Old Is Gold
April Fools: A farce in one act for three male charactersApril Fools: A farce in one act for three male charactersRoorbach's full Descriptive Catalogue of Dramas, Comedies, Comediettas, Farces, Tableaux-vivants, Guide-books, Novel Entertainments for Church, School and Parlor Exhibitions, etc., containing complete and explicit information, will be sent to any address on receipt of...
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The Letters of Jane AustenThe Letters of Jane Austen - Selected from the compilation of her great nephew, Edward, Lord BradbourneTo us, publications come hot and hot from the press. Telegraphic wires like the intricate and incalculable zigzags of the lightning ramify above our heads; and who can...
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Après le divorceAprès le divorceNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Au jour finissant de cinq heures dont l'ombre obscurcit...
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Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 4 (of 10)Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 4 (of 10)XXV. The "Flitting" to Abbotsford. Plantations. George Thomson. Rokeby and Triermain in Progress. Excursion to Flodden. Bishop-Auckland, and Rokeby Park. Correspondence with Crabbe. Life of Patrick Carey, etc. Publication of Rokeby, and of...
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Századunk magyar irodalma képekben: Széchenyi föllépésétől a kiegyezésigSzázadunk magyar irodalma képekben: Széchenyi föllépésétől a kiegyezésigEredeti czlom az volt vele, hogy tlelkestsem az irodalomtrtnet szraz anyagt s knnyed, vonz formkban dolgozzam fel a benne rejl tartalmat. Nem a tuds vilg, hanem a nagy kznsg, fkp a serdlifjusg meg a nk szmra. Ugy...
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Ireland under the Tudors, with a Succinct Account of the Earlier History. Vol. 1 (of 3)Ireland under the Tudors, with a Succinct Account of the Earlier History. Vol. 1 (of 3)Irish policy, said Mr. Disraeli in the House of Commons, is Irish history, and I have no faith in any statesman, who attempts to remedy the evils of Ireland,...
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Studies of Contemporary PoetsStudies of Contemporary PoetsMr Masefield and "John Presland"; Mr John Lane for the work of Mr Abercrombie and Mrs Woods; Messrs Sidgwick and Jackson for the work of Miss Macaulay and Rupert Brooke; Mr A. C. Fifield and Mr Elkin Mathews for the work...
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Le Crépuscule des DieuxLe Crépuscule des DieuxNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Le 25 juin 1866, jour anniversaire de sa...
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Paths of JudgementPaths of JudgementPART I CHAPTER: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. PART II CHAPTER: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV Far below, the ascent began...
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Cyrano de Bergerac: An Heroic Comedy in Five ActsCyrano de Bergerac: An Heroic Comedy in Five ActsThe author of this translation trusts that he is not presuming too much if, despite his aversion for anything akin to offensive thought and mention of self, he claims the privilege of prefacing the result here...
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The Confounding of CameliaThe Confounding of CameliaWHEN Camelia came down into the country after her second London season, descended lightly upon the home of her forefathers, her coming unannounced, and as much a matter of caprice as had been her long absence, a slowly growing opinion, an...
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The Yellow Book, An Illustrated Quarterly, Vol. 2, July 1894The Yellow Book, An Illustrated Quarterly, Vol. 2, July 1894The Editor of The Yellow Book can in no case hold himself responsible for rejected manuscripts; when, however, they are accompanied by stamped addressed envelopes, every effort will be made to secure their prompt return....
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The Yellow Book, An Illustrated Quarterly. Vol. 1, April 1894The Yellow Book, An Illustrated Quarterly. Vol. 1, April 1894I had simply, I suppose, a change of heart, and it must have begun when I received my manuscript back from Mr. Pinhorn. Mr. Pinhorn was my chief, as he was called in the office:...
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Le Peuple de la merLe Peuple de la merNeuf heures sonnaient au timbre fl de lglise quand Urbain Cot sortit de chez Goustan. Sur le seuil, que la lampe teinta de lumire rouge, le vieux Mathieu lassura de nouveau en lui serrant la main: Urbain partit, emport doucement,...
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Court Beauties of Old Whitehall: Historiettes of the RestorationCourt Beauties of Old Whitehall: Historiettes of the RestorationIF we may believe so eminent an authority as M. Emile Bourgeois, whose "Le Grand Sicle," is a fascinating proof of his statement, "the age we live in delights in inquiry into the private lives of...
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General Bounce Or, The Lady and the LocustsGeneral Bounce; Or, The Lady and the LocustsWhere the rose blushes in the garden, there will the bee and the butterfly be found, humming and fluttering around. So is it in the world; the fair girl, whose sweetness is enhanced by the fictitious advantages...
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The Champagne StandardThe Champagne StandardI was sitting alone with a lead-pencil, having a tte--tte with a sheet of paper. A brisk fire burned on the hearth, and through the beating of the rain against the little, curved Georgian windows I could hear the monotonous roll of...
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Hermann LauscherHermann Lauscher Auf den Wunsch einiger Freunde, namentlich aber auf die Aufforderung Wilhelm Schfers hin, soll der verstorbene Hermann Lauscher wieder ausgegraben und noch einmal unter die Leute geschickt werden. Da bin ich denn eine Erklrung und Rechenschaft schuldig, zumindest eine bibliographische. Hinterlassene Schriften...
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Byron: The Last PhaseByron: The Last PhaseThis book has no pretensions; it is merely a record of events and impressions which nearly forty years of close study have accumulated. There seems to be a general agreement that the closing scenes of Byrons short life have not been...
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Theodore Watts-Dunton: Poet, Novelist, CriticTheodore Watts-Dunton: Poet, Novelist, CriticAlthough in the inner circle of English letters this study of a living writer will need no apology, it may be well to explain for the general reader the reasons which moved me to undertake it. Some time ago a...
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