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Wife in Name OnlyWife in Name Only[Transcriber's Note: There were several words that appeared to be printers errors in this book. These have been changed; the changes are marked, and the original spellings are at the end of the text.] It was the close Of an autumn...
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The Wing-and-Wing Or, Le Feu-FolletThe Wing-and-Wing; Or, Le Feu-FolletIt is difficult to say of which there is most in the world, a blind belief in religious dogmas, or a presumptuous and ignorant cavilling on revelation. The impression has gone abroad, that France was an example of the last,...
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Seitsemän veljestäSeitsemän veljestä - KertomusJukolan talo, etelisess Hmeess, seisoo ern men pohjaisella rinteell, liki Toukolan kyl. Sen lheisin ymprist on kivinen tanner, mutta alempana alkaa pellot, joissa, ennenkuin talo oli hvin mennyt, aaltoili terinen vilja. Peltojen alla on niittu, apilayrinen, halkileikkaama monipolvisen ojan; ja runsaasti...
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The Mystery of Monastery FarmThe Mystery of Monastery Farm By H. R. NAYLOR 1908 On the eleventh day of April, 18, the officers of the Bank of England were greatly excited on receiving notice of a special meeting called for that night at ten o'clock, an unusual hour,...
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Les douze nouvelles nouvellesLes douze nouvelles nouvellesIls valsaient avec emportement, mais avec abandon, ce qui est la grce suprme de la valse. Il y avait un peu de l'pervier qui enlve une colombe. On lui en voulait presque, lui, de sa rapidit vertigineuse, mais on voyait bien...
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The Castle InnThe Castle InnAbout a hundred and thirty years ago, when the third George, whom our grandfathers knew in his blind dotage, was a young and sturdy bridegroom; when old Q., whom 1810 found peering from his balcony in Piccadilly, deaf, toothless, and a skeleton,...
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PakolaisetPakolaiset Ryppyj?No, nuo eivt ole viel mitn vanhuuden ryppyj, ajatteli hn taas, silitellen sormellaan nennjuuresta lhtevi juovia iknkuin ne poishangatakseen. Nyt niit tuskin huomaakaan. Mutta hn ei tyytynyt vain tuohon tuntoon, hnt halutti myskin nhd. Niin hn meni avoimesta vliovesta kamariin ja vnsi siell...
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The Brown StudyThe Brown Study The Brown Study By GRACE S. RICHMOND 1919 There was not much in the study. A few shelves of booksnot all learned books by any meansthree chairs, one of them a rocker cushioned in a cheerful red; a battered old desk;...
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Sous les marronniers: Contes et récitsSous les marronniers: Contes et récitsSi jamais magister ressembla au personnage qu'on a coutume de peindre quand on veut reprsenter le chef de quelque pauvre petite cole de campagne, ce fut sans contredit ce vieux M. Bidard, qui le premier eut la patience de...
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Ailsa Paige: A NovelAilsa Paige: A NovelAmong the fifty-eight regiments of Zouaves and the seven regiments of Lancers enlisted in the service of the United States between 1861 and 1865 it will be useless for the reader to look for any record of the 3d Zouaves or...
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Tommy and GrizelTommy and GrizelO.P. Pym, the colossal Pym, that vast and rolling figure, who never knew what he was to write about until he dipped grandly, an author in such demand that on the foggy evening which starts our story his publishers have had his...
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Elizabeth Visits AmericaElizabeth Visits AmericaHeaviland Manor Tonnerre Cannes Lusitania Plaza Hotel, New York Speistville Plaza Hotel, New York Latour Court, Long Island Plaza Hotel, New York Ringwood, Philadelphia Plaza Hotel, New York Niagara Chicago Going West San Francisco On the Private Car Osages City Camp of...
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Clarissa Harlowe or the history of a young lady — Volume 7Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7 LETTER I. Miss Howe to Clarissa. Beseeches her to take comfort, and not despair. Is dreadfully apprehensive of her own safety from Mr. Lovelace. An instruction to mothers. LETTER II. Clarissa To...
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Colonel Quaritch, V.C.: A Tale of Country LifeColonel Quaritch, V.C.: A Tale of Country Life There are things and there are faces which, when felt or seen for the first time, stamp themselves upon the mind like a sun image on a sensitized plate and there remain unalterably fixed. To take...
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Ronicky DooneRonicky DooneHe came into the town as a solid, swiftly moving dust cloud. The wind from behind had kept the dust moving forward at a pace just equal to the gallop of his horse. Not until he had brought his mount to a halt...
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Vaaralla: Kuvia laitakaupungiltaVaaralla: Kuvia laitakaupungiltaHeill oli oma talo ja se oli laitakaupungilla, niin kuin ne ovat pienten eljin talot. Asuinrakennus oli matala ja pieni. Tavallinen mies ylettyi kdelln rystseen, ikkunat olivat seini pitkin kasvavan heinisen penkereen tasalla, niin ett nytti silt kuin talo olisi maan sisn...
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The Three SistersThe Three SistersIt crouches there with a crook of the dale behind and before it, between half-shut doors of the west and south. Under the mystery and terror of its solitude it crouches, like a beaten thing, cowering from its topmost roof to the...
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The Blood Red DawnThe Blood Red DawnThe pastor's announcement had been swallowed up in a hum of truant inattention, and as the heralded speaker made his appearance upon the platform Claire Robson, leaning forward, said to her mother: For a moment the elder woman's sneer dulled the...
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The AlaskanThe Alaskan Captain Rifle, gray and old in the Alaskan Steamship service, had not lost the spirit of his youth along with his years. Romance was not dead in him, and the fire which is built up of clean adventure and the association of...
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VenetiaVenetiaIn happier hours, when I first mentioned to you the idea of this Work, it was my intention, while inscribing it with your name, to have entered into some details as to the principles which had guided me in its composition, and the feelings...
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