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Harper's Young People, January 25, 1881Harper's Young People, January 25, 1881 - An Illustrated MonthlyToby's experience of the evening was very similar to that of the afternoon, save that he was so fortunate as not to take any more bad money in payment for his goods. Mr. Jacobs scolded...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 27, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 27, 1895First Heroine (on the stage). And so, my dear, my marriage was an utter failure. The monotony of the life was terrible. My husband anticipated my every wish. The tameness was too awful for words,...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 13, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 13, 1895"The people (the Libyans) deeming themselves not Egyptians, and being discontented with the institutions, sent to the Oracle of Ammon, saying that they had no relation to the Egyptians. The god, however, said, 'that all...
- $8.59 SGD
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 20, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, April 20, 1895 [There is talk of a company for taking our laundry-work over to Holland, washing it there, and returning it to the owners at a less cost than it can be done for at home.]...
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L'Illustration, No. 2497, 3 Janvier 1891L'Illustration, No. 2497, 3 Janvier 1891L'ILLUSTRATION Prix du Numro: 75 centimes. SAMEDI 3 JANVIER 1891 49e Anne.--N 2497 OCTAVE FEUILLET. D'aprs la photographie de Nadar. 'ANNE 1801 aura commenc lorsque paratront ces lignes. Oh! elle ne sera pas bien ge. Ne peine. Et dj...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 27, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 27, 1895 Reading one day in our "Organ," I was happy and quite at ease. A band was playing the "Lost Chord," Outsidein three several keys. But I cared not how they were playing, Those puffing...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 20, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 20, 1895 Your laugh would chase away the blues, Your smile is always sunny, One must be gaywho could refuse? Your "mission" is just to amuse; Discarding all blue-stocking views, You fancy what is funny. You...
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The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 8The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 8La kelnero foriras kaj iomete ridante mi rakontas al la onklino kiamaniere en Francujo mi forgesis la frazon "en elo" kaj la la Angla frazo mendis "ovojn bolitajn" ricevante, post iom longa atendo, tre bongustan kaan pudingon (batter pudding)....
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The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 9The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 9Finlandaj potmarkoj, 20 malsamaj, afrankite, por 1m. 50 pennia (2/-, a 2 fr. 25 c.), 25 malsimilaj por 2m. (2/3, a 2 fr. 75 c.). Pagon volu sendi per potmandato. Rusaj potmarkoj akceptaj la efektiva valoro. La Unua Internacia...
- $8.59 SGD
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The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 7The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 7La malnova firmo Buchanan, Scott & Co., fondita en la jaro 1870, prezentas siajn komplimentojn al la Esperantistaro kaj anoncas ke, post nelonge, interesa kaj enspeziga propono aperos en tiu i spaco. iu Esperantisto, u membro de la konata...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 13, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 109, July 13, 1895Monday.Quite new Opera, Faust. Some people say they've heard it before. Others add, "Yes, and more than once this season." Unwritten law in Codex Druriolanum is "You can't have too much of a good thing."...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Young People, January 4, 1881Harper's Young People, January 4, 1881 - An Illustrated MonthlyEvery country boy in New England knows that the village school-house is generally located upon the top of the bleakest hill in the neighborhood, and is the sport of every eddying gust of wind that...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 148, February 3, 1915Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 148, February 3, 1915"Celerity," said the German Chancellor to our representative at Berlin on the eve of the War, "is essential lo us." It has, however, taken him over five months to discover what he meant by his...
- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Young People, January 11, 1881Harper's Young People, January 11, 1881 - An Illustrated MonthlyJohn Milton was a blue-eyed, yellow-haired Saxon boy, the type of the English race. He was somewhat short, stout, and healthy; his eyes were bright and sparkling in his youth, before he became blind. But...
- $8.59 SGD
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L'Illustration, No. 2510, 4 Avril 1891L'Illustration, No. 2510, 4 Avril 1891E parlais l'autre jour d'une danseuse au nom bizarre qui donne aux femmes du monde et aux futures toiles du Moulin-Rouge des leons de danse excentrique. Depuis que la Goulue a fait cole et enseign Mlle Rjane l'art de...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 68, No 420, October 1850Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 68, No 420, October 1850The idea of this work is happily conceived, and carried into effect, in the two volumes before us, with no little judgment and ability. The subject is one interesting, useful, and important; and the author was...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Young People, January 18, 1881Harper's Young People, January 18, 1881 - An Illustrated Monthly"Deer Ant Roxy,Ive hed consider'ble many calls for mittins along back this Winter: mostly they're wove goods, thet dont last no time. Its come into my head that mabbe you'd jest as lives make a...
- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Young People, December 28, 1880Harper's Young People, December 28, 1880 - An Illustrated MonthlyOn the first page of this New-Year's number of Harper's Young People is a picture of the first New-Year's call of the season, which is one made at the door of every house in the...
- $8.59 SGD
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Harper's Young People, December 14, 1880Harper's Young People, December 14, 1880 - An Illustrated MonthlyPerhaps you might not think Uncle Dick a "gentleman"Aunt Emma did not, I know, though she kept her mind to herself, being his brother's widow, and the prudent mother of many children. Uncle Dick lived...
- $8.59 SGD
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The Knickerbocker, Vol. 22, No. 6, December 1843The Knickerbocker, Vol. 22, No. 6, December 1843A surgeon of Leeds, (Eng.,) says Buffon, found a little spaniel who had been lamed. He carried the poor animal home, bandaged up his leg, and, after two or three days, turned him out. The dog returned...
- $8.59 SGD
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