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Life in the Far WestLife in the Far West The London newspapers of October 1848 contained the mournful tidings of the death, at St Louis on the Mississippi, and at the early age of twenty-eight, of Lieutenant George Frederick Ruxton, formerly of her Majesty's 89th regiment, the author...
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 2 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 2 (of 7)Engraved by T. A. Dean.LORD CHANCELLOR SOMERS.From a Picture by Sir G. Kneller,in the possession of the Royal Society.Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London, Published by Charles Knight, Pall...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 6 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 6 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private (final form sigma) in the middle of a word has been normalized to . Greek diacritics were normalized to be all...
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Captivity of the Oatman GirlsCaptivity of the Oatman Girls - Being an Interesting Narrative of Life Among the Apache and Mohave IndiansThe second edition of this book (six thousand copies) was nearly exhausted in the California and Oregon trade within a few months after its publication. Numerous friends...
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The Trial of Aaron BurrThe Trial of Aaron BurrAmong the records of the United States Courts at Richmond, Virginia, are the original papers in the case of the United States versus Aaron Burr, Indictment for Treason. The tawny fingers of time have dealt gently with these papers, and...
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Notes on the Floridian Peninsula Its Literary History, Indian Tribes and AntiquitiesNotes on the Floridian Peninsula; Its Literary History, Indian Tribes and AntiquitiesThe present little work is the partial result of odd hours spent in the study of the history, especially the ancient historyif by this term I may be allowed to mean all that...
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The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand sometime Ambassador to England. volume 5 (of 6)The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand sometime Ambassador to England. volume 5 (of 6) - Mémoires d'outre-tombe volume 5The Roman Embassy continuedLetter to Madame RcamierDispatch to M. le Comte PortalisConclavesDispatches to M. le Comte PortalisLetters to Madame RcamierDispatch to M. le Comte...
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Yorkshire Dales and FellsYorkshire Dales and FellsThis book is a companion volume to that entitled Yorkshire Coast and Moorland Scenes, which was published in 1904. It describes a tract of country that is more full of noble and imposing scenery than the north-eastern corner of the county,...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 38, March 20, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 38, March 20, 1841and we now return to it with pleasure to notice another of the beautiful architectural remains of antiquity seated on its banksthe celebrated Abbey of the Holy Cross. This noble monastic ruin is situated...
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The Inns of CourtThe Inns of CourtOn the left is the Old Hall, dating from the reign of Edward VI. (circa 1555), and the scene of the Chancery case of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce in Bleak House. Beyond the Hall are the red roofs of Old Square, and...
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Civilization of the Indian NativesCivilization of the Indian Natives - or, a Brief View of the Friendly Conduct of William Penn Towards Them in the Early Settlement of Pennsylvania Believing that some account of the measures pursued by the Society of Friends, towards the Indian natives, may prove...
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Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-HModern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-HBiography like other subjects seems to have its fashion; at one time it is much attended to, at another time neglected. The Historical Register from 1717 to 1739, The European Magazine from 1782 to 1826, and The...
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No Man's Land: A History of El Camino RealNo Man's Land: A History of El Camino RealThere are two ways to write the history of an area. First, the actual-fact-data way, which gives dates, important events and the names of the leaders. But this does not fully explain the reasons for their...
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 1 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 1 (of 7)Engraved by C. E. Wagstaff.DANTE ALIGHIERI.From a Print by Raffaelle Morghen, after a Picture by Tofanelli.Under the Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London. Published by Charles Knight, Pall Mall East. While...
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All about BatterseaAll about BatterseaLondon, after the lapse of centuries, has been compared to an old ship that has been repaired and rebuilt till not one of its original timbers can be found; so marvellous are the changes and transmutations which have come over the "town...
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The Retreat from MonsThe Retreat from Mons - By one who shared in it When, some few months ago, you honoured me by your acceptance of this dedication I had in mind to make a single volume which should trace the course of the War during the...
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Algeria and TunisAlgeria and TunisAlgiers is such a city of contrasts, of dark memories and present prosperity, of Christian slavery and Christian rule, brilliant sun and tropical rain, of wide modern streets and networks of narrow alleys, with the slow dignity of movement of the old...
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Through PortugalThrough PortugalPortugal had been familiar to me from my earliest youth, for my road to and from Spain had often lain that way, and circumstances had made me conversant with the language and history of the country; and yet this book is not the...
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Führer durch das böhmische Erzgebirge, das Mittelgebirge und die angrenzenden GebieteFührer durch das böhmische Erzgebirge, das Mittelgebirge und die angrenzenden GebieteDieses Buch enthlt nebst einer vollstndigen Orts- und medicinischen Geschichte von Karlsbad, einer mineralogisch-geologischen und physikalisch-chemischen Beschreibung seiner Mineralquellen, vorzugsweise eine mglichst vollstndige Darstellung ihrer Heilkrfte, Heilanzeige und Gegenanzeige, wie auch ihrer verschiedenen innerlichen...
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Jacobine von Baiern Gräfin von Hennegau, Holland, Friesland und ZeelandJacobine von Baiern Gräfin von Hennegau, Holland, Friesland und Zeeland - Eine vaterländische Geschichte aus dem fünfzehenden JahrhundertDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1791 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Dies gilt insbesondere fr eine Vielzahl altertmlicher Ausdrcke in unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen, welche...
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