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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 45, May 8, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 45, May 8, 1841No individual of the canine race has attained an equal amount of fame, or excited an equal degree of attention through Europe, not merely in the days of his acknowledged existence amongst our dogs...
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Society as I Have Found ItSociety as I Have Found It{30} {31} After my marriage I took up my residence in Newport, buying a farm on Narragansett Bay and turning farmer in good earnest. I planted out 10,000 trees on that farm and then went to Europe to let...
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Princo SerebrjanijPrinco SerebrjanijPrezentante i tiun laboron al juo de la legantoj, mi sentas internan bezonon kore danki nian karan Majstron, kiu, ricevinte en la somero 1910 kelkajn apitrojn de mia traduko, feliigis min per kelkaj aprobaj linioj, kiuj decidigis min publikigi la laboron. Mi kore...
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 3 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 3 (of 7)Engraved by R. Woodman.ERSKINE.From the original Picture by Hoppnerin his Majestys Collection at Windsor.Under the Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London, Published by Charles Knight, Ludgate Street, & Pall Mall East....
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Indian Fights and Fighters: The Soldier and the SiouxIndian Fights and Fighters: The Soldier and the SiouxIt will be noticed that this book differs from others of the American Fights and Fighters Series, and especially its immediate predecessor, Indian Fights and Fighters, in that I am not the author of all or...
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Nothing of ImportanceNothing of Importance - A record of eight months at the front with a Welsh battalion, October, 1915, to June, 1916Then, said my friend, what is this war like? I ask you if it is this, or that; and you shake your head. But...
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Humours of '37, Grave, Gay and Grim: Rebellion Times in the CanadasHumours of '37, Grave, Gay and Grim: Rebellion Times in the Canadas The title of this book is built upon the assumption that humour is a sense of incongruity, not that there was anything specially humorous in the affairs of 37 beyond that which...
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Fort Sumter: Anvil of WarFort Sumter: Anvil of War - Fort Sumter National Monument, South CarolinaEarly on the morning of April 12, 1861, a mortar shell fired from Fort Johnson in Charleston Harbor burst almost directly over Fort Sumter, inaugurating the tragic American Civil War. Two years later,...
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Aatteiden mies: Piirteitä August Fredrik Soldanin elämästäAatteiden mies: Piirteitä August Fredrik Soldanin elämästä3. Insinriupseerina Dnaburgissa. Sietmttmi oloja. Valtion varas. Kaipausta parempiin oloihin. "Tahtoisin oppia ajattelemaan." Lohduttava kirje islle. Alakuloisuutta ja sisllisi taisteluita. Onnuz ja Ahriman. Vnrikki August Tavaststjerna. Frans Liszt. Kynti Afzeliuksen luona Wendeniss. Siirtyminen Pietariin. 4. Apuopettajana Sota-akatemiassa. Keltussa....
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Yorkshire Vales and WoldsYorkshire Vales and WoldsThe Yorkshire Post says: All lovers of Yorkshire scenery, and especially coast scenery, will welcome Mr. Gordon Homes Yorkshire Coast and Moorland Scenes.... The illustrations, as we have said, are wonderful examples of colour printing, and many of the moorland scenes...
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More Italian YesterdaysMore Italian Yesterdays A Friend in RomeA story of two ways of lovingAgla and BonifaceBecome ChristiansA new lifeBoniface endures terrible torturesMartyrdomDeath of AglaChurch of St. BonifaceAlexis, the pilgrimHis travelsReturn to RomeA ragged beggarHis death and burial in St. Bonifaces ChurchSt. Alexis MonasteryTrials of the...
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Italian Yesterdays, vol. 2Italian Yesterdays, vol. 2 PAGE A Friend in RomeA Story of Two Ways of LovingAgla and BonifaceBecome ChristiansA New LifeBoniface Endures Terrible TorturesMartyrdomDeath of AglaChurch of St. BonifaceAlexis, the PilgrimHis TravelsReturn to RomeA Ragged BeggarHis Death and Burial in St. Bonifaces ChurchSt. Alexis MonasteryTrials...
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Italian Yesterdays, vol. 1Italian Yesterdays, vol. 1 It has not been easy to find a title for the collection of memories, personal and otherwise, which this book contains, but I hope that the reader will feel that in calling it Italian Yesterdays, I have honestly tried to...
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The Life of La Fayette, the Knight of Liberty in Two Worlds and Two CenturiesThe Life of La Fayette, the Knight of Liberty in Two Worlds and Two CenturiesTHE life of the General Marquis de La Fayette is intimately connected with the two most important epochs in the history of both France and America. His name binds together...
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Causes amusantes et connuesCauses amusantes et connuesNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. JE me suis hasard, une fois dans ma...
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$202.25 SGD- $8.52 SGD
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 44, May 1, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 44, May 1, 1841In some of the recent numbers of our Journal we presented our readers with views of two or three of the many striking objects of picturesque and historic interest for which, among our numerous...
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A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 3, Sep. 1809-Dec. 1810A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 3, Sep. 1809-Dec. 1810 - Ocaña, Cadiz, Bussaco, Torres VedrasThis, the third volume of the History of the Peninsular War, covers a longer period than either of its predecessors, extending over the sixteen months from Wellingtons arrival...
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The Battle of the MarneThe Battle of the MarneThe great war has entered into history. The restraints, direct and indirect, which it imposed being gone with it, we return to sounder tests of what should be public knowledgeuncomfortable truths may be told, secret places explored. At the same...
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A Brief History of Upshur CountyA Brief History of Upshur CountyAs one drives over our modern highways, through our towns and villages, and passes the beautiful country homes by the wayside, he can hardly realize the condition of the country one hundred years ago. No towns, no homes, no...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 43, April 24, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 43, April 24, 1841Among the many objects of historical or picturesque interest in the immediate vicinity of our metropolis, there are few, perhaps, better worthy of a visit than the subject of our prefixed illustrationthe old Castle...
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