Public Domain
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Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber CrewsSurvival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber CrewsTypographical errors (such as "COMAT" appearing for "COMBAT" in the title) and punctuation inconsistencies have been retained. The goal has been to provide a historically accurate representation of the original 1944 publication. "d. Dissemination of...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Laura Everingham or, The Highlanders of Glen OraLaura Everingham; or, The Highlanders of Glen Ora "Ruin's wheel has driven o'er us, Not a hope dare now attend; The world wide is all before us, But a world without a friend!" Strathallan's Lament. I. The Foster Brothers II. The Feudal Lords of...
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$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Buckskin BooksOn the Border with Andrew JacksonJack Davis shook the rein of his black horse; and so the three rode toward the stream, which was perhaps a quarter of a mile away. It was late autumn and the year was 1812. The Muscogee country, as...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Young Continentals at TrentonThe Young Continentals at TrentonThe Young Continentals series deals with the experiences of four boys in the American Revolution. One of them, Nat Brewster, is from the hills about Wyoming, Ben Cooper is from Philadelphia, while the Prentiss twin brothers come from Boston. In...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Feuilles mortesFeuilles mortesAujourdhui jai quarante ans lge o une femme ne reste jeune qu condition de le vouloir passionnment. Moi je ne veux rien. Je me laisse aller au fil des jours, mefforant de ne pas trop penser et de vivre tranquillement ma vie prsente....
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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MajesteitMajesteitOver Lipara, anders eene stad als marmer wit; lange witte villa-reien aan zuidblauwe zee; eindelooze elegante wandelkaden daarvoor, met palmen, die groen verlakt aftrilden op een atmosfeer van levend blauwen ether;dreef, zwaar, van onwer zwoel en van tragedie, eene sombere lucht vol grauw, als...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Lord Lister No. 0398: Duister New-YorkLord Lister No. 0398: Duister New-YorkSedert eenige dagen hielden de Amerikaansche, naar vooral de New-Yorksche bladen zich bijna uitsluitend bezig met het zonderlinge geval van den heer Albert Clapham, den rijken, eenigszins excentrieken effectenhandelaar, die in een der deftigste wijken van de wereldstad een...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Man With the Golden EyesThe Man With the Golden EyesHe lay in the gutter. In his mouth was the taste of whiskey and defeat. There was mud and filth on his face, on his two-week shirt, on his rag-tag suit; and as the street and the buildings rippled...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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KuparilipasKuparilipasVaikka almanakan mukaan olikin jo kevt ja sekin jo hyvll alulla, ei lumikausi viel ollut vhkn ohi tss villiss rajaseudussa. Oli huhtikuun yhdeksstoista piv. Voin mrt sen nin tarkasti sen vuoksi, ett syntympivni on saman kuukauden kahdeksantenatoista, ja min satuin viettmn sen, tytin silloin...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 9, Vol. I, March 1, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 9, Vol. I, March 1, 1884The birds of spring come as imperceptibly as the leaves. One by one the buds open on hawthorn and willow, till all at once the hedges appear green,...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Ditching Procedure, B-29s with Four-Gun TurretDitching Procedure, B-29s with Four-Gun Turret1. In accordance with 2AF Ltr. 50-36, 2 June 1945, the inclosed procedures are effective immediately and will be inserted in all copies of the above-listed manuals now in use or to be issued for use. 1. The first...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Secret of the MartiansSecret of the MartiansMalloy's eyes brooded. "The thing started as a result of privileges and stupidity, the way most things of this sort do. As you know, Mars is the only planet in the Federation without representation because the Martians refused to represent themselves....
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Idisa: eine thüringisch-fränkische Sage für unsere JugendIdisa: eine thüringisch-fränkische Sage für unsere JugendNahe am Zusammenflu der beiden Quellbche der Werra bei Schwarzenbrunn teilt sich die von Eisfeld kommende Strae in einen nrdlichen und einen stlichen Arm. Vor vielen hundert Jahren standen dort ein paar armselige Holzhtten, deren Bewohner in der...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Historical Record of the Thirty-first, or, the Huntingdonshire Regiment of Foot;Historical Record of the Thirty-first, or, the Huntingdonshire Regiment of Foot; - containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1702, and of its subsequent services to 1850The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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L'Ile et le voyage: petite odyssée d'un poète lointainL'Ile et le voyage: petite odyssée d'un poète lointainRoger ALLARD, Pierre BENOIT, J.-M. BERNARD, Charles DU BOS, Jacques BOULENGER, Marcel BOULENGER, Francis CARCO, Georges LE CARDONNEL, Philippe CHABANEIX, Gilbert CHARLES, Henri CLOUARD, Tristan DERME, Charles DERENNES, Roland DORGELS, Paul DROUOT, Lucien DUBECH, Francis ON,...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The Balkan Series II, 2The Heritage Night was falling in the leafless beech forest which covered a spur of the Balkans. There was a thin sprinkling of snow on the rocky ground, but it was frozen hard, and showed no trace of the leather moccasins of the two...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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L'Aiglon: Drame en six actes, en versL'Aiglon: Drame en six actes, en versNota. Il ne faudra pas que le Lecteur stonne de trouver ici quelques vers que le Spectateur na pas entendus. Au Thtre, il faut finir une certaine heure. Alors on coupe un peu, et lauteur fait semblant de...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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Great leaders: Historic portraits from the great historiansGreat leaders: Historic portraits from the great historiansEvery one perusing the pages of the historians must have been impressed with the graphic and singularly penetrative character of many of the sketches of the distinguished persons whose doings form the staple of history. These pen-portraits...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to CaliforniaThe City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California Unaccustomed, of late years at least, to deal with tales of twice-told travel, I can not but feel, especially when, as in the present case, so much detail has been expended upon...
- $8.59 SGD
$77.18 SGD- $8.59 SGD
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