Public Domain
Novelas ejemplaresNovelas ejemplaresEn dos errores casi de ordinario caen los que dedican sus obras algun prncipe. El primero es que en la carta que llaman dedicatoria, que ha de ser breve y sucinta, muy de propsito y espacio, ya llevados de la verdad de la...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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WeedsWeedsBill Pippinger was counted to be as good a neighbor, as bountiful a provider and as kind a husband and father as was to be found in the whole of Scott County, Kentucky, according to local standards of goodness, kindness and bountifulness. He had...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Thomas Berthelet, Royal Printer and Bookbinder to Henry VIII., King of EnglandThomas Berthelet, Royal Printer and Bookbinder to Henry VIII., King of EnglandThe Publication Committee of the Caxton Club certify that this is one of an edition of two hundred and fifty-two copies printed on hand-made paper, of which two hundred and twenty-eight are for...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A Bad Town for SpacemenA Bad Town for SpacemenI stepped back out of the gutter and watched the tight clot of men disappear around the corner. They hadn't really been menacing, just had made it obvious they weren't going to break up. And that I had better get...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Aide MemoireAide Memoire"Precisely the problem," Magnan said. "But the Youth Movement is the important news in today's political situation here on Fust. And sponsorship of Youth groups is a shrewd stroke on the part of the Terrestrial Embassy. At my suggestion, well nigh every member...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Sigismund ForsterSigismund Forster Im Gasthof zum Stern in Bonn sa eine Gesellschaft frhlicher Studenten beisammen. Sie tranken lebhaft und sprachen noch lebhafter ber rosenrothe Mdchen und graue Professoren, und zwar nach Studentenart, nmlich so, da am Ende sonnenklar erwiesen wurde, wie kein Mdchen hbsch genug...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Dawn of Modern MedicineThe Dawn of Modern Medicine - An Account of the Revival of the Science and Art of Medicine Which Took Place in Western Europe During the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century and the First Part of the NineteenthThis work is in the main...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Diversions of a NaturalistDiversions of a NaturalistAT this time of stress and anxiety we all, however steadfast in giving our service to the great task in which our country is engaged, must, from time to time, seek intervals of release from the torrent of thoughts which is...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Maid Marian, and Other StoriesMaid Marian, and Other StoriesA novel presenting a strong study of contrasting characters, by an author intimately acquainted with her scene and backgroundthe Virginia of the years immediately following the war. Paper, 50 cents; specially bound in cloth, $1.00. "The incidents are of great...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Mr. Pickwick's ChristmasMr. Pickwick's Christmas - Being an Account of the Pickwickians' Christmas at the Manor Farm, of the Adventures There; the Tale of the Goblin Who Stole a Sexton, and of the Famous Sports on the IceTo begin with nothing and end with something as...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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A janicsárok végnapjai A fehér rózsaA janicsárok végnapjai; A fehér rózsaMinden a mi a bskomolysgot neveli, a legsttebb vallsos rgeszmk, a fekete babona rmkpei, a vilgkerl embergyllet tka ltszanak nehz rkl kdknt e tjon fekdni, melyen Isten balkeze mkdtt, megszaggatva az ris sziklkat, termketlensggel verve meg a fldet, s...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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AnaskiAnaskiHnen varsinaiset elinkeinonsa olivat onkiminen, kortista ennustaminen ja viulun soitto. Tm viimeksi mainittu enemmn huvin kuin hydyn vuoksi. Omissa puheissaan hn antoi ymmrt edullisimmaksi elinkeinokseen huolettomien tavaran tallentamisen, ja joskus huomasivat muutkin olevan siin puheessa per, vaikka ei niin suuressa mrss kuin hn itse...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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La Puto kaj la Pendolo: Rakonto el la Hispana InkvizicioLa Puto kaj la Pendolo: Rakonto el la Hispana InkvizicioJam de longe la amerikaj verkistoj estas konataj pro ilia lerta verkado de mallongaj rakontoj. Malmultaj el ili, tamen, sukcesis en tiu fako de la literaturo tiel bone kiel Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). Pro la...
- $8.66 SGD
$27.73 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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El amor, el dandysmo y la intrigaEl amor, el dandysmo y la intrigaNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico....
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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The Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. I, No. 2, October 1892The Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. I, No. 2, October 1892This paper contains a summary of the work done during the last school year by my class in Modern Geometry. Since many of the results were suggested or entirely wrought out by class-room discussion, it...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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All That Earthly RemainsAll That Earthly RemainsBreathing a little heavily in the Andean air, and still dazed at the urgency with which he had been whisked southward (via jet bomber), Dr. Luis Craig walked across packed earth toward a powerful-looking helicopter which, he had just been told,...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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GrampGrampGramp didn't say anything until we walked all the way to the main road and past Mr. Watchorn's corn field. I walked behind him, counting the little round holes his wooden leg made in the gravel. Finally Gramp said, "Abracadabra." That was our secret...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Common-Sense Papers on CookeryCommon-Sense Papers on CookeryThe present work has no pretensions to be a complete book on Cooking, but is simply a series of papers (which originally appeared in Cassells Magazine) in which the endeavour has been, to impart a certain amount of useful knowledge of...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Volume III, 1863-1867Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Volume III, 1863-1867The Academy, desirous of increasing its numbers, and thus adding to its means of scientific research and diffusion of knowledge, has this year altered its title to that of California Academy of Sciences, and invites...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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WeedsWeedsThe room was a low-ceiled garret, with a large window that overlooked a patio. The centre of the room was occupied by two clay statues with an inner framework of wire,two figures of more than natural size, huge and fantastic, both merely sketched, as...
- $8.66 SGD
$17.34 SGD- $8.66 SGD
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