Public Domain
The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to CaliforniaThe City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California Unaccustomed, of late years at least, to deal with tales of twice-told travel, I can not but feel, especially when, as in the present case, so much detail has been expended upon...
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Russian Silhouettes: More Stories of Russian LifeRussian Silhouettes: More Stories of Russian LifeThe whole family ran to the window, for they had been expecting their Volodia for hours. At the front porch stood a wide posting sleigh with its troika of white horses wreathed in dense clouds of steam. The...
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Magyar regék, mondák és népmesékMagyar regék, mondák és népmesékE lelkes kltemnykk Magyarische Sagen und Mhrchen czm alatt jelennek meg ezidn. Lelkes, szve s nagy kimveltetse ltal tiszteletes irjok pen oly jl adhat vala anyanyelvn is, s nmelyike Reginek gy jelene meg kt Zsebknyveinkben: de msok nyelvn kezdvn meg...
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In and About Drury Lane, and Other Papers Vol. 1 (of 2)In and About Drury Lane, and Other Papers Vol. 1 (of 2) - Reprinted from the pages of the 'Temple Bar' MagazineIn the present instance this justification, it is thought, may be found in the special knowledge which Dr. Doran had of all matters...
- $8.63 SGD
$27.64 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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La Querelle de l'OrthographeLa Querelle de l'OrthographeLa rforme de lorthographe peut nous tre impose demain par ordre. Le Ministre est un puissant dieu. Mais la querelle de lorthographe, en revanche, peut durer indfiniment. Elle a mis jusquici en prsence, dune part lAcadmie Franaise, les gens de lettres...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and VeterinariansA Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and VeterinariansHorseshoeing is an industry which requires, in equal degree, knowledge and skill. The word horseshoeing embraces various acts, especially preparing the iron sole, the horseshoe; forming it and fitting it to the hoof, whose ground-surface has been...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Poems of Felicia HemansThe Poems of Felicia HemansMrs Hemans loses her mother (11th January.)Writes Hymns for Childhood, which are first published in America.Corresponds with Joanna Baillie, Anne Grant, Mary Mitford, Caroline Bowles, Mary Howitt, and M. J. Jewsbury.Writes Krner to his Sister, Homes of England, An Hour...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Lord Lister No. 0007: De speelvorst van MonacoLord Lister No. 0007: De speelvorst van MonacoHet is toch een wonderlijk plekje gronds, dat Monte-Carlo en terecht een paradijs, sprak Charly Brand tot zijn vriend en gebieder lord Lister, of, zooals hij werd genoemd, John Raffles. Het gezicht op de diepblauwe zee met...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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LukkoneulaLukkoneulaI. Kolmastoista asiakas. II. Kuinka oli vuoteen laita? III. Hiekkakuoppa. IV. Lukkoneula. V. Maisemakortti. VI. Sopiva hetki. VII. Rako seinss. VIII. Neiti Prettyn keinot. IX. Toverillisella tuulella. X. Naisten vuoro. XI. Kultakello. XII. Vangitut. XIII. Vielkin ratkaisematta. XIV. Kumpi kultakaivos? XV. Verhoton ikkuna. XVI....
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Nick Carter Stories No. 141, May 22, 1915: The duplicate nightNick Carter Stories No. 141, May 22, 1915: The duplicate nightIssued Weekly. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post Office, by Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith. O. G. Smith and G. C. Smith,...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Le Bourdeau des neuf pucellesLe Bourdeau des neuf pucellesEmpruntant en partie Claude Le Petit le titre de ce livre, le moins que je puisse faire cest de le lui ddier, et de rajeunir la mmoire de sa msaventure. Il mrita dtre appel Thophile le jeune non seulement parce...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Subject to VanitySubject to Vanity , , . WHY were cats created? I do not mean this as a sceptical question, doubtful of any end in their creation; no answer about adaptation and environment would be adequate, nor any statement of specific use. For with all...
- $8.63 SGD
$27.64 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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The Strange LikenessThe Strange LikenessStage dramas are accustomed to begin with Act One, Scene One; but the little drama of living presented in this story starts with the second act. The fact that the first act was for so long unknown to some of the dramatis...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Een huwelijk in IndiëEen huwelijk in IndiëSi je puis vivre quelques annes encore, cest probable que je finirai par o jai commenc et quau lieu de linstinct, ce sera lintelligence alors, qui aura compris le grand mot de la nature Dit is geen boek vol kennis en...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Kultúra füzértánccal: ElbeszélésKultúra füzértánccal: Elbeszélés Majd bolond leszek a vn termszetrl irni verseket, a rzskrl, a csillagokrl, meg az reg, elavult, sdi szerelemrl! Majd bolond leszek emberi indulatokrl s emberi gyngesgekrl fecsegni a regnyeimben, alakokat rajzolgatni, piszmogni, ahelyett, hogy szabadjra bocsssam a kpzeldsemet s a tollamat!...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Au Pays des Peaux-Rouges: Six ans aux Montagnes Rocheuses Monographies indiennesAu Pays des Peaux-Rouges: Six ans aux Montagnes Rocheuses; Monographies indiennesSix ans aux Montagnes Rocheuses Monographies indiennes SOCIT SAINT-AUGUSTIN, Descle, de Brouwer & C LILLE, PARIS, LYON, MARSEILLE, BRUGES {6} TOUS DROITS DE REPRODUCTION ET DE TRADUCTION RSERVS. Copyright by Descle, De Brouwer &...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Bottoms Up: An Application of the Slapstick to SatireBottoms Up: An Application of the Slapstick to SatireUnable to contain himself longer, although he realized the vast futility of it all, Massington seized her in his arms and buried her lovely eyes and hair in the storm of a thousand kisses. Massington moved...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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New eagle series, no. 943Let Us Kiss and Part; or, A Shattered TieAuthor of Pretty Madcap Lucy, The Fatal Kiss, Loyal Unto Death, The Strength of Love, Lady Gays Pride, and many other romances of American life published exclusively in the Eagle and New Eagle Series. We have...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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Two Years Among New Guinea CannibalsTwo Years Among New Guinea Cannibals - A Naturalist’s Sojourn Among the Aborigines of Unexplored New GuineaThis record of two years scientific work in the only country of the globe that has still escaped exploration purposely avoids the dry detail of a Natural History...
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$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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A Dobay-ház: RegényA Dobay-ház: RegényDobay Alajos klt volt fiatal korban. Els boldogtalan szerelmnek gytrelmeibl llitotta ssze Elvira keserveit. Azta szinmz lett minden szerelme. Flhagyott ht a kltszettel st tvenhrom ves korban meg is hzasodott, egy vkonyka szp gyermeket, a tizenht ves Somorjay Idt vlasztvn leteprjul. Ez...
- $8.63 SGD
$17.27 SGD- $8.63 SGD
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