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The Conjure WomanThe Conjure WomanSome years ago my wife was in poor health, and our family doctor, in whose skill and honesty I had implicit confidence, advised a change of climate. I shared, from an unprofessional standpoint, his opinion that the raw winds, the chill rains,...
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The Gold Hunters: A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay WildsThe Gold Hunters: A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay WildsTo the sweet-voiced, dark-eyed little half-Cree maiden at Lac-Bain, who is the Minnetaki of this story; and to "Teddy" Brown, guide and trapper, and loyal comrade of the author in many...
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The World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — FictionThe World's Greatest Books — Volume 08 — Fiction In mentioning "Quentin Durward" for the first time Scott speaks of himself as having been ill, and "Peveril" as having suffered through it. "I propose a good rally, however," he says, "and hope it will...
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The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic TalesThe Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales It is strange to me, Jock Calder of West Inch, to feel that though now, in the very centre of the nineteenth century, I am but five-and-fifty years of age, and though it is only once in...
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Fate Knocks at the Door: A NovelFate Knocks at the Door: A NovelIn speaking of the first four notes of the opening movement, Beethoven said, some time after he had finished the Fifth Symphony: "So pocht das Shicksal an die Pforte" ("Thus Fate Knocks at the Door"); and between that...
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La Belle-Nivernaise: Histoire d'un vieux bateau et de son équipageLa Belle-Nivernaise: Histoire d'un vieux bateau et de son équipagePas d'quipages dans la rue, de falbalas, ni de flneurs sur les trottoirs,mais des marchands de quatre saisons criant le rebut des Halles, et une bousculade d'ouvriers sortant des fabriques, la blouse roule sous le...
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La rôtisserie de la Reine PédauqueLa rôtisserie de la Reine PédauqueJ'ai dessein de rapporter les rencontres singulires de ma vie. Il y en a de belles et d'tranges. En les remmorant, je doute moi-mme si je n'ai pas rv. J'ai connu un cabbaliste gascon dont je ne puis dire...
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La notte del CommendatoreLa notte del CommendatoreQuesto era il breve dialogo che ricorreva ogni sera, intorno alle dieci, e da anni parecchi, tra il signor Commendatore e la sua governante; quegli dalla sua camera da letto, dove stava terminando di leggere i giornali, questa da una saletta...
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John CaldigateJohn CaldigatePerhaps it was more the fault of Daniel Caldigate the father than of his son John Caldigate, that they two could not live together in comfort in the days of the young man's early youth. And yet it would have been much for...
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Love and Mr. LewishamLove and Mr. Lewisham The opening chapter does not concern itself with Loveindeed that antagonist does not certainly appear until the thirdand Mr. Lewisham is seen at his studies. It was ten years ago, and in those days he was assistant master in the...
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The Wrong TwinThe Wrong TwinAn establishment in Newbern Center, trading under the name of the Foto Art Shop, once displayed in its window a likeness of the twin sons of Dave Cowan. Side by side, on a lavishly fringed plush couch, they confronted the camera with...
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The Reflections of Ambrosine: A NovelThe Reflections of Ambrosine: A NovelIn thanking the readers who were kind enough to appreciate my "Visits of Elizabeth," I take this opportunity of saying that I did not write the two other books which appeared anonymously. The titles of those works were so...
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My Brilliant CareerMy Brilliant CareerA few months before I left Australia I got a letter from the bush signed "Miles Franklin", saying that the writer had written a novel, but knew nothing of editors and publishers, and asking me to read and advise. Something about the...
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Le Mauvais GénieLe Mauvais GénieJulien baissa la tte et ne rpondit pas. Il entra les dindons pour la nuit, puis il alla puiser de l'eau pour la ferme; il balaya la cour, tendit les fumiers, et ne rentra que lorsque tout l'ouvrage fut fini. On allait...
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The Second GenerationThe Second Generation 1906 In six minutes the noon whistle would blow. But the workmenthe seven hundred in the Ranger-Whitney flour mills, the two hundred and fifty in the Ranger-Whitney cooperage adjoiningwere, every man and boy of them, as hard at it as if...
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The World of IceThe World of IceDear Reader, most people prefer a short to a long preface. Permit me, therefore, to cut this one short, by simply expressing an earnest hope that my book may afford you much profit and amusement. The chase and the battleThe chances...
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The House of Cobwebs and Other StoriesThe House of Cobwebs and Other Stories 'Les gens tout fait heureux, forts et bien portants, sont-ils prpars comme il faut pour comprendre, pntrer, exprimer la vie, notre vie si tourmente et si courte?' In England during the sixties and seventies of last century...
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Withered Leaves from Memory's GarlandWithered Leaves from Memory's GarlandThese pages were not written for public inspection; but to beguile the weary hours of indisposition, and present a record of thoughts and sentiments to the eyes of my children, after my lips are sealed in death. By the recommendation...
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The Purchase Price Or, The Cause of CompromiseThe Purchase Price; Or, The Cause of CompromiseWith just the turn of a shoulder she indicated the water front, where, at the end of the dock on which they stood, lay the good ship, Mount Vernon, river packet, the black smoke already pouring from...
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Les Voyages extraordinaires Couronnés par l'Académie françaiseLe Docteur OxCe nouveau volume de Jules Verne est compos de nouvelles crites par lui des poques trs-diffrentes les unes des autres. Le docteur Ox est de date presque rcente, et a t inspir l'auteur des Voyages extraordinaires par une exprience trs-intressante faite Paris,...
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