Old Is Gold
BizarreBizarreAs good form requires that an author mention in his preface the persons to whom he is chiefly indebted, I take this opportunity of stating that during the preparation of this book I became appreciably indebted to Dr. Warren S. Holder, my dentist, Mr....
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Anna Fleming: Historiallinen romaaniAnna Fleming: Historiallinen romaaniI. Kevinen veneretki. II. Ht Vksyss. III. Kaksi viestintuojaa. IV. Helsingiss vuonna 1593. V. Tytt on minun. VI. Kruunausjuhla Upsalassa. VII. Meren hengess. VIII. Talvitunteita Kuitiassa. IX. Talvisia retki. X. Keskeytetty ulkomaanmatka. XI. Aateliston kokous Turussa vuonna 1596. XII. Klaus Fleming...
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Œuvres complètes de Chamfort (Tome 2)Œuvres complètes de Chamfort (Tome 2) - Recueillies et publiées, avec une notice historique sur la vie et les écrits de l'auteur.Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t...
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The Joys of Being a Woman, and Other PapersThe Joys of Being a Woman, and Other PapersWE are each launched in life with an elfin shipmateset jogging upon earth beside a fairy comrade. When our ears are clear, he pipes magic music; when our feet are free he pleads with us to...
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 3La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 3Assieds-toi, vieux, assieds-toi, reprit le capitaine;fumes-en une avec nous... fumes-en deux, trois... vingt-cinq, si tu veux!... Nous sommes ici des vrais... Le sjour n'est pas mal, comme tu vois... et l'on peut s'y procurer tout ce qui fait l'agrment...
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Private Letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794) Volume 2 (of 2)Private Letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794) Volume 2 (of 2)Though your kind impatience might make the time appear tedious, there has been no other delay in my business, than the necessary forms of Election. My new constituents of Lymington obligingly chose me in my...
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Poems: Containing The Restropect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, &cPoems: Containing The Restropect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, &c.A quaint Author of the year 1633, in his pithy Proeme to a book, entituled THE PHILOSOPHERS BANQVET, Newly Furnished and decked forth with much variety of many severall dishes, aptly sayeth We feel the justice of...
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The Duke's Sweetheart: A RomanceThe Duke's Sweetheart: A RomanceCharles Augustus Cheyne, Duke of Long Acre, had no land. Neither in the United Kingdom nor in any other state of earth did he own a perch of ground. He did not own mines or railways, or Consols, or foreign...
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Les réprouvés et les élus (t.2)Les réprouvés et les élus (t.2)En quittant Marc pour se rendre chez la baronne de Luxeuil, le duc avait promis de faire connatre au garon de bureau, avant le soir, le rsultat de sa dmarche; mais le jour scoula sans quil repart. Lattente et...
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A History of American Literature Since 1870A History of American Literature Since 1870American literature in the larger sense of the term began with Irving, and, if we count The Sketch Book as the beginning, the centennial year of its birth is yet four years hence. It has been a custom,...
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Le Fils de Coralie: Comédie en quatre actes en proseLe Fils de Coralie: Comédie en quatre actes en proseJe vous adore!... (Jetant les ds.) Quine!... Je bats votre coin... Je vous adore, parce que vous tes un homme romanesque. (Jetant les ds.) 2 et as. Ma nice sera bien heureuse avec vous. Oh!...
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Thémidore ou, mon histoire et celle de ma maîtresseThémidore; ou, mon histoire et celle de ma maîtresseLORSQUON entre chez un Curieux, non-seulement on est charm dobserver ses collections, mais on est encore flatt de savoir dans quel esprit elles ont t recueillies: lhistoire du cabinet intresse en faveur des morceaux quil renferme....
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Private Letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794) Volume 1 (of 2)Private Letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794) Volume 1 (of 2)This collection of Gibbon's correspondence, extending as it does from 1753 to 1794, practically covers the whole of the historian's life, and contains his observations on society, literature, and politics during a period which includes...
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L'ingénieux chevalier Don Quichotte de la MancheL'ingénieux chevalier Don Quichotte de la MancheEn te prsentant ce livre enfant de mon esprit, ai-je besoin de te jurer, ami lecteur, que je voudrais qu'il ft le plus beau, le plus ingnieux, le plus parfait de tous les livres? Mais, hlas! je n'ai...
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Box and Cox: A Romance of Real Life in One ActBox and Cox: A Romance of Real Life in One Act.Scene IA Room, decently furnished. At C., a bed, with curtains closed, at L.C., a door, at L.3dE., a door, at L.S.E., a chest of drawers, at back, R., a window, at R.3dE., a...
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Talks to FarmersTalks to FarmersSecretary of the National Intercollegiate Association. A timely work for every citizen. The book is wholly practical and untechnical and is directly suited to the needs of every citizen. 12mo, cloth, 204 pages. Price, $1.00. "Mr. Mills has done an important service...
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A Tenderfoot Bride: Tales from an Old RanchA Tenderfoot Bride: Tales from an Old RanchWhen our train left Colorado Springs and headed out into those vast stretches of the prairie, which spread East like a great green ocean from the foot of Pikes Peak, all the sensations of Christopher Columbus setting...
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The Maine WoodsThe Maine Woods - The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Volume 03 (of 20)The Maine Woods was the second volume collected from his writings after Thoreaus death. Of the material which composed it, the first two divisions were already in print. Ktaadn and the...
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Literary Celebrities of the English Lake-DistrictLiterary Celebrities of the English Lake-DistrictTHIS is neither a handbook nor a guide to the haunts of our Lake Celebrities. Yet it may, perhaps, serve in some sort the purposes of both. It is not the result of any fresh or original research. I...
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Kuun tarinoitaKuun tarinoitaYhten iltana sattui kteeni Tanskan sulosuisen tarinoitsijan, Andersen'in, kirja "Billedbog uden billeder". M ihastuin jo ensisivuihin, ja mit edemm psin, sit enemmn se minua miellytti. Jo oli myh, kun kirjan sain loppuhun. Mutta en viel maata pannut; kauan istuin viel ikkunan edess, muistossa...
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