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Bahíyyih KhánumBahíyyih KhánumYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying the Content in whole or in part subject to the following: Although...
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Bahá'u'lláh and the New EraBahá'u'lláh and the New EraIn December 1914, through a conversation with friends who had met Abdul-Bah, and the loan of a few pamphlets, I first became acquainted with the Bah teachings. I was at once struck by their comprehensiveness, power and beauty. They impressed...
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Bahá'í PrayersBahá'í Prayers - A Selection of Prayers Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu'l-BaháYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying...
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Bahá'í World FaithBahá'í World FaithYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying the Content in whole or in part subject to the following:...
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Foundations of World UnityFoundations of World UnityYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying the Content in whole or in part subject to the...
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The Secret of Divine CivilizationThe Secret of Divine CivilizationYou have permission to freely make and use copies of the text and any other information ("Content") available on this Site including printing, emailing, posting, distributing, copying, downloading, uploading, transmitting, displaying the Content in whole or in part subject to...
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Japan Will Turn Ablaze!Japan Will Turn Ablaze!As early as 1903 and for years thereafter, Abdul-Bah urged Bahs to travel to Japan to spread the Message of Bahullh. On occasion He said He Himself would like to go to Japan, and also to some other countries. In 1908...
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De l'influence des passions sur le bonheur des individus et des nationsDe l'influence des passions sur le bonheur des individus et des nationsQuelle poque ai-je choisie pour faire un trait sur le bonheur des individus et des nations! Est-ce au milieu d'une crise dvorante qui atteint toutes les destines, lorsque la foudre se prcipite dans...
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$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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FaidoniFaidoni - Platonin keskustelma Sokrateen viimeisistä hetkistä jaJaloin kreikkalainen henki ja ajattelija, ylev Platoni, ilmestyy tten ensi kerralta suomalaisessa puvussa. Hn esiintyy yhdell kansantajuisimmalla teoksellaan. Kaikista Platonin mainioista keskustelmista eli dialogeista on nimittin Faidoni itse p-aineensa, sielun kuolemattomuuden, puolesta tajuisimpia, jonka ohessa kuvaus viisaan...
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$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Making the Most of LifeMaking the Most of LifeAlexander was accustomed to say; "Philip of Macedon gave me life, but it was Aristotle who taught me how to make the most of life." To have the gift of life is a solemn thing. Life is God's most sacred...
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Men Called Him MasterMen Called Him MasterAll rights reservedno part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review in magazine or newspaper. What kind...
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Santa Teresa: An AppreciationSanta Teresa: An Appreciation - With Some of the Best Passages of the Saint's WritingsWith a view to the work of my classes this session, I took old Abraham Woodheads two black-letter quartos with me to the Engadine last July. And I spent every...
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Studies in Forensic PsychiatryStudies in Forensic PsychiatryWhen, in 1810, Franz Joseph Gall said: The measure of culpability and the measure of punishment can not be determined by a study of the illegal act, but only by a study of the individual committing it, he expressed an idea...
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A New System or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume IA New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.Through the whole process of my inquiries, it has been my endeavour, from some plain and determinate principles, to open the way to many interesting truths. And as I have shewn the certainty of...
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$336.23 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Empire of LoveThe Empire of Love proving daily in her compassionate toil for others the divine efficacy of simple love to redeem the lives, that were most estranged from virtue, and most lost to hope. In the history of the last two thousand years there is...
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Cerberus, The Dog of HadesCerberus, The Dog of Hades - The History of an Idea Transcriber's Note: This text contains several words in Greek. If the Greek symbols do not display properly your browser may not have a compatible font. All Greek words will display a transliteration on...
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$203.78 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Covenants And The CovenantersThe Covenants And The Covenanters - Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted ReformationThe Covenants, Sermons, and Papers in this volume carry the readers back to some of the brightest periods of Scottish history. They mark important events in that great struggle by which...
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The King Nobody WantedThe King Nobody WantedIn a very real and interesting way, The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words of the Bible are used, they are from the King James Version. But the greater part of the story is told...
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$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future LifeThe Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future LifeTHIS work has passed through nine editions, and has been out of print now for nearly a year. During the twenty years which have elapsed since it was written, the...
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Modern Religious Cults and MovementsModern Religious Cults and MovementsThe last thirty years, though as dates go this is only an approximation, have witnessed a marked development of religious cults and movements largely outside the lines of historic Catholicism and Protestantism. One of these cults is strongly organized and...
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