityThe Secret City There are certain things that I feel, as I look through this bundle of manuscript, that I must say. The first is that of course no writer ever has fulfilled his intention and no writer ever will; secondly, that there was,...
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Richard Vandermarck: A NovelRichard Vandermarck: A NovelI never knew exactly how the invitation came; I felt very much honored by it, though I think now, very likely the honor was felt to be upon the other side. I was exceedingly young, and exceedingly ignorant, not seventeen, and...
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A Roman SingerA Roman Singer I, Cornelio Grandi, who tell you these things, have a story of my own, of which some of you are not ignorant. You know, for one thing, that I was not always poor, nor always a professor of philosophy, nor a...
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Against the GrainAgainst the GrainThe Floressas Des Esseintes, to judge by the various portraits preserved in the Chteau de Lourps, had originally been a family of stalwart troopers and stern cavalry men. Closely arrayed, side by side, in the old frames which their broad shoulders filled,...
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